• expired

TPG 50Mbps Unlimited NBN Plan $69.99 pm or $79.99pm inc. Local and Mobile calls


Looks like TPG are now offering a 50Mbps plan at the same price of their 25mbps plan.

Add $10 To include all local, national and Mobile calls. Even includes caller id .

Maybe due to the new NBN products launching-


Great news as even though I can max out 100mbps on my TPG FTTN plan at any time day or night (peak) a 50mbps will suit me fine and allow me to save $20 a month.

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closed Comments

  • Which one is likely to have better speeds: iiNet or TPG. (I know they are effectively the same company now)

  • +1

    Does anyone know are NBN plans the same price to country addresses too? We're finally getting NBN next month and looking forward to ditching our crappy $80 (100GB) plan - ADSL2+ was always charged more for regional compared to city

    • +1

      i think NBN eliminated that problem, don't think there are any off-net areas now

      • +1

        Yeah that's what I was hoping ;) can't wait to sign up to a decent plan (my republic) or similar

        • what technology are you getting? i live in a country area as well

        • +1


          Do you mean like modem? I'll probably be looking for a deal right here on OzB ;)

        • @urbancartel: I meant the connection type to your house. If you are getting fixed wireless MyRepublic had issues with the Optus backhaul but hopefully it has improved.

        • +1


          Oh ok - i'm not sure to be honest - just got a message saying that NBN would be available in our area from 29th Dec - (was originally going to be Nov)

          Haven't actually had anyone to our property yet so will more than likely be start of next year

          What are the different connection types out of interest?

        • @urbancartel: You haven't checked your address on the NBN website? Oh sorry then if you are getting a fixed connection MyRepublic should be fine. I live on a farm so all we could get is fixed wireless which many people seem to experience problems.

        • +1


          Had a look and it's Fixed to the Node - hopefully will get the same as what we could get in Capital Cities - price wise at least ;)

        • +1

          @urbancartel: Oh nice!! Congratulations, hopefully that should be good.

  • Is your speed/reliability dependant on the provider you choose on NBN?
    My understanding was with ADSL that all providers would run through the telephone wire and speed and reliability weren't really reliant on your provider, more pricing and customer service. Once your house is hooked up to the NBN, is it not the same?

    • Everything runs through the NBN, but it is up to your provider to determine how much bandwidth they provision from NBN. Which in turn determines the speeds you can achieve.

    • +2

      Because Liberals got in you still have to deal with copper.

    • No it's not all the same. The physical line will be the same for all, but stuff like congestion are the main sticking points between each.

  • +5

    There is no such thing as a Deal when it comes to TPG. OzB's would do well to stay away from them unless all your heavy use is outside prime time.

    Don't expect to even watch Netflix during prime time let alone online gaming. Even if some people say it is ok right now… TPG has shown that their entire market strategy is about huge customer marketing drive, then relying on people being too lazy to switch once they over saturate their network.

    • +4

      Am with TPG at the moment using HFC. Works fine in and out of peak periods for me.

      • I'm glad, and I honestly hope it stays that way. But the simple fact is, you're with an ISP that offers an comparatively cheap, heavily marketed, Unlimited data plan - and a track records of MASSIVELY over saturating their network.

        To anyone looking to sign up to an NBN plan, who cares about prime time performance (ESPECIALLY gamers): Do not go with a company that offers unlimited downloads. Just don't.

        • +6

          Have you actually used TPG?

          I've been with them for about a decade now and haven't had any real problems. Netflix streams fine, even on ADSL2+. I don't notice any throttling during peak either. And the one time I did have a technical issue (a Telstra tech caused a fault in the pit), they were actually quite responsive with their customer service. I'd happily go with them.

          And if they can't deliver their advertised speeds, you can argue to be released from your contract.

        • +2

          Yep, directly with TPG for years at one place. Then switched to internode which was amazing for years, until TPG took over, then took a very quick, very drasting downturn in both quality of connection and support. Literally went from 0-15 minute support wait time with node (who would just call you back), to 2-7 hour wait time, and never getting callbacks. Same company, less than a year after TPG take over.

          Of course you can get released from your contract. You can get reimbursed for a month or two of problems as well. Unfortunately, both those things massively pale in comparison to the (profanity) of hours you will spend trying to get them to fix your issues or get your contract voided.

          I'm just one person with one opinion, but I've learned my lesson, and I'm simply trying to help others from learning it the hard way. TPG, and anyone related to them, are an exercise in frustration.

        • +1

          @purehybrid: Sorry you had a bad experience. Mine has been the complete opposite.

    • +2

      Many people bag out hardly normal here and swear never to shop there, but the truth is they’ve gone back over and over again because the deals are good and the goods are good.

