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LEGO Sets Half Price at Woolworths (from $6)

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$28 sets down to $14, and what I think was $12 sets down to $6

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  • +2



  • +1

    So I guess this is like Lepin or Star Warts…

    • The Xiaomi of Xiaomis

  • +1

    Does Woolies sell Lego?

    • +4

      There were a few sets allocated to stores for Christmas.

      • +3

        so we've probably got more chance of finding tits on a bull then? ;)

  • +1

    Could be worth mentioning that it's in-store only :)

  • What sets?

  • +1

    Lego’s not so authentico

  • Thanks op, got 3 at ashburton vic. There is 2 left model 60613. Saw these ones as well.


    Bring on the bull!!

    Edit: returned them… find 3 at the front with the coke specials. Good luck .

    • They were all $6 each, right?

  • fantastic deal… I got 1 of each of the sets…. normally Big W have the cheapest price but this beats them plus another 5% off on wish gift cards = bargain…. :)

  • Thanks OP! Managed to pick up a few sets my daughter doesn't have. Absolute bargain!

  • Is it only the city ones?

    • Yes.

    • Also large Lego Friends and small Creator boxes.

      • How much were the Creator boxes, please?

  • +1

    Guys, Chadstone shopping centre woolies has the smaller sets and only 3 of the larger set.

    Large set only 60150
    There are lots of the smaller sets.

    Thanks Op again. I'm really getting two of the small set this time and one large set.

  • +1

    Got one pizza van after visiting two woollies - stock is running thin.


  • +1
    Merged from Woolworths LEGO (Various) - Special 50% off

    Spotted at my local Woolworths tonight (Waverley Gardens Vic)

    LEGO city pizza van $14 down from $28
    LEGO friends gift delivery $14 down from $28
    LEGO city coast guard $6 down from $12

    Might be worth checking out if interested :)

    Side note - Barbie Dreamtopia Sweetville also 50% off down to $12.50

    • What is your local Woolworths?

      • +1

        Waverley Gardens Victoria

        • Thanks, Honeyjoys - wrong state for me though.

    • Which is your local woolies Honeyjoys ?
      Just curious as both my local Brunswick stores don't stock these.

      • Lol, i didn't refresh the page and my question was already asked and answered :)

      • +1

        As I understand it, not all stores stocked Lego.
        Even those that did have been hit as soon as they reduced it.

        As far as I know, Westfield Burwood, Marrickville Metro and Leichhardt Marketplace are sold out; Alexandria and Erskineville never had any in the first place;
        Ashfield has the ATV Race Team and Pizza Truck at $14 and the Stunt Truck and Coast Guard Starter Set at $6.
        There's a lot of the Coast Guard Starter set left which I find strange because it seems to be a pretty good value set to me, and quite an Australian theme too.

        The Race Plane has also been $6 but I couldn't find it.

        Fwiw, Lego is more expensive now than in the lead up to Christmas, (even Target's advertised Boxing Day sale of 20% Off Lego Friends is in fact a price increase on the price on Christmas Eve) yet these are the best prices these items have been anywhere.

        The ATV Race Team is commonly at $20, (some of the sets that are often priced at $20 had dropped to $16 - but the ATV Race Team wasn't one of them). The smaller sets were $7.20 at Big W but have gone back up to $9.

        • January is coming up and Kmart will have to clear up stock for all the new sets incoming, that will be my time to pounce on some bargains :)
          Thanks for the info Sam

    • +2

      Woolworths Cumberland Park (SA) has same offer.

    • Do you have any ideas if wollies sell the iconic gift card discounted??

  • Any Lego in Woolworths NSW?

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