This was posted 7 years 2 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

KitchenAid KEK1722 Artisan Electric Kettle Stainless Steel $40 David Jones


Not sure if this is a price error but $40 bucks for the silver kettle when the others are for $183.20 with the 20%.

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David Jones
David Jones

closed Comments

  • +1

    No stock, when I tried to order it for delivery.

    • Don't order more than 1 at a time. I got one in Glen Waverley, Vic.

    • I got Couldnt allocate stock error for delivery too. Must be pick up only really

  • Bought thanks.

  • Bought thanks. Can only order 1 it seems

  • +3

    Reviews are a mixed bag, some Amazon (US) reviews talk about constant beeping, 10°c temperature increments, and failures. I'm passing on it.

    • +1

      Good call I reckon. Apparently the handle can even fly off mid boil.

      • +17

        That's a feature designed to test your reflexes, catch the moment on video and you'll make a fortune.

      • +2

        Thanks for the warning.

      • +1

        Is it just me or does that make anyone want one just to see that rofl

      •… Given some of these reviews I'm very surprised this product hasn't been recalled.

        On a related matter has anyone found a reliable, variable temperature kettle?

        • +1

          I had a Breville which failed after 2 years. Replaced with a Cuisinart about 1.5 years ago, will have to wait and see how long it keeps going!

        • +2

          Ok, I'll admit it. I got a glass KMart variable temperature kettle a couple of weeks ago for $60. Really liking it so far. I'm not sure how reliable it is though. 95 degrees looks like boiling to me. Boiling looks like really boiling. It also does this weird thing where it has two goes at getting to the right temperature. It starts, stops, starts again and then shows the steady light that indicates temperature achieved. I think that's by design. Longevity is always the great unknown.

        • +1

          Got the Cuisinart one linked below for about $120 a year ago, very happy with it so far. We'll see how long its legs are, but there are no guarantees in life with anything, I suppose.

        • @C781097: possibly the same smart kettle we had. Three failures (two from the updated version) later we got our money back and I bought a 'not-so-smart' $30 kettle which does the job.

        • @AlbyDuck:
          Got this too, after spending much more on a variable Russell Hobbs one in the past which was terrible.

          So far, no issues with this kettle. The start stop thing seems to only happen to me when selecting the 90 degree option I think.

          Guess my only other issue is that there light around the buttons doesn't turn off if you simply fill it.

        • @Salmando: Yep. Two Russell Hobbs kettles before this one and they were both crap. That extra button press is a little annoying. First world problems to go with our variable temperature kettles I guess.

    • +1

      I had one of these, two failed within warranty period, by the third I asked for a refund. While it's possible I could've gotten a couple of duds, I don't think they're a particularly reliable model.

    • Time to unbox my XiaoMi Kettle :-)

      • Cant wait for boxing day!? :)

      • Waiting for a WiFi version

  • I can't check out - perhaps all gone or flagged as a price error..

  • +1

    I keep on getting "Sorry an error has occurred while trying to retrieve inventory status of this item".

    • Pickup in Malvern Central, VIC - there's still stock there.

      On the first screen check availability in preferred locations before adding to cart or going to checkout screen.

  • Out of stock

  • +1

    I just had an order go through for pick up at Miranda store in NSW. I'm going to assume this will be cancelled, seeing as David Jones doesn't mind doing that in favour of honouring price errors.

    • +3

      they'll cancel order and wont offer refund unless you ask for it in my experience…

      • +8

        Collected. Didn’t wait for email, just went to store and they fillled the order.

        • +3

          I wonder if that works at night clubs, "hey, can't be bothered tonight. Just grab me a blonde and 2 redheads thanks and I'll be on my way"

        • Which store did you go to?

        • +1

          Well done!

        • +1

          @Slippery Fish: Well, that's what I do. Though it depends on how much the women can afford.

        • @albert22: miranda

  • +1


  • pick up works

    • +4

      Yeah you don't get it until it's physically in your possession in your hands. So until then i wouldn't assume that you've got it.

    • Great job, hope you get them.

  • no stock for delivery. error appeared when checked out

  • +1

    Bought one, but as with other purchases before from DJ's more than likely price error with refund.

    • +1

      Just picked mine up from toowong village click and collect.

      • did you get an email confirming it or just turned up?

