Advice on Dealing with Internet Company (Exetel) Changing Contract Conditions after Signed

Hey all,

So ive been with exetel for 7 years approx all up, first on ADSL, and NBN. When we changed to NBN, I signed an 18 month contract and was told I could change up or down a plan (I.e 500gb usage to unlimited) without any penalty for changing between plans (financial etc).
Anyways since signing this and only have 4 out of the 18 months left, we are running low of data. I called to jump up a plan.
Exetel informed me a few months ago they altered customers contracts (even existing) to force you either to pay to change or lock you in for another 18 months.
I want to leave exetel if this is the case. I believe this would be a breach on their end as they have changed the conditions to our contract, without providing an update or advising of it (they said its my problem, I should read the new contracts on their signup page weekly, to spot differences).

I am wondering is a company allowed to change a contract like this?

Already dealt with exetel overseas people and there weren't much help and then referred to TIO, but they are closed until next year.

Any advise would be great

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  • +3

    They need to send you an email or letter advising of change.

    TIO will resolve it for you

    • Cheers mate. I was thinking that, this would have been the case

  • I would continue with the TIO even if they don't reopen until the new year. I was with Exetel for a few years, then they went and increased the price for all their Regional ADSL Customers, so I gave them the flick and went with iPrimus, who also did the same once their revenue from ADSL started to reduce due to NBN. iPrimus to their credit allowed customers to end their contract due to change of service. Did you receive any notification that Exetel were no longer allowing customers to move up/down plans for free? If not, have all your evidence ready to put in complaint through TIO. Did you mention to Exetel that you if not resolved you would be contacting TIO?

    • I got no notification at all, I spoken to a few people I know on exetel NBN and they got nothing either. I will continue with TIO. I told exetel I would go to TIO and would further seek compensation for the 50% of the time that ADSL never worked and the $1,000 cable they forced us to lay that improved nothing with ADSL. The woman didn't seem to care. She said "That's your issue"

  • Did they really say you can change with out any cost change?
    That would mean anyone can just order, say, a cheap 100gig service then the second month change it to the highest speed unlimited data and it still be the cheap $xx per month. that's unlikely.

    More likely is the no financial cost means there is no penalty in changing plans, go from a $50 plan to a $100 plan and no extra cost for breaking the contract, just you pay the $100 from now. That's how others like Telstra work.
    I would read what the contract really says.

    • haha, No like you pay the price for the level of service (as every provider does), but no penalty for changing. My contract says no penalty, but they claim it was updated 3 months ago (about a year into my contract) and I was sent nothing

      • So no penalty for changing means you would still pay for the higher plan monthly cost, just no penalties for changing.
        It used to be that companies charged a penalty for changing plans mid contract. That is what that are saying.

        • Yup. No penalty for changing between speeds or gigage, but would still pay to plan amount that is correct to the level of service I am moving to

          500g 25/5 for $59 - Changed to
          Ultilimed 25/5 for $69

          I would pay the $69 per month if I moved up plan, but nothing paid to change it.

        • @Pharmacy:
          Yes, so what's the problem.
          Have I misread the question. Are you now saying they will also charge a penalty for breaking the contract.?

        • +2

          @PVA: They wont let me change in between plans without paying extra fees to go up and down levels or locking myself in for another 18 months, whereas when I signed this wasn't the case. It was only applied to newer contracts and not at the time I signed

        • @Pharmacy:
          Ah, I see. That's what I think they all do now, reconstruct.

          I guess go via the TIO route with the printed contract that says that's the case and wait, or just hold out for a few months and go with Aussie broadband or similar.

  • Don't forget that Exetel require 30 days notice to leave as well.

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