      So never put out such blanket statements like “no such thing as a deal”. Every provider has service variability, so does TPG, the whiners you hear about are real, and in the thousands, but when you have millions of customers as they do, you can expect a certain % of issues and dissatisfaction. This is normal.

      • Difference being, you see a deal at HN, you buy it, you get what was advertised. Internet service is a bit less tangible.

        While issues arise at any ISP, did you know that iiNet's ombudsman complaints have increased by 50-79% year on year since TPG takeover? Check the ombudsman annual reports. But nah, you're right… totally normal.

        • Pretty random range u gave, so the increase is 49%. Which is high.
          But put that in context of three things:
          1. NBN related complaints rose 25% that year across all telcos. We all know that this isn’t a single ISP issue, its a NBN related performance issue.
          2. iiNet has a higher overall NBN mix than other telcos, so therefore above average exposure means more than 25% extra complaints expected unless they are superior ISP (which they are not).
          3. Any business that has been taken over has business disruptions due to distractions of desired “synergies” of the raider. Ie: I’m a staff at iiNet, I will spend time gossiping about office news that may or may not happen instead of doing my job during this time. So obviously performance suffers. This occurs in every merger or take over I’ve ever studied.

          These points are not due directly to TPG, whom have cut staffing etc at iiNet I’m sure. But just saying how simplified your analysis is.

        • @cloudy:

          The increase is 79% for 16/17. I gave the range because TPG took over a little before the 16 range started. Not that it matters… point made. People are free to make their own minds up… but I wouldn't be wasting my time here if I didn't think it was worth warning people.

  • +1

    Not unlimited quota but a generous quota of 5TB/1TB and a faster speed of 100/40. Also $69/month however also a $99 set up fee.


  • +1

    I'm with MyRepublic since it launched as well,
    pay 59.99/ month for NBN 100/30 game pax deal.

    the fact is MyRepublic = shit service if you have a problem, long wait call, slow reply or never call back.
    with out the problem they are the best price in speed and unlimited in town.

    • is that $60 plan still available?

      • I think they jack the price up few months ago,

        right now just normal plan 69.99 / month
        gamer pro + 10 extra / month

        unless they do some promo in the future
        you wouldn't find this price 59.99 for gamer pro deal any more

      • -1

        Was a pre order style deal. So long gone I think.

  • +1

    As far as I know, ALL telcos will pretty much give you a free speed boost if you bother to ask. This is thanks to the false speed advertising scandal, and the ombudsman is taking a very consumer-friendly stance when a complaint is launched their way.

  • Anyone know what the upload speed is on this plan? Its nowhere to be found on the site.
    Also, does your contract reset if you switch to this? (Im currently on the 100/40 plan and out of contract, would like to switch over to this)

    • it should be 50/20 - as some suggest above if you can actually get 100/40 (FTTP or a good FTTN distance) then mayne look at myrepublic rather than down grade. I cant get more then 50 so no point in me changing so i just upgraded to this from 25/5.

    • I've just changed mine from 25/5 to 50/?? they have no numbers on the uploads, hope its not worse then 4MB/s

  • Wondering if anyone can help me, I'm currently on TPG FTTN on a 12/1 plan. After connection, I got an email saying my sync speed is 13.819Mbps. Now I'm assuming that because this is greater than the actual speed I signed up for, that this is physically the maximum I could attain regardless of speed plan (ie. if I went on a 25Mbps plan, I'd only get 13.819Mbps).

    Is my logic correct? If so, obviously there's no point upgrading. If I can still potentially get more speed, than hell yeah I'll upgrade.

    • Hi Mate, what modem do you have? are you with tpg? the sync speed is what they've set your "port" to at the Node so it is likely you can get faster depending on your distance (i would say it is very likely you can at least get 25/5).

      • +1

        Yep, with TPG. Just went with the modem/router they supplied. At work now, but believe it is the Huawei HG659.

        • +4

          Ok i've hacked mine so i can administer it (a bit more than tpg allow) so not 100% sure if you have access at the same level .. however can you go to the below?

          log into the modem, then go to maintain then system information, then expand DSL information, there will be a Maximum downstream and maximum upstream, this will tell you what the max speed you can sync over your connection. Mine is 54/29mb … pretty sure you can see this even at user level.

        • @scud70: You're awesome. Will have a look when I get home tonight.

        • +1

          @scud70Thanks Scud for the info! I've got a similar router but couldn't find that info in your instructions. However after a small hunt I found the info in Status, WAN, DSL in the Line Status box, lines 3 and 4. Just thought I'd pass on the additional info. :)

        • +1


          just reporting back - found the detail and max is saying 101/58. Looks like I'll jump on this.

