Cheapest Day Rate for Electricity

Will be away a lot next year. Looking for the cheapest daily rate charge Electricity provider. All the comparison sites combine all factors, but just really looking for the lowest daily charge. Currently with Dodo and they still seem the most competitive.

Based in SA


  • If you enter your details into this comparison site you should get an answer. Just put a low figure into expected usage instead of a real bill.

    • Cheers. Funny enough my actual bill is 1.1kwh per day and 1 is the lowest I could enter anyway. Seems Dodo are still the cheapest.

  • im not sure about SA but here in vic i f ind momentum cheapest by as mile my daily charge is 88cents per day compared to most around $1.25

    • +1

      Cheers. Simply and Dodo are both 0.89 here as well. Wish I got solar panels when they were free to offset daily costs.

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