Unfortunately hit a fruit bat at 110 km/h and it shattered the plastic shell on the front of the side mirror. The rest of the mirror assembly is totally fine.
Now Subaru will sell me a replacement but says it will be $136?!
But it's literally just a very lightweight piece of unpainted plastic like this… https://ssli.ebayimg.com/images/g/tx4AAOSw6X5aDPK0/s-l1600.j…
It just clips in. I think the part number is 91054SC041NN for a 2011 Forester.
Wreckers will give me the entire mirror assembly for $125 but won't 'part-out' the mirror and it seems a waste to buy the entire thing.
I didn't even notice it was gone until the next day, the old one is shattered in the ditch somewhere along the Bruce Highway so repairing it isn't an option.
Will probably just leave the mirror naked until I figure something out.
Literally just copied the title and replaced 09-10 with 11