Any insights as to how I can obtain a .edu email address. Seems a number of free university courses notes on OzBargain have since expired?
What's The Fast and Free Way to Obtain a .edu Email Address?
Why do you want one?
Probably to get online student discounts without being a student. UniDays, free MS Office etc.
I’ll get backlash for this but why should non students exploit benefits given to students so they can save money ?
If you are not a student then why should you get them ? If everyone starts signing up to shitty free courses with a .edu address and gets all the benefits they won’t be available to people who actually need them.
I was a student until last year and enjoyed the various benefits but now I’m working full time and have to deal with the fact that I have to pay more for public transport, ms office, flights etc
I always get annoyed at bars near unis because the students get to drink cheaper, but I can't get a discount even though I drink a lot
for syd.
then pay $20 for a tafe card, i believe you get an with it
Sign up for an advanced medical degree?