Air Fryer Easiest Way to Cook Broccoli & Chicken Drumstick ?

Is air fryer the easiest way to cook vege & drumstick ?

Just throw them in ? No need to cut ? Is air fryer easy to wash ?


  • +3

    Broccoli and chicken drumsticks, the diet of kings!

  • +2

    I found this helpful-

    They decide the best "air fryer", is none of them, because they are basically a small, annoying, oven.

    They might be a good alternative if you're cooking for one and don't want to heat up a whole oven. Otherwise seems like more clutter for the kitchen.

  • +2

    Roast in the oven in a single pan covered in foil and baking paper. No mess, no fuss. Easy to clean a pan rather than a machine.

  • I wouldn't use an airfryer if I didn't have a dishwasher.

  • our air fryer gets used more than the oven , its a 13 liters however.

  • I find that if you line the tray with baking paper or foil, then it is easier to clean. Airfryer is great for cooking in small quantities (e.g. two chicken breast fillets cut into thick strips). You can roast certain vegetables but I can't think of ways to cook green vegetables in an airfryer. Any suggestions?

  • With my Tefal Actifry, yes broccoli and chicken drumsticks roast just fine. From room temperature, broccoli takes about 7 minutes, the drumsticks 20 to 25 depending on size.

    Sprinkle a little salt, peppercorns, and a sliver of butter or few drops of olive oil.

    • is it possible to line the airfyer pot with foil ?

      • Possibly not, as the stirrer goes a merry go round…

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