• expired

$5USD Per Month for Unlimited Usenet - Thundernews


All ThunderNews Black Friday accounts include:
- Special price of $5 a month for life!
- 700 days binary retention
- 1,265 days of text retention
- 99%+ completion rate
- 50 connections
- Free 256-bit SSL
- Free News Rover newsreader
- US and European servers
- 24/7 tech support

Usenet features from Thundernews.

Premium SSL Servers

  • 711+ Days Binary Retention
  • 1265+ Days Text Retention
  • 50 Simultaneous Connections
  • 256 bit SSL Encryption Included

  • 2 US Servers

  • 2 EU Servers
  • 99% Article Completion
  • Free News Reader Software

  • 24/7 Chat & e-mail Support

  • Unlimited Message Uploads
  • Broadband Speed
  • Multiple Access Ports

Cheapest I've ever seen and it's supposedly $5 per month for a lifetime.


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closed Comments

  • What a great deal! If I didn't already have Usenet provided by my ISP (Internode) I would definitely sign up to this.

  • +32

    Rule 1 of Usenet don't talk about UseNet.

    Keep the masses using torrents and let them get sued.

    • PainToad - absolutely on the money

      • his 9 voters for that comment agree

    • how does private trackers compare? I suspect ISP's can still see the files your downloading/uploading.

      • They are much better, both in terms of ip reporting & speed/quality. In the short term, just use good up to date ipfilters, even on a public tracker that will keep the letters to your ISP at bay anyway! ;)

      • +1

        They are much better

        Better than public trackers, that is my meaning there, I just want to clarify that before idiots go negging me for the wrong reason! If you understood that and still feel compelled to neg me for the right reason, i.e. offering simple advice on how to protect yourself, knock yourself out! ;)

        As for the news vs torrents debate, that's for kids; I don't really care how anybody gets their downloads! Feel free to neg away for that though!!! :p

        • +1

          Sorreh stewie, that was meant to be a +ve.

    • FFS, who cares how you get your warez & bootleg movies!!!

      All you kids crowing on about UseNet vs torrenting make me laugh…if you think NNTP makes you legally untouchable then I guarantee you, there's a bunch of kiddie pr0n binary group sharing paedophiles in gaols now who also thought that, but might now beg to differ! LOL, once the AFP decide to get serious about illegal net activity by individuals, we'll all be in the same boat, regardless of chosen xfer protocol! :)

      What cracks me up the most, you all hold UseNet up as your gold standard for cutting edge pirates; most of you don't know there are just sooo many other ways! :p

      • -1

        Yeah, there's Kazaa, iMesh, eDonkey, Napster, WinMX. Welcome to 1992.

        • -1

          ROFLMAO!!! Gosh you really know your stuff Tony, thank you so much for the demonstration! :p

  • $5 for the first month then $21.99 recurring, or $5 for the life of the plan? there are https://www.usenetserver.com/ $10 a month and $7.95 if you pay for a year.

  • +1

    Whilst it does sound like a great deal, I'd have to whole heartedly recommend AstraWeb for all Usenet services. I've had a friend who used TN for a while and found his bandwidth was capped after a week (he claims to have used around 40-50Gb).

    • +1

      Astraweb is great, but I've seen some good reviews of thundernews too (and one which also claimed to have had their bandwidth capped). Thundernews is worth a try, in any case, since you can easily cancel, but failing that Astraweb can be had for $8/month (paid a year in advance): http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/voucher.cgi?t=zgufplhx…

      • +1

        +1 for Astraweb

        • What happened to rule number one??? :p

  • Oh very nice..

  • Great deal. If I wasn't already on the $8 a month Astraweb deal (http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/96-yearly.html) I'd probably jump on this (even though I've never heard of them)

  • What is the best Usenet reader these days (freeware or commercialware)?…..I haven't used newsgroups for at least a decade!

    • +4

      Sabnzbd+ for advanced users

      alt.binz for advanced users. Hasn't been updated in a while though.

      Unzbin if you want it clean and simple. Less than a 400kb download.

      • Cheers for the links Scrimshaw! …..I'll have a look at those now.

  • +1


    • +1

      I'd second Alt.binz for newbies. I've recently moved to SABnzbd+ which I like (still trying to come to grips with it being a browser based program), I left Alt.binz as there hasn't been any free updates for more than 3 years (or any updates for contributors for over a year).

      • Cheers guys.

  • O wow, this is really cheap and for the life of the plan. Thanks so much zomg.

  • Great! This will keep me going while waiting for Adam to get their act together.
    Is this promotion end in 30 day as I want to sign up 1st of the month. Is there a risk to wait?
    BTW FYI $5US not in AU!

  • 700 days retention damn, pretty good/

  • +1

    I'd take this up if I wasn't already using Astraweb…

    But I use it too infrequently to make it worthwhile getting an unlimted plan. A block of 180GB of data for $25 will last me about half a year.

  • Can someone please explain to me what usenet is? I can't seem to figure it out :(

  • -1

    Does the download counts towards our ISP quota?

    • +1

      Of course…

      This applies even if you are with Internode.

      Are my downloads of news from this server counted against my download quota?

      Yes, they are. We do have to haul the data across the planet for you, after all.

    • +4

      wrong bargain buddy. Also the joke is in quite bad taste considering the circumstances.

      • what he said.

  • It doesn't look like they provide a web interface for easy http downloading like Easynews, does anyone know otherwise?

    • Get Unzbin — its VERY easy to use and ThunderNews, much better value and you get unlimited downloads for $5 per month.

