Haven't seen this game go any lower yet. Link to the XB1 version(amazon.com.au)
AmEx Statement Credit: Get 10% Back, up to $100 on Amazon.com.au or in-App
Haven't seen this game go any lower yet. Link to the XB1 version(amazon.com.au)
AmEx Statement Credit: Get 10% Back, up to $100 on Amazon.com.au or in-App
Don’t know why people are saying this game isn’t too good. Got this game about a month ago and have been loving it! Campaign graphics are so good (PS4 Pro and 4K HDR TV) and multiplayer is so fun.
In my opinion I’d recommend this game to anyone who has played a COD game before.
Tbh I've enjoyed playing every game since CoD MW, and yes that includes Ghosts and IW. As long as the core elements/aspects of the game are the same as what makes a good CoD game, I'm happy :)
same here. I enjoy every cod game and I really liked IW too. Campaign was actually quite fun to play. :)
Very bad hit detection
Bad lag compensation (this has made the game unplayable for me with nbn FTTP)
Very slow time to bring your gun up after sprint (even worse than past cods which forces people to camp)
Only 9 maps (gets boring real fast)
Badly designed maps.
These are the main problems, I’m not saying you can’t have fun but for me it’s the first game that’s unplayable due to an issue with connection despite having an awesome connection.
I own every single cod on PS4 and love and can play all others with high KD and have fun no issues.
I’m just saying an opinion and haven’t ran into any bugs yet? I use wireless and Ethernet and there’s no lag for me.
Like I said it was just an opinion and there was no need to neg me. I enjoy most of the COD games.
What's wrong with using the neging system as it's intended? don't take it to heart i just don't agree with your opinion.
I use wireless and Ethernet and there’s no lag for me.
The problem isn't with lag introduced from your side its the game compensating enemys to the point that it giving them an advantage since you cant shoot them.
Have a read of the top part of this post on reddit (the rest is just a rant lol).
Was going to buy from bigw