My daughter is doing an iPad class at school next year and we need the cheapest data plan for it. Total GB is not a big deal as she will only be using the iPad at school. Not sure if postpaid or prepaid is the way to go, we also have 2 Redsim plans with vodafone on the same account and have considered adding another sim. Not sure of the best way to go, any advice would be appreciated.
Cheapest Data Sim Plan

Thanks for this. Was going to get the Aldi 365 day one but this is much better value.
Couldn't find the expiry date as would like to buy 2 and use the 2nd one after 180 days
Your welcome. Glad to help :)
Total GB is not a big deal as she will only be using the iPad at school
hahaha sure…. ;)
Make sure whatever you get is prepaid, so they can't run up a bill at $10/gb
It sounds like you are saying she has access to wifi at school and therefore the total GB is not important. If this is true why do you need a sim card for the ipad at all? You can activate it and use it entirely on wifi - no need for a sim card unless you need mobile data.
My thought exactly..
Plus save a heap of money and buy only the WiFi Model!Who needs a class for iPads anyway?
No wifi at the school, we are sceptical about the class too hopefully she gets some benefit out of it, thanks for the tips might go with at Voda plan.
$25 for 20gb for 180days
They used to have cashrewards $15 on this but not anymore.
Still good