Where might be my best bet to purchase one of these units during boxing day sales? :-)
Surface Book 2 i7 512GB

Looking for Surface Book 2 though :-) Thats the first iteration
MS Store have previously had post Christmas offers.
How set on that unit are you?
Apple like pricing in that specification.Was quite keen on the detachable screen. Also that it can reversed and reattached and used in tablet mode connected to the keyboard.
I have seen JB HI FI has got some discounted price on this product. Then saw Microsoft store and they also have discounted prices… :) so go to Pitt St Mall (if in Sydney) and then you will have JB, Myer, DJ, Microsoft Store except Harvey Norman, and TGG. But I think above avaialble would give you the best price deal
Are the prices at MS Store better than their website or can you negotiate?
I managed nearly 30% by doing the following
15% discount by being a student
10% back on the purchase price through TRS (going overseas in january)
5% back on the purchase price through cash rewards.Cant imagine a better deal than that on a brand new surface book 2.
What made you choose the Surface Book 2? I'm having a hard time between choosing which Surface product.
Surface book 2 vs surface book 1 - Surface book 2 has way better battery life, and the hinge is more solid so the screen doesnt bobble around as much when you touch it. Go the 2 over the 1 if you can afford it.
Surface book vs surface pro - surface book is more 'laptop like' with better keyboard, but does not have a kickstand like surface pro. If you are going to spend most of you time attached to the keyboard, get a surface book. If a significant amount of time in tablet mode, get a surface pro. Without the keyboard attached, battery life is pretty poor on surface book. Yes, I know the surface book can flip around backwards on the keyboard to use as tablet, but its super heavy if you do that.
Personally, I have a pro, and while I would love the extra screen real estate of the book, the kickstand is invaluable to me when in table mode, not so much to use as a kickstand, but when i am holding the tablet with one hand in bed and writing with the other (marking textbooks etc) having the kickstand slightly open and holding between the kickstand and the device makes it really easy to hold. I cant imagine doing this with a 13" device without a kickstand. If the book had a kickstand ASWELL - it would be ultimate device!
Wow thanks for the huge write up! I was thinking of getting the Surface Book since its cheaper and comes with a pen, but I'm convinced to get the Surface Book 2 now. It's for uni so i don't have much of an idea how I'd use it but the Surface Pro felt a bit clumsy having to open kick stand, keyboard and press the power button. That's interesting how you hold the kickstand!
Fully featured laptop. Real good graphics card with detachable screen but still a good keyboard. Not too keen on those detachable keyboards if the surface pro etc
Best deal I have ever seen is here: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Microsoft-Surface-Book-256GB-Int….
But maybe wait for sitewide Ebay discounts for further cheapeness!