I spend around $4000 this Boxing Day and I only work casually.
Update: it is actually $5000. I forgot to include travel sale to Uluru.
I spend around $4000 this Boxing Day and I only work casually.
Update: it is actually $5000. I forgot to include travel sale to Uluru.
well you made yourself bankrupt then
Well i would say… We saved you bit of money then by sharing the best available deals for macbook and iphonex.
Otherwise you would have spent 6k..
Only got yourself to blame then. Those products are over hyped,over priced and unnecessary. A decent Android and an ultrabook from one of the many deals on here would have done the job just as well.
I am surprised there was no 'great' (let's say 300+ OzB upvotes) phone deal on this Boxing day though. Quite disappointing.
You got trapped with 'ecosystem lock-in'
Trap card activated!
And planned obsolescence.
Here's the latest - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/12/28/apple-accus…
@D6C1: While I don't agree with what Apple does without informing the user (they should be offered a choice in the matter), no one even cared when Nexus 6 was determined to throttle when hitting 40% battery or the countless number of shit phones built that suffer thermal throttling due to plain old bad design.
@D6C1: that doesn't really excuse anyone? Worse yet, it's made by Motorola who come out and say they don't throttle stuff, what a joke. Also, Nexus is (was) Google's own phone and offered the most native Android experience. At the end of the day, each is doing shitty things.
more dollars than sense
now get back to work
as long as you are not spending money you didnt have.
Unless it was a REALLY good deal, I would have got one, then another one a few months later. good deals come and go. 10% off apple computers happens on a regular basis.
but any in any case, Sounded like you had a good xmas.
Who the F**K promoted that cr*p on this site?? If you actually read the comments on this site, you would of been much more wiser and not fall for the apple trap
Naaa mate,
Apple CEO-Tim Cook made you Bankrupt, not us :P
1st Noob Mistake
lol i bought an iphone x too, but still cant afford a macbook,.. and im on 6 figures,… dam
True Ozbargainers use Xiaomi phones and Lenovo laptops.
Mate. This is a bargain site not a cheap skate site. Think ur in the wrong place. If I wanted to save 13 centra I’d string together 2 can tins.
What rocks your boat I say. Some people think that being on OzBargain means that you need to be logical.
Who cares if people want to buy Apple… I have both Apple and Xiaomi, but also Bose and Bauhn.
Whatever works at the time and whatever rocks your boat.
OzBargain is about bargains not forcing others to follow a line of thought.
With that said I hope you got the Macbook with JB vouchers while they were 10% off, to stack with the 15% gift cards then time it with a trip OS for a further GST refund.
You have much to learn young oz-padawan
what did you buy and why?
You Guys Make Me Bankrupt
but happy/////
money cant BUY happiness
to be happy you must SPEND Money
"to be happy you must SPEND Money"
true, richard branson is an example that money does buy happiness
i thought the better example would be that playboy magazine founder?
I don't know how happy he is 6ft under next to maryiln Monroe
Happiness for me (and probably many other here) comes from getting a great deal, a bargain, ie. A 'win' of sorts because we got something for $10 that others paid $50 for, so it feels like a win cos we saved $40 (even though we maybe didnt need or want it much anyway lol )
That's Centrelink for ya!!
OP - what did you buy? High end TV :)?
Your lack of self-control is making you Bankrupt, no one else.
The boxing day sales aren't even good.. all I bought was a pair of shorts for $10 marked down from $80. Everything else was the same 20-40% off sale prices they run all year round..
what did you buy?
That is irrelevant. The question is, did you need it?
and the next question is, were the prices become cheaper the next day?
LOL imagine that hahaha.. a noose would probably be chucked in free.
happened to me literally a day after.
I hope it is not on your CC costly you heaps of interest :/
Nope I don’t own a CC or else I’d really go bankrupt.
What's bad about spending $5k on your cc? If there is no cc surcharge, hell yeah I pay with Amex or another cc with points. I've had closing balances from $100 up to $9k and have never ever in the past 10 years of owning credit cards, incurred 1c of interest or annual fee.
I struggle to understand this negative perception on cc's. If you are able to pay off a cc, then why incur interest? Plus it's much better to use cc not just for points but you save interest on the amount owing. E.g. buy a $2000 TV now in cash or debit card, your balance goes down $2000 straight away but pay with cc, your balance won't go down $2000 until the due date (auto payment) of cc. This means you save $2000 worth of interest in your savings account or offset (home loan) between the purchase date and the cc payment due date.
Most people don't have that discipline
exactly! I was referring to the peeps who don't/can't pay the full balance owing on their CC when due…
Best thing to do with a CC is buy EVERYTHING with it (take advantage of the rewards!) then jump on your internet banking app/website, pay it off instantly. If you use your CC like a debit card, there are some nice advantages.
Rubbish, as per above it's better to leave it until the due date to gather interest / offset. Just set up auto payments so you don't forget to pay the balance and don't spend over your means.
You are missing the key point.
The majority of people are idiots with zero self control.
You should live within your means.
"…working casually" doesn't necessarily mean shit pay.
