Moved to Forum: Original Link
EDIT: They just sold out, they went extremely fast.
Seems to be a price error, only 6 left and selling fast.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
EDIT: They just sold out, they went extremely fast.
Seems to be a price error, only 6 left and selling fast.
Yeah, they were sitting at 6 available for about 30 minutes, went to 0 about 2 minutes after I posted this.
Thanks OP!! Guess it'll be cancelled, but in it to win it.
You bought 6 right?
Lol! I wouldn't dare.
You can't just jokingly accuse someone of being broden
It was me!
Yikes 60 seconds and gone
Unicorns do exist
Actually a few of Kogan eBay's hard drives seem to be really lowly priced (or perhaps just clearing out old stocks):
Good luck for those who want to try snap some =)
lol it is funny then seeing in a few transactions people are buying 5 quantities
Thx for the heads up!!! Got a 4tb for $20
LOL! Someone bought 10 at once!
2TB per SATA connector is a bit low.
Thx grabbed 1 despite having a drawer full of hdd
Sell to me?
This is a SAS drive, most likely you will need to flip it on eBay unless you own an enterprise class server.
Guess that's what I'll need to do then, $20 buy first think later.
Yep, that's what I did exactly.
Not sure how difficult it might be to flip SAS drives, but just in case you couldn't, it might be worthwhile to buy a 2nd hand storage server.
Wow the 4TB's and 2TB's sold out so quickly! I was just in the checkout as well :(
Good find op
😂 All gone now, that was a spectacular sight! so fast!
Good find OP.
and wow, just realised that the enterprise drives actually sell for $200+ each usually…no wonder they goes so fast
These are still available on the Dicksmith eBay store at the same prices.
oh good reminder!…
Again, good luck everyone lol
Are these not pricing errors? o.o
I have no idea at all lol (I haven't bought any as I'm not in need of any), but it was very interesting to watch.
out of stock, too :(
Please no idiot ring or message kogan in the morning and ask if it was a price error or if there are any more at that price.
No idea what you are talking about it looks like normal pricing to me.
That's the spirit, if I can't have it I will ruin it for others.
As someone who's worked in retail, I would literally hang up on these types of calls.
So, no surprise you got fired. Do tell this story to all your employers - see how far that gets you.
Reminder the teacher about the homework while you're at it.
Missed out on a hard drive, but managed to pick one of these up:…
We can hope for a Christmas miracle can't we?
was able to get this for 20 bucks. lol, no way they gonna honour, but certainly got the heart pumping trying to order these.…
Got buyers feedback after purchase: "Great buyer! Pleasant transaction!! Enjoy your DICK SMITH product!"
It'll probably get cancelled tomorrow, but you've gotta be in it to win it.
I got 2 x 4TB enterprise satas off Dick, almost got the SAS by mistake. I feel like a seagull…
Come on guys, it will be a bigger miracle than the immaculate conception if any of these actually turns up.
haven't even got a chance to up vote before these were snapped by ozbargainers….thats the spirit! good luck to u all, wish they gonna honor it.
Can't believe I missed this. TIFU by going to Maccas
Maccas at 2am!?
Maccas runs have no time limits.
That probably explains why people are obese
No chance anyone will get one of these pricing error units.
I'm quite certain they'll ship you the units below at their bargain basement price though:…
Damn was this a pricing error?
Of course.
Wow, 4TB SSD for $34?? Can you provide a link?
I guess with that username, pure trolling account.
User name half checks out?
God damn why do I always miss these deals
Because you sleep during normal hours? :)
Having adult responsibilities is such a drag sometimes
You must be new… checks profile
Edit: You are new
Probably just IQ 20 dumb truck driver copie account.
Some angst there. Get cut off recently?
The only thing we can say with absolute certainty about this deal is that no one will be getting this drive at $34 (which is about $250 below wholesale). We've all be around enough online pricing errors to know that.
The ruse - get payment now, deposit and collect interest, refund later with an apology.
let's be conservative and say they sold $1000 worth of drives (even though there was only ever 6 or so), hold the money for a month (even though they won't) and get 5% interest (even though they can't).
They would make a grand total of $4 in interest.
Hanlon's razor - "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
The ruse is to collect lots of cents that over time and repetition add up to lots of dollars.
Ah, the Superman III scheme. Only making so little money it wouldn't be worth paying the minimum wage employee to do it.
I think in the past kogan honour price error saying they are proud Australians company admits mistake etc etcnkot like other big companies.. . They said it loud in newspapers etc for publication of course.
Looks like there is something to this historically
In 2011…
However on the Kogan website T&C's today ;
To the extent permitted by law We reserve the right to accept or reject Your offer for any reason (or no reason) including, but not limited to, the unavailability of any service or Product, an error in the price or product description, or an error in Your Order.
Despite Our best efforts, on occasion it may be possible that a small number of the Products in Our range may be incorrectly priced on the Website. If We have made a mistake and a Product's correct price is higher than the price on the Website, We may either contact You before shipping to request whether You want to buy the Product at the correct price or cancel Your Order.
Lol Kogan is one of the most unscrupulous company going around.
$25 voucher nice!
Order cancelled. $25 voucher.
I got 3 vouchers. though they didn't say anything about refund..These vouchers aren't in lieu of a refund are they
My email said-
"In our Website Terms and Conditions, we state that where an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we may, at our discretion, cancel the order.
Your order has now been cancelled and will not be dispatched on this occasion.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding.
As a goodwill gesture, we would like to offer you a $25 eVoucher, which you can use your eVoucher on our full range of products at"
Their website can say what ever it wants, we purchased thru Ebay didnt we? I received an email from them saying cancelled, but my order is still in ebay awaiting delivery, payment sent, feedback received. So if they dont send I'll complain via ebay.
To be fair, someone would have made the ebay listing and had multiple chances to review the price… so cancelling the order seems against ebays T&Cs.
so cancelling the order seems against ebays T&Cs.
If this is a policy violation then it's between the seller and ebay. The violation has nothing to do with buyer.
Grays online done the exact same thing when they mispriced some samsung 840's , just cancelled the purchase no questions asked, they got a shed load of negative feedback… they did give you a voucher for $20 about two weeks after they canned the order…. negative feedback already lodged by me.
They won't honour it. A few years ago they underpriced the latest Galaxy S phone by about $100 and they didn't honour any of the hundreds of purchases people here made. Eff them.
Anyone gotten their money back?
Anyone got their refund yet?
Got mine back this morning.
Same here, refunded early today
Nice one…but gone