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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - $9 - Xbox One/PS4 @ JB Hi-Fi


Ran across this when browsing at JB-HiFi for some games to play over the new year holidays, i know this game has had a tough time due to its dev but it seems like a no brainer for $9! Available for both Xbone and PS4 (keep in mind that it will be free through PSN next month)

also on JB's website:

Xbox One - https://www.jbhifi.com.au/games-consoles/platforms/xbox-one/…
PS4 - https://www.jbhifi.com.au/games-consoles/platforms/playstati…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    damn no pc

    • +3

      its only US$9 on steam

      • -1

        Is that $20 in AUD? ;p

        • $11.51 aud.

        • +1

          @F4ncy2: Note the smiley.

        • @edfoo: Becomes a even better deal when you combo it with the season pass, for $13.48 USD. ;)

    • FWIW I had it crash every 10 minutes on PC, but I'm only on a GTX560Ti (probably under min specs)… good game though, I played it no-kill sneaky which was very fun :)

      • +1

        You played through the entirety of the game with it crashing every 10 minutes? That's either a very short game or you're a masochist.

        • +1

          I did! Not just game crashes either; about half were full PC freezes needing a reboot. Sometimes I got maybe 30 minutes, but no more: it was torture… Every thing I did got quicksaved, alternating with regular saves in case it crashed while saving. At one point it would crash every time I entered a particular area, too about 30 (slow!) reboot/reloads at the exact same place… yeah, I'm a big Deux Ex fan :)

        • +1

          @nuchalis: Pirated copy? ;p

        • @edfoo: No, just regular Steam (so I also had to wait for all the saves to cloud-sync on my glacial upload-connection before I could play again)… I heard it happened to lots of other folk too but I bought it anyway, no ragrets :)

  • Thanks op!

  • +1

    Should have read all of the intro. Carry on. :)

  • +5

    Lol I just sold my playstation 4 version for $10 on gumtree, pretty chuffed as its free next month and the guyu would be spewing seeing this

      • +17

        Wrong. Some of us spew over 15cents for a shopping bag

      • +2

        May be the guy dont have ps plus

  • +3

    This is a good time waster for $10. I enjoyed Human Evolution a lot more though.

    • +2

      Absolutely. Human Revolution was amazing. In comparison mankind divided, for all the gameplay improvements was a major let down.

      • Yeah Mankind Divided seemed like a bit of a grind in comparison.

    • I absolutely loved human revolution, spent countless hours on it.
      Mankind divided however, I spent maybe 1 hour before putting it aside and haven’t touched it since :/

  • Excellent price! The new Deus Ex iterations were surprisingly good. The originally is probably one of my favourite games ever.

    • -1

      The latest one is surprisingly boring.

      • Agreed

      • +1

        Hah yeah, I should have said I preferred Human Revolution a lot too. Still, this a good deal at $8.

        • It's 9 dollars not 8. Complete rip off.

  • +4

    Worth bearing in mind - if you have Playstation+ this is one of the free games for January.

    Edit: Just seen the comment in the original article!

  • Pretty sure this was a free game with Xbox Live Gold too

    • Nope it was the one before this

  • +5

    It’ll be free for PS Plus subscribers in a few days.

  • Yeah, a few days ago I walked around with a sealed copy trying to find somewhere to flog it, but they wouldn't pay more than $5 so I just held onto it.

  • I was in JB before and Sine Mora Ex was 9 on Xbone and Pisspoor as well, might be doing a clearance or something.

  • +4

    I’m divided whether I should get it or not

  • +2

    Sine Mora EX is also $9. It's a highly underrated side scrolling shoot em up. Tough but has a unique atmosphere and art style.

    • +1

    • +1

  • Worth noting the Season Pass is on sale on the Xbox store for $11.24/$6.74 with gold (75/85% off). Haven't played it, but seems like a couple of bits of additional content in addition to some extra equipment.

  • Thanks OP - picked one up just now.

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