This was posted 7 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nutella 1kg $5.25 (1/2 Price) @ BIG W

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Cheapest Price ever? Saw this guy at Robina with a basket thought I would investigate.

1KG $5.25

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Discounted bulk sugar and oil, yum.

    • +27

      Buddy, you've posted several discounts for Dominos pizza and want to criticise the nutritional content of a jar of Nutella.

      • Where exactly did I criticise the nutritional content?

        • +4

          Nowhere, these people obviously don't know what yum means.

      • +1

        Eating Nutella is a little like eating your own shit.
        Eating pizza is what i call a gourmet experience.

        This message approved by AngryChicken

        • +1
        • +2

          They do put Nutella on Pizza in Italy…So is that like eating your own shitty pizza?

        • +2

          Even if I haven't been eating nuts? Now that's a bargain.

        • +1

          @pikapika: Yes.
          @PJC: That took me longer to understand than i'm prepared to admit.

  • -1

    Wondering, what is the health star rating…. have anyone happen to check the nutrition facts? and compare with the sugar level ?

    • +10

      It's basically sugar and vegetable oil.

      Only 13% hazlenuts.

      Ferrero don't list any info on their website, that alone should tell you how unhealthy it is.

      • I think we all know it's an unhealthy chocolate spread. Try Nutino for more hazelnut.

        • +1

          Correct. If you are so health conscious about this chocolate spread, don't even consider buying it.

        • +2

          @edfoo: It's common sense and only happens on Nutella posts.

        • +10

          Spread made of chocolate is unhealthy? Since when!

        • +2


          What, don't you believe your government?

          The Federal Government's Health Star Rating claims to "take some of the guess work out of shopping" and help consumers "make smarter choices" when it comes to buying food.

          But when Milo, a chocolate powder that's almost 50 per cent sugar, clinches 4.5 (out of 5) stars, how much can we trust the system?

        • @bargainparker:

          By people actually thinking, but we all know that's not going to happen. A high sugar product having higher health ratings doesn't mean it's suddenly healthy, it just means it's "healthier" then another comparable high sugar product. People just need to learn to not compare a packet of lollies to a packet of lentils and go well the lollies have a higher health star rating so that must make them good for me.

        • @bargainparker:

          Went to the frozen veggie ailse, wanted frozen carrots, peas and corn in a mix bag. 4/5 health star rating. I was like…. but it's veggies!? Should be 5/5? What's in it to make it 4/5!?

        • @hasher22:
          "What's in it to make it 4/5!?"

          Ice ice baby :)

      • -1

        it was created during the war… there wS cocoa shortage and some guy decided hey lets feed our soldiers some oil and cocoa.

      • -6

        Now now, you are scabbing. Here's your list.


        HAZELNUTS (28.5%),
        WHEAT FLOUR,
        WHEY POWDER,

        TOTAL COCOA SOLIDS: 16%,
        IN MILK CHOCOLATE: 42%.
        *Sustainable and segregated certified palm oil

        Nutritional Information:

        According to livestrong, or should I say livefat; Three pieces, or 38 g, of Ferrero Rocher chocolate contain 220 calories, 140 of which come from fat. This represents 64 percent of the daily value, or DV, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. … Of the total 15 g of fat, 5 g are saturated fat, which is 25 percent DV. There is no cholesterol in Ferrero Rocher candies.

        • +1

          Those ingredients are not for Nutella, they are for Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut and chocolate balls.

        • @Scab:

          "Ferrero" don't list any info on their website, that alone should tell you how unhealthy it is

        • +2


          What does that have to do with the ingredient list you posted?

          Those ingredients are not for Nutella, here are the ingredients:

        • -2


          Do I have to spell it?

          You said "It's basically sugar and vegetable oil.

          Only 13% hazlenuts.

          Ferrero don't list any info on their website, that alone should tell you how unhealthy it is."

          I gave you the list of the ingredients for Ferrero as you said they didn't list it.

        • @bargainparker:

          That ingredient list you posted is not for Nutella, which part of that do you not understand?

        • -1


          What I was saying for the whole time. It is for Ferrero -.-

        • +1

          Ferrero is the company that makes Nutella

        • +1


          What I was saying for the whole time. It is for Ferrero

          For Ferrero what, Ferrero is a company and not a single product?

          You've posted the ingredients for their chocolate and hazelnut balls in a thread about Nutella.

        • @arsey:

          Ok, here it goes.

          Scab in his post says: "Ferrero don't list any info on their website, that alone should tell you how unhealthy it is."

          And I gave the ingredient list for Ferrero.

          So, what does it have to do with whether Ferrero is the company that makes Nutella or not? I just gave the ingredient list for Ferrero as Scab said Ferrero didn't list it.

        • -1


          Well, don't expect me to post all of the ingredients for all Ferrero products.

        • +1


          And I gave the ingredient list for Ferrero

          How can you give an ingredient list for a company?

          Ferrero don't list any info on their website

          Don't play semantics to dodge, we were discussing Nutella.

        • @Scab:

          Read my comment again, at least the last part.

