Accidental Damage on New Laptop

Hello Everyone,
I researched lot and bought the top config with i7,SSD, 8gb RAM and it was a 2 in 1 convertible . :(
Couple of days back, accidentally my wife spilled coffee on the laptop which was worth 1500$ and just 6 months old.
After 2 hour or so, laptop turned off and kinda dead. So I contacted support center and they took the laptop ,checked and said it is indeed the spill which caused the issue.They are saying totally 16 parts got damaged including screen,ssd,motherboard and so on . And they say spill is not under warranty and I think they are right. For repair they quoted around 2000 $ saying spare parts are costlier than laptop.
They even sent me pictures of motherboard showing coffee stains. :(

Thinking what should I do now. Is there any chance of getting it repaired under warranty or can I bargain with them

Please share your experiences and suggestions. :)


  • +10

    Claim it on your contents insurance.

    If you don't have a suitable contents insurance policy you'll have to buy another one yourself.

    A warranty will never cover accidental damage.

    • Agreed, contents insurance is likely your only chance here.

      Repairing laptops is very expensive, as it's replacement parts and time involved. Can't run it off a factory line like brand new, hence why it's cheaper to buy a new one.

      • +1

        Only issue claiming (if you indeed can) is that there will be an excess to pay. Amd your premiums will go up as you have claimed.

        Maybe sell it for parts on ebay and move on.

  • +7

    no chance,
    just ask your wife to get a new one for you

    "After 2 hour or so, laptop turned off and kinda dead."

    next time, shutdown immediately, remove battery, disassemble laptop, put everything on fan blowing for a week,
    assemble it back, then only turn it back on.

    • +1

      use contact cleaner

      • +1

        yeah, or some kind of alcohol cleaner, since the laptop is dead there is nothing to loose in trying

        or, look on ebay and see if there are cheap part available

        if the above fails, I am sure your wife can "make it up" to you in some ways ;)

    • +1

      Next time turn it off and turn it upside down right away.

  • +8

    The problem wasnt that coffee was spilled, the problem was your cavalier attitude afterwards.

  • +6

    Get a new wife before replacing laptop.

  • +1

    If you'd turned it off immediately you might have saved it! Maybe the ram and SSD can be reused?

  • +2

    My credit card has 6 months accidental damage insurance.

  • +2

    It’s time for your wife to give up coffee :)

  • They are probably quoting replacement of the motherboard. A good laptop repair shop may be able to repalce the damaged components on the motherboard for less - or they may not. Considering the extensive damage that is likely after continuing to use it after water damage, I would not throw good money after bad money…. live and learn!!!

  • Thanks guys. I am thinking of buying new one. They said 16 parts got damaged probably due to short circuit. It includes SSD and RAM as well.
    I am not a hardware Engineer so not sure whether that can happen.
    Anyway lesson learnt. :(

    • If you leave the laptop turned on and the battery plugged in yes any liquid can cause extensive damage.

      • yes mate. if I was present when this incident happened, I would have definitely done that.

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