Cheapest ever. Out of stock, but you can back order. Make sure you select Amazon as the seller, otherwise it will say $199.
Sennheiser HD599 $149.96 USD (~$195 AUD) Delivered from Amazon US
Last edited 25/12/2017 - 12:00 by 1 other user
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Or.. Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Headphones US$150 (+ post).
Estimated ship date is June 29, 2018 PT….
Don’t want to give massdrop any money though, their spam is awful and unsubscribe doesn’t seem to work.
Same thing in black? Cheaper.…Different SPL so not quite the same.
.. featuring a one-button remote with mic[rophone] for controlling music and taking phone calls.
Different, but that’s an ok price for that model.
Is this worth buying if I already own the Sennheiser 595?
much difference between this and the HD650?
Yes. The HD650 is two tiers above and is considered one of the legendary headphones by audiophiles. But that doesn't take away from the HD599, which is a good headphone in its own right at this price range. The HD650 is about double the cost.
What's the difference between this and 598? 599 isn't mentioned often. It's usually 598/600/650. It looks like a 598, so I assume it's a successor to that one.
The hd598s are pretty amazing, even for gaming with the addition of a modmic or mass drop mic. Leagues above most of the gaming headsets there. Seems like the 599s are an improvement except for narrower soundstage. Check out this comparison:
( have the 598sr and 6xx. Despite what every1 says I prefer the hd6xx/650 for gaming. Not sure why.
I prefer a wider sound stage. So I might wait for a deal on the cheaper 598.
Check out the HD 558. They use the same driver and with a 10 min mod (removing a piece of foam) they sound pretty much the same as the 598. I actually prefer the unmodded 558 to the 598 as the treble is less sharp/warmer.
@pizzip: They're no cheaper than 598.. They're actually more expensive.
@pizzip: I don't think the 558's are all that amazing for listening to music, but man, they're the best headphones I've tried for gaming and watching movies. I'd definitely recommend them for those purposes.
Must resist adding another set of headphones to my assortment
Love a nice pair of Sennheiser cans