I am looking for a storage device which is a bit better than your average USB stick and would be interested in receiving some suggestions. The purpose is to store important personal information such as details about bank accounts, credit cards, investments, insurance, passport for estate planning purposes. I already use Lastpass Pro (which is great) but I want offline storage as well. At present I am using paper and I need something that is more secure.
Those Digital Wallets used for storing Crypto currencies may be a possibility but I do not know enough about them. Can they store general information on them? It so which ones? Is the storage media any more reliable than your average USB stick?
PS I have looked into storage at banks etc, but the ongoing costs are high and difficult to access throughout the year, which I would need to do because I have about 60 account records.
Samsung T5 SSD with hardware encryption?
100USD + postage for the 250GB drive.