Hey all,
So ive been with exetel for 7 years approx all up, first on ADSL, and NBN. When we changed to NBN, I signed an 18 month contract and was told I could change up or down a plan (I.e 500gb usage to unlimited) without any penalty for changing between plans (financial etc).
Anyways since signing this and only have 4 out of the 18 months left, we are running low of data. I called to jump up a plan.
Exetel informed me a few months ago they altered customers contracts (even existing) to force you either to pay to change or lock you in for another 18 months.
I want to leave exetel if this is the case. I believe this would be a breach on their end as they have changed the conditions to our contract, without providing an update or advising of it (they said its my problem, I should read the new contracts on their signup page weekly, to spot differences).
I am wondering is a company allowed to change a contract like this?
Already dealt with exetel overseas people and there weren't much help and then referred to TIO, but they are closed until next year.
Any advise would be great
They need to send you an email or letter advising of change.
TIO will resolve it for you