I am desperate of finding the best deal ( gift card or whatever ) to purchase an iPhone X for my partner birthday ( early Jan ).
Anyone can give me some wisdom on the deal to get the cheapest one out of it?
Help: Looking to Purchase an iPhone X

Last edited 23/12/2017 - 17:09 by 1 other user
1740 Gumtree
jbhi 15% off giftcards
arent that post already run out of gift card?
google is your friend
Google is my friend for everything but best deal.. ozbargain is the place to get the best deal.
@alphadelta: You loss then, you can still get jb hi cards at 15% off, which is the cheapest way to get a iphone x brand new.
By my calculations; $1303.30 after TRS (since TRS might be calculated on the pre-discounted price).
Most likely: AU stock
3 left.
EDIT: This is about the time the OP will complain that its only 64GB.
Hahaha.. you can read my mind :) i need 256GB one
You don't need it , you want it.
Just get an iphone 8. I have an iphone X for work. Drives me fking mental. You have to navigate the phone through gestures. Accomplishing basic tasks is a challenge like closing a program or even multi-tasking. Most of your quick-select icons have no words which is a bit annoying. OLED screen is nice, but not as good as the Super AMOLED ones in Samsung phones. It's a very underwhelming phone. I use a Samsung S7 Edge as my personal phone and I prefer it over the iphone.
Im using s8+. But my partner need the iphone ( no other option ). She prefer to get the x due to the small size and wider screen.
It’s not a challenge. You get used to it in about 3 minutes. The adjustment is so minor it would be embarassing to gripe about it.
Yup.. i was using iphone till iphone 6 and then move on to android
But my partner need the iphone
You're willing to spend so much on a phone, so why not just get it at an apple store and pay an extra $200.
Too be honest, im considering that.. but i feel that ozbargain must have something to save me couple of bucks lol
Buy gift cards at below retail
Can you give me a hint? Jbhifi gc is already no longer available.
People sell Gift cards in the forums everyday
What is the best price you have found so far?