• expired

20 Months of Windscribe Pro for $18USD ~ $23.50 AUD


Received an email from Windscribe offering 20 months of their pro service for 18SUSD, I currently have a free account with 60GB a month personally I find it pretty good.

Pro Version Details:




OpenVPN Configs




Referral Links

Referral: random (169)

Via Website ONLY (not via apps): Both referrer and referee get extra 1GB/month. Referrer gets Pro upgrade after referee upgrades.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I have Windscribe Pro and found them to be pretty good too, but I got the lifetime offer through StackSocial.

    • +1

      yah, fairly good service.. never had an issue.

    • +3

      yup, you can apply "WINDSCRIBE20" to bring it down USD $39.20 from USD $49

      • +1

        Excellent. I got the same deal with a different code during the Black Friday sale.

        • How much?

        • $39.20

    • What is five eye?

      Edit - googled and found my answer.

      So Windscribe would not be a good option for users from Australia I see.

      • five eyes refer to countries that keep tabs on online usage

      • Why not?

        The only logging they do is for bandwidth and that's most likely to be mainly for the free accounts which have a data cap.

        No other logs are kept so the only thing they could hand over is, "Yeah, this email address used 1.5GB last month."

        Pay by BTC and use a temporary email address, eg. [email protected] or some other randomly generated and not likely to be used email address, (above is just using Generate Password in Keepass).

        • But could they find the email address and trace which ip address was used to log in from?

        • @TomGum:

          You can create a Windscribe account without an email address, it's only needed if you want to increase a free account to 10GB.

          Once you've created a free account you can then use Windscribe VPN to create a temporary email address to upgrade your account to 10GB free or Pro.

          The only emails I get from Windscribe are either telling me they've reset the data or some advertising on my free account.

          Since I created my pro account over a year ago I've had less than 6 emails from them.

          Besides, so what if they know what IP used that email address?

          They still don't know what sites you've accessed, how much data you got from those sites, where you accessed them from, how long you were on those sites, etc.

          Consider that any other Windscribe user exiting from the same VPN exit gateway will be doing it with the same IP, they're not going to be able to tie what data is attributable to what user IP without time/connection logs which don't exist.

  • Does this work on overseas Netflix catalogues?

    • +1

      the email said "It has been a pretty good year. We grew by 2.5M subscribers, (finally) released the Android app, added Netflix support, and reached the 3rd level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. To celebrate, you guessed it, we have another holiday promo for you!", so i would think that is a yes but not 100% sure

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