It could be a casual night job! :p
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That pays well
My biggest purchases so far for this December was
$170 for $200 worth of Kogan Vouchers
$25 for $30 worth of JB Hifi vouchers
$160 for signing up with Telecube
Think I held off pretty good.
The trick to not overspend is to keep a list of things you want and rank each item by order of importance. When you see multiple things on sale you can decide whether you should buy them or not based on how important they are to your daily life.
e.g if New Phone is more important than a Nintendo Switch, probably best not to buy the Switch first till you get the phone.
I like the idea of having a ranked list of things, but hey the longer I've been on this site, the more products/interests I've learnt about and things I've discovered things I did not know I wanted before lol. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
+1 for Telecube. Been with them for some months and no complaints.
When you see something with 100+ votes you suddenly realise that you need it when you didn't before.
You bought two of the most pointless devices ever made.
Any reason why you needed them when the same tasks could be achieved for a quarter of the price?
Get her!
I agree that iphone X is way overpriced but still don’t understand the hate towards iphones here in general.
I had a brand new S8+ that I sold after 5 months because even the simplest tasks such as opening an email had a lag. Battery life went to shit after 4 months. Now I use a second hand iphone 7 plus and works so much better than that pos Samsung.
Yes Android phones can do everything that Iphones can but the user experience is what let’s it down.
As for Macbooks, I don’t see much point in their extra pricing when a PC can give you the same experience for less cost. But for phones definitely IOS > Android.
I had a brand new S8+ that I sold after 5 months because even the simplest tasks such as opening an email had a lag.
I honestly wish someone can show me what lag they're talking about. I have been using Samsung phones since S2 and I have never had a problem with them. I do care about performance otherwise I wouldn't have a flaghsip phone and a $3000+ computer at home.
Maybe they're just thinking of default Android animation scales?
If you experience 'lag' opening / closing programs and menus for your well-hunted OzBargain Android device, try this:
Enable Developer Options under settings -> you'll need to look up how to do this for your phone but usually it'll be under Information / About Phone -> and then tapping build number a few times.
Navigate to the Developer Options menu, and look for the submenu 'Drawing', where you'll find a few animation scale settings. Set them all to 0.5x or even turn it off (but that looks a little dodgy).
Now your phone will feel snappier! It wasn't necessarily the phone being slow, but rather the programmed animation being perceived as lag, but YMMV.
@definitive: I do that too,
But changing settings in hidden menus is well beyond the scope of the average user.
The people complaining of lag, probably have too many apps/tasks running in background. Or possibly think 2 seconds to open and begin running a very complex 3d game, is indicative of "lag" lol.
Im highly proficient with phones and tech, its quite funny some of the things that others 'think' is going on with their devices. Im happy to assist them and point them in the right direction, but most of the time novice users are completely wrong ie. They are not even guessing close to what the issue really is with their device
Such a sweeping generalisation on all your comments. Somehow because I believe that IOS is superior to Android when it comes to user experience then I’m automatically a novice or average user.
I already know the animation settings, background apps etc and it’s all been set to attempt to make the phone faster. I’ve owned Galaxy 2, 3, 4 and 8+. I’ve tried Sony and Motorola flagships, they’re all the same.
In my opinion, USER EXPERIENCE of IOS is superior to Android and will always be unless Google decides to lock down their software and build phones themselves like Apple do.
Of course the problem of iPhones is that they eventually get boring to look at and use hence I get tempted by a shiny new Android device with new features. Then the cycle restarts again.
You're blind then. Look at ANY Samsung video on YT (even officially marketing) and you can see lag.
It doesn't matter if the animation is quick, slow, snappy etc, it's still lags ie: NOT SMOOTH.
@ozzpete: Apple apps show a splash screen during their 2 seconds loading, that looks just like the app.
To the user, the app loads instantly, but doesn't detect their input.
@Superannuation: I like that so much I'm gonna start saying it like I know it's true without doing any research at all!
Its strange that you respond in terms of "I" as if I am posting to you personally somehow, yet you mention that my post is speaking in general terms. A bit paranoid are we. Lol.
Furthermore, the term 'novice' is certainly not an insult or derogatory term, I personally am i novice at many things.
Also, I did mention the many people that I personally take time out to assist with technology, and they are mostly friends and family that I assist, therefore your paranoid and defensive comment really is entirely out of order (though I appreciate things may be going on in your mind apart from 'reality') .
Your comment "Somehow because I believe that IOS is superior to Android when it comes to user experience then I’m automatically a novice or average user." Seriously WTF are you on about ?? I made no mention regarding IOS or Android :/ .
"I already know the animation settings, background apps etc and it’s all been set" AGAIN WTF are you telling me this for or directing such comments to me ? Do you want me to concede that you are more than a novice/average user, and give you a certificate because you "know settings" ? LMAO :)
Anyways, Bye . Your being rediculous (and not in a good way) please seek mental health advice :)
@jonathonsunshine: I did your research for you
@Superannuation: Yeah, I'm firmly in the android camp cause I like to tinker but that's really clever!
Deleted. Don't wanna be involved.
Who even cares what they bought? Not anyone elses problem. Everyone just bags on the opposite side of the fence to make them feel good about themselves.
