We have an outdoor drain/pit near our garage that catches all the stormwater, and it does a good job.
However have noticed of late that the pit is a about 1 inch or so deeper than the outlet pipes in it, meaning that there is always this leftover section of water that just sits there with nowhere to go (smelling, and attracting mosquitos). Is there something I can lay in the pit that will bring the water back up to pipe level to make sure it drains?
Was thinking of some heavy rocks of some kind….. be interested in everyone's thoughts…. (I'm thinking it's something you wouldn't concrete?).
Assuming you can clear the pipe out easily then you can just put some concrete on the bottom of the pit to bring it up to the level of the pipe.
Build it up away from the pipe and angle the concrete toward the pipe.
For a pipe that is long / difficult to clear out you would normally have a buffer area under the pipe to allow leafs and debris to sit and be cleaned out before it goes down the pipe.