Hi can those who have been to Sri Lanka please give some advice re use of local currency v USD and best card to use with ATM's?
Travelling to Sri Lanka Advice Re Currency and Credit Card
What were the charges ? Did some ATM charge vs other not like in Singapore?
I would assume if you pay in USD, you will always pay more than if you paid in rupees. Someone who has been there more recently could probably confirm if my assumption is true.
Out of interest, whereabouts are you going in SL? Sri-Lankan born here. It's a beautiful place, but marred by hawkers, traffic and pollution. The big tourist places are generally fine though, but you gotta remember to be firm in saying no to hawkers or they won't leave you alone.
I used my Citibank plus in the commercial bank ATMs for free a couple of years ago. ING will redound any ATM fee as long as you transfer $1000 into your account and use your car 5 times per month.
Enjoy your trip.redound
Learn a new word every day.
use your car 5 times per month
Is ING in cahoots with car makers? :)
Not all ATMs will process your card, Citibank or otherwise, and there are often unexplicable errors which abort the transaction. So be careful not to get stuck in the sticks without some local currency. The one that worked for me was Commercial Bank and it charged a transaction fee. I think they all do. Try to hang on to low denomination notes as small vendors won't be able to break large bills.
I used my Citibank Plus card to get money out of ATMs. Even if tour operators quote in USD they will happily take local currency, in my case using the Google exchange rate.