        • Email confirming was sent at 845 and i picked it up around 12. Was waiting for the call that it was cancelled. Woman who served me asked for i.d. and my visa i paid with. Found the visa request odd…

      • +1

        Well done.

  • Its not letting me go through with the order. Its saying an error trying to retrieve the inventory status.

  • During checkout: Error:Sorry, an error has occurred while trying to retrieve the inventory status of this product.

  • can't be bothered with refund again.

  • select click and collect…

  • +6

    Is there really an artisan way to boiling water?

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got one for pick-up at Chatswood. After successfully receiving the KitchenAid mixer from the Appliances Online error, I'm more than happy to take a gamble on this one :-)

    • +1

      I'm hoping DJ goes easy this festive season :)

      • +1

        Fingers crossed - although many may consider that a Christmas miracle :-)

  • Mark as expired it’s price error doesn’t work anymore

  • Damn, only places left in NSW are in Newcastle

    Anyone want to driving down and back up to Sydney? Haha

  • Error for me.

  • -8

    Mark expired. Dud

  • Only ones I could find in NSW for click and collect were Central Coast or Newcastle. Neither of which I really wanted to drive to for a kettle.

  • Error:Sorry, an error has occurred while trying to retrieve the inventory status of this product

  • Can’t find any in ACT, QLD or NSW NOW.

  • +2

    DJ's is the absolute worst with these. Will cancel your order, not let you know and rarely refunds promptly

  • anyone managed to buy this?

  • One at Tuggerah. Not sure I want to spend $30 in petrol getting there though.

  • still shows instock for delivery, but unable to check out?

  • Out of stock for all 3 stores in WA.

  • I successfully ordered one - click and collect from Perth store

  • -1

    It's a pricing error. It says 20% off yet says the RRP was $229. 20% off $229 doesn't equal to $40. The sale is 20% off the RRP. Huge price mistake.

    When you click on the Artisan KEK1772 Black kettle also with an RRP $229… it also says 20% off and the price is $183.20. I bet the price for this kettle was meant to also be $183.20. This is the same except it's the black model. Sorry peoples it's a pricing error. I would be expecting your orders to be cancelled and you'll have to chase up a refund.

  • It says out of stock for me.
    Missed it!

  • Error right before payment page.

  • +1

    Thanks I pick it up at chermside

  • Been trying since 9:15 am, looks like out of stock in all stores NSW and delivery:(
    Great deal!

    • -5

      Not a great deal when it's a pricing error and the orders would get cancelled. The real price is $183.20. It's not a deal at all. The online store admin just hasn't picked up on the error yet.

  • Not sure if its going to happen, but I just successfully purchased online click and collect for the last Kitchenaid at the Parramatta Store.

    • -2

      I would be betting towards no it's not going to happen.

  • Yeah down vote my neg on a pricing error. Good one ozbargain; there's posting rules for a reason.

  • Thanks OP got one from Burwood which initially showed no stock but then worked! Will be amazed if they honour!

    • -7

      No you didn't get one. As i said previously you don't get one until it's physically in your possession. It's not so you didn't get one. The order will get cancelled any how.

      • +3

        I’ve got every DJ’s pricing error in my hand, they usually honour it if it’s C&C.

        • -1

          Just means that your order got in to click and collect, processed and picked up by your before the pricing error was noticed and it may have also been not so noticeable as a pricing error by the in store staff. But this a $229 kettle at $40 would look very suss.

        • @hollykryten:

          I’m sure the in store staff probably don’t even see the cost of the transaction, it’s not on any of my receipts that they gave me, all I saw was a picking document and confirmation of pickup.

          Sure, maybe say your case once, but saying it multiple times is a bit over the top. Let people order and either get lucky or not.

        • +2

          I’ve got every DJ’s pricing error in my hand …

          Even this one? I bow to thee, Oh Supreme Bargainmeister!

        • +2

          @PJC: Got 2 of the $0.07 ones (2 orders)

        • +2

          @Navgsc: You are now my leader.

      • -5

        Yep there's an example of idiots neg voting a message about a blatant pricing error.

      • +1

        Lol I can see the anger from here at the fact you missed out. I’ll brew you a cuppa from my new $40 kettle :-)

  • +3

    Although I was not able to order one, but why did this guy repeat again and again it's a price error thing? Just because of he didn't manage to order one so hope everyone else not getting one?

  • DJ have pulled the listing. 404 error

    • It's coming up here on my web browser.

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