I had a look at a few previous topics regarding tablets for kids, but they mainly focused on 7 and 8" tablets.
I'm looking to get a 10" Android Tablet each for my kids (birthday presents), mainly for long trips in the car to watch movies, and the odd basic game.
I came across the Cube iPlay 10 Tablet for ~$135 on Gearbest (https://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_639367.html); reasonable reviews in the review section. Just wondering if anyone's had any experience with them, or can suggest a reasonable alternative at around that price point?
Probably grab a pair of the Bluedio T2+'s each for them, currently $30.59 (https://www.gearbest.com/headsets/pp_182198.html)
Anyone?? Maybe Whirlpool is a better place to ask…