          "According to livestrong, or should I say livefat; Three pieces, or 38 g, of Ferrero Rocher chocolate contain 220 calories…

          I was referring to Ferrero Rocher chocolate, wasn't I?

          And it is easier to say Ferrero than Ferrero Rocher chocolate.

        • +1


          I was referring to Ferrero Rocher chocolate, wasn't I?

          You were insinuating that what I stated about the ingredients was incorrect.

          And what does Ferrero chocolate have to do with Nutella?

        • @Scab:

          Oh well, Merry Christmas to you too :)

    • the health star rating

      You seem to be unaware that these are not health messages, they're marketing created by the gummints after being paid by the food retailing and processing industry. They aren't interested in your health they're interested in you consuming as much food as possible.

    • The health star rating for pure white sugar is 0.5 stars. Guessing this wouldn't be far off.

      Makes me wonder: What does it take to get 0 stars?

    • +1

      You can make your own, blend hazlenuts and chocolate together in a food processor. The oil from the hazlenuts makes it turn smooth.

    • 50% or more of the product is sugar.

  • -1

    Mmmm palm oil

    • -1

      OMG!! what you get after the end of your pantsparty goes in too!!

    • Italy has one of the longest life expectancies in the world and we eat this stuff from birth there.

      • Sorry, but Italy is behind Australia. I guess, it's because Australians eat a bit less of it O_O

        • +1

          Italy might be behind Australia economically and in some social aspects, but in terms of food and health you have everything to learn from us. Nutella isn't exactly part of the Mediterranean diet, but our kids eat it from birth there and have much better health outcomes.

        • @ichiban:

          We are told to consume less fat. A colleague of mine who is from Serbia says they eat a lot of ham, pork there. They should be extinct by now, yet seems they are just fine.

          You might be onto something.

      • ichiban, r u sure u r from Italy???

        • +1

          He's Captain Tsubasa

        • With that name I thought he was Japanese

  • +17

    Negativity on a defenceless tub of Nutella to end the year!

    • +4

      Nutella is not defenceless, it has nuts

      • -1

        a late entry for comment of the year. Well done sir.

      • it has nuts

        it has nuts 13% nuts

      • please shut down the internet, now!

    • with the complementary sugar high & blocked blood flow from the liquid fat (oil), u'd end the year with a bang!

  • -5

    Sweetest Cancer mmmmmmmmmm,
    but not cheapest:(

  • +1

    Perfect new years resolution buy. Cheers OP!

  • +1

    Only Xmas themed jars

    • +2

      Nope, normal ones scanned for the same discounted price.

  • Did the guy with the basket have a massive belly by any chance?

  • Yes but did you buy the basket as well?

  • +3

    This is bad…. i may have just bought 10 jars
    i swear i plan to use it in cakes etc … no way i will just eat it with a spoon

  • -5

    Great, I've been waiting for a deal on some type 2 diabetes. 50% off is perfect

    Waiting for all the people with lifestyle diseases to neg this comment

    • That must be you. If you're eager for type 2 diabetes.

      • -1

        Please look up the definition of sarcasm

        • Nah looked pretty serious to me.

        • -1


          I take it you have taken offence.

          Was it the diabetes or lifestyle diseases part of the comment?

        • @tith: Both. As an obese old man it really upsets me when you talk like that.

        • -4


          The good thing is that you know you are obese. Most people will deny they have a problem

          Now is the best time to make those positive health decisions / behaviours.

          I hope you have a healthy 2018

        • +4

          @tith: I bought 2 tubs.

  • +1

    Is this available in store?? When i check stock online, its showing up as "Home delivery" only.

    • It is in store. Grabbed two tubs at BigW Lilydale. Still showing $9.50 on the sticker, but scanned at the cheap price.

    • How exactly does Nutella directly cause diabetes?

      • You said that, I didn't.

        Nothing causes diabetes instantly or directly. It takes habits. Foods laden with refined sugars and GMOs don't help you get further away from the chances of medical complications. In fact they bring you far closer. Particularly over years..

        • I believe WiFi causes diabetes. We never heard of diabetes back in 60's. Oh yeah, no WiFi back then. Goddamn gov conspiracy.

  • +1

    Love/hate with nutella

    feel it should be in the cupboard for baking use but end up eating it all in a few days so I dont buy it leaving me wanting for it.

    I must not buy.
    I will not buy.

    • You bought it

    • This is the boat I'm in. My only form of self-control is to not buy it in the first place.

  • bought 4 tubs, thanks

  • just bought 4 this morning from BigW epping and still plenty stocks

  • Just bought x4 at Marion Big W for $5.25 each.
    The shelf price was $10.50 but scanned at the cheaper price anyway.

    They were plain labelled I.e not Christmas stock.

    I’m going to be a hit with the kids (only allowed on weekends).

    • User name checks out.😔

  • Past 3 people bought 4 tubs…Why 4..Is it the magic number of Nutella?

  • got it…wohoo

  • +1

    Missus makes Cup Cakes for events for people.
    Just brought 10 Jars

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