As a software engineer, I can tell you having a MacBook is far from useless and is probably the best option for any type of software development. I used Windows until 2013 (hated OS X/Apple) but Windows has just become more of a piece of shit every year. I am stunned that the good folks in Redmond still can't make Windows update function in a decent way. Instead, it's the same POS it's always been, rebooting several times to install 30 patches on a fresh install. Meanwhile, I can update from macOS 10.9 to 10.13.1 in one damn reboot. Linux and FreeBSD are even better than macOS for this, you can update effortlessly and do so from a shell, but Windows, what a shit show. Even my Hackintosh desktop has had fewer problems than my Win 10 installation. Only really use Win 10 for Steam nowadays (using it now because I can't be bothered rebooting). I'd probably sit on Linux or FreeBSD if there was enough commercial software offerings, but it seems that commercial software providers tend to only target Windows and macOS.
insane….a mac book and a iphone can make people bankrupt.
Now I know where our country's national deficit comes from …….
Especially since Apple dodges paying its share of tax
We'll see what happens regarding allegations/class actions on their alleged deliberate slowing down their previous gen phones via software update.
It will be very interesting what will happen as a result
Likely nothing - that was done as a cheap shortcut to fix a battery fault rather than replace them. It wasn't a cunning plan to deliberately make older phones obsolete.
Apple made the right call on a technical side. There was significant evidence to say that had they not implemented this update, phones would be bricking and shutting down everywhere.
I think you will find that they have added a bonus "feature" to their devices. It's apple's SOP. Make something worse and call it new and improved :/
@fenric: "It was in your best interest that we made your phone difficult and slow to use so you could appreciate a bigger difference in performance upgrading to your new iphone"
I would gladly buy an Australia made phone/brand with same specs and at reasonable price even if they will call it Orange xphone.
Its just crazy sometimes with brand loyalty as there are heaps of products option that will do the same functions for much less.
Orange xphone.
It should be called Wombat. :D
Hmmm sounds like a good plan. Maybe we will add in Koala, Kangaroo, Killer Kroc and Spider X series too lolz
Don't blame Apple, blame the (profanity) that enable this shit. News Corp paid $0 in tax last financial year. How can we blame a public company for trying to increase profits when a country allows them to dodge taxes. We should be stopping this shit instead of getting mad at companies that follow a law that's been bent in their favour. I think it's shitty, don't get me wrong, but let's not bullshit ourselves. Everyone avoids paying as much tax as legally possible, so do these companies.
I have a child that works two casual jobs.
She is working 6 days this week because the shifts are there and she wants to buy an iPhone and pay for schoolies in December. She pays to have extra mobile data, and to go and see bands or eat at cafes with friends.
Her brother doesn’t have a job, so relies on present money or other occasional windfalls to buy stuff like his redmi phone. He lives incredibly frugally, always making lunch from home, not the canteen. If he goes out with friends they will have an impromptu picnic, not a cafe lunch, with a packet of biscuits and a bottle of milk.
They both live at home, get meals provided, and other basics. I’m quite proud that both of them have taken thoughtful approaches to developing a lifestyle they are happy with, compared to some of their peers who address their wants by nagging their parents.
So if you are blowing cash you can spare on stuff you want, go for it. Just don’t get yourself in a position where you are spending money you don’t have for stuff you don’t even really want!
The apple lifestyle …the realistic approach, hardwork to get glamour and class.
The redmi lifestyle….the lay back easy going approach, happy go lucky and fun is the way of life as long as it works.
If he goes out with friends they will have an impromptu picnic
Let's be honest. There's a non-zero chance that they are smoking weed.
+100 to you mate. Enough said.
Your son eats a packet of biscuits and a bottle of milk for lunch? Is he a cat?!
Yep. I spent $2200 on an OLED TV (I couldn't resist) and some odds and ends, Dashcam, Audio accessories, Car servicing items from Supercheap etc.
It doesn't take much these days to spend heaps LOL
Nice mate! What TV and size? how is it!
I purchased this on Boxing day
How is it? Wow! Fantastic! I can't get enough of it LOL
Do I need it? No. Do I want it? HELL YES!
if it makes you happy then it's worth it, enjoy!
Thought about buying this OLED also, but read about the retention/burn-in issues with LG panels and decided to pass. Short-term it will be great. Enjoy.
IMHO, I was too in this dilemma. I thought of what you did, retention and burn in issues.
However, this is I think the 4th Gen OLED now and they are getting better with burn in/retention.
There is also a Pixel refresher program on the TV.
I have not yet noticed these issues thus far, and I have been gaming for at least several hours after purchase.
I have the fast ~ 120Hz LG55UH770T TV as well (LED) and that is quick but TBH, the OLED smashes it in every way.
I am very happy with the purchase.
I think that the retention issues/feedback as been overrated and exacerbated over time.
boxing day sale probably one of the biggest scam in retail industry. Most retailers would put one or two things on really good price, then the rest just standard 10-20% off RRP. MOst of the time you would be able to haggle down the price yourself if you try, especially for electronics
Sale to Uluru?! Awesome! What did you get cheaper? Flights, or some accom/experiences?
what did you buy?