      Sure EasyNews is easy to use for newbies but you're really paying extra for the interface, not for the download volume.

  • THANKS HEAPS! SIGNED UP STRAIGHT AWAY! …. even though i'm on Astraweb Pay-by-download account. I think i'll just save my Astraweb for rainy days that ThunderNews might have.

  • a bit hesitated to give my cc details (why no paypal?) but got it at the end thanks. havent used usenet for ages it'll be interesting to return to that era :)

    • I just signed up with paypal.

      50 connections and pulling 1750KB/s, not maxing my connection but for $5USD/mth I can't complain.

  • signed up and tested, very similar speeds to astraweb…Only 8 deals left for unlimited

  • Okay guys, Ima ask the newb question.
    What is the advantage to this over torrents?

    Thanks in advance, o wise people

    • DW Ima sign up for unlimited anyway.. theres like 121 deals left?

    • +1

      usenet is the mother of all forums and echonets (if you were old enough)

      best of it all, by design, it can't be moderated (on the flip side, there are tonnes of people out there wanting to share their expertise and opinions whether you want it or not.)

      if i were to summarise what usenet is in a few words, then i would say it's what freedom of speech on the internet looks like. :)

      • Wellllll signed up. Let's play…

        ALSO! Do I have to seed, like torrents?!

        • nope. assume all binaries are virus infected until you've checked it and proven otherwise, and you'll do fine.

        • Right.
          So theres no protection against viruses?
          Can people comment on the binaries so I get get an idea about them?

        • +1

          what i'm saying is, make sure you scan ANY binaries you get from usenet.

          because it's largely un-moderated, people can't "Unpublish" once a post is released out.. so if your pc got trashed because you downloaded and ran without scanning an app called "SpyonanyMSNfriends.zip" it's your fault. ya? :)

          there must be a Intro to Usenet 101 somewhere… google. ;)

        • Cool, that makes sense.
          Thanks… testing it out ATM

  • 1 deal left lol…. like watching an ebay countdown :)

    All gone on the unlimited….

    • +1

      111 unlimited plans left

  • yeah, different link here still has some…

  • w00t. In conjunction with my Internode news server (which is Astraweb provided) I can pull down almost 2mb/sec with this one as well :D

  • looks like I missed out :(

    • Yep….all unlimited accounts gone….plenty of the 75GB still available…still good value at $5.

  • +6

    Just signed up to unlimited plan even with it "disabled". little bug on their end
    here is the direct link if anyone stills wants it!

    • Sweet, was just about to plonk down for the 75GB one until I saw your post.

    • Cheers! Awesome… "lifesaver!"…

    • Thanks a lot! Just signed up as I figured out my Astraweb 180GB account was only lasting me about 3 months ($5/month < $25/3 months)

  • Anyone know what happened to NewzLeech?

    Was my favourite Usenet search engine — seems to have died in the past 3 days.

  • I signed up.. it gives me an email with some 'password decoded' thing at the bottom. How do I use that? Do I insert the decoded full words, or…? :S

    • just use the password at the top of the email. Not sure why they have the "decoded" password

  • +2


    Not sure why its still around but, you should still be able to sign up to the unlimited plan although its greyed out. Courtesy to whirlpool!

  • +3

    Great deal, offer is still running. I just signed up:


  • I found this on another site :)

    For those who signed up with paypal and if you want adult content….

    You can change the payment method from Paypal to credit card. There is an option under "Update Your Info"on the Member's page which allows you to switch your payment method away from PayPal which will give you the broadest access to newsgroups within few hours.

  • Great!! Now i just need a good free client software. Can any one recommend? Please..

    • +3

      Plenty out there.


  • +1 SABNZBD

  • +1

    Looks like price for the unlimited plan has jumped back up to US$21.99, even when attempting to use the direct URL.

  • -1

    could someone please help this noob. Ive done a heap of reading, Goggled loads and having no previous experience with Usenet I now have SABnzbd+ running and I also signed up for a Newzbin account. Everything appears fine, I can dl random things and SABnzbd does its job. I guess my main question is does anyone know a link that best helps me understand what the hell Im even seeing (confused over dozens of files being the one download, I do understand with Usenet things must be ul and sl in small pieces, but I have no comprehension of how one best gets their head around the pieces of the jigsaw that are the smaller files themselves. I understand this is a bargain website not a tech forum, but a link would be greatly appreciated as obviously there are some great minds here. ty.

    • You should be downloading only the one NZB file. The one NZB may contain multiple files, for example, a multi-part RAR archive split in 15MB or 50MB chunks. Once downloaded, if the application doesn't extract it for you automatically, you should be able to do this yourself. Without knowing what sort of files you're seeing (file sizes, file types/extensions, etc.) it's hard to know for certain where you're at.

      This may be better dealt with on the forums.

    • Try this http://ozusenet.info/tutorial_index.html

      Credit to morphio @ Whirlpool

  • cancelled account, private trackers do the job for me.

    • +1

      This was a pretty decent deal for paid UseNet if you really wanted a service for binaries! There are still some free servers out there if you hunt around a bit or don't want bins! ;)

      That said, even at a measly $5/month x 12 months = $60, that's a carton of crownies every Xmas for me! Plenty of other free ways for me to get my poison! :p

  • I changed from PP to C/C (cough to do some research on RA material cough) and got charged $21.99 :( Have sent them an email. Rest of you watchout.

  • Just wondering can you able/allow to run 2 computers at different location with 1 user?

    • If you mean use it at two locations at the same time, I would say no. Otherwise it shouldn't be a problem.

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