          Thanks again :)

        • @scud70: all of my settings for my Huawei modem in ‘DSL Infirmation’ show zero data. Is this because I need a ‘hack’?

        • @danielh:

          You shouldn't. I haven't made any changes from factory to mine and was able to locate it. I know that doesn't help you get it, but just letting you know you don't need to hack. Sorry I can't help further.

  • When NBN came out 3 years ago or more in Blacktown, we were the first ones to get NBN in Australia. TPG had a plan 60.00 for 100mbps!!!! We were loving it, we had constant speeds of 95+mbps!!!

    Now I moved back home and have a 25mbps plan for $59.00 from Telsta!!!

    When I try to shop for a 100mbps plan for the home, all providers are $90.00+!!!!! F THAT!

  • I'm with TPG, but my current plan is 25 for $69 Month, will they upgrade for free to 50 for the same price?

    • yes

      • +1

        Just did it. Phoned TPG and they upgraded, and my contract is still the same length and price.

        • Do you know if you get a new billing date? Not sure if I should wait out the rest of my month before asking to upgrade.

        • @eldor: Yes, a new billing date, but they credit the difference if you end up paying more than your $69.99 for the current bill cycle.

  • +1

    My TPG nbn connection is unusable during peak hours.

  • +1

    Great, time to get rid of BuzzTelco pain.

    • +1

      they still around ?

      • Yup, along with my TIO complaint.

  • +1

    Finally. I suggested this to TPG a while ago. Currently paying $99 for 100mbit plan but can only get 68mbit on our line. Will definitely downgrade to the 50mbit plan and save some money.

    • +2

      Please don't think TPG listened. I don't think they listen to anyone.

      NBN Co, as part of announcing changes to the CVC charge, have started a promotion with all ISPs 50 sell 50Mb/s plans in preparation for the new CVC charge schedule.

  • Do existing customers have to call up to get it changed? Currently a TPG HFC customer with no lock in

    • +1

      Yes, takes about 5mins to change

      • +1

        You can also log in to your TPG account online and do it that way

        • +3

          I think you can. Go to update my plan section. The phone option was pretty easy also.

        • +1

          @pformagg: Sorry, that wasn't a question - I know you can change your plan online because I did exactly that a few hours ago.

        • +1

          @DrDuck: My brain mixed the first two words up.

  • +3

    Thanks! Was on 25/5, so a free upgrade for me :)

  • +1

    Guess TPG is the next ISP after Optus to get fine

  • I had a look at their website, 25Mbps plan without calls is $59.99, 50Mbps plan without calls is $69.99. So they're not the same price?

    • Are you sure your looking at their NBN plans and not their Fibre to the Building plans?

      • Ah gotcha, $59 is for the nbn12 plan, thanks

  • +1

    I live in an apartment block near the city and have NBN on the 25Mbps plan.
    The modem syncs at 28Mbps and speedtests regularly show 22-23Mbps at all times of day and night.

    Looking at this deal,I've just upgraded to the 50mbps plan. Thanks OP

    • I should have stated, this is in Sydney.
      I had upgraded the plan when I posted my last comment. They've actioned it already and Netflix shows speed is 46.77 Mbps right now. Speedtest shows 43.xx Mbps.

  • +1

    Just Downgraded my IInet $100 100 megabit unlimited to $80 50 megabit unlimited saving 20 bucks a month, I doubt i'll notice the difference.

  • +1

    They've completed the upgrade already, i'm now at 50/20 .. chuffed! thanks again OP! can't complain about the service lol

    • Was there an email confirming the speed change? I just submitted mine too

      • +1

        i was on teamviewer to my home machine and it dropped out then hopped on again and checked my modem it was at the new speed, right after that i got the completed email :) always great to get something for free with no hassle! .. thanks again OP!

    • So you're able to confirm it's 20 up? There is a conspicuous lack of upload speeds on the plans page.

      • Yep getting 50/20…I know though! I searched all over didn't find upload speeds… But the plans are set by NBN so it was safe to assume it's 50/20.

  • Wonder if this will prompt Skymesh to amend plans/prices

  • +1

    I’m currently on the 25/5 plan for 69 a month and this looks really good BUT when I was at the final confirmation I saw in fine print that they only guarantee a ~10mbs connection in the evening.

    I currently get 30mbs in my 25 plan at all times of the day, will this potentially cripple my connection at night?

    • +2

      cant see why.. all they do is change the speed set for your connection from max 25 to 50 , you'll probably see they then add a little bit for it to be able to burst which is why you get 30 most the times, you may get over 50 if your not far form the Node. That might be more of a cover your ass thing (tpg's not yours hahaha), i've never had less than what i signed up for…. but not many premises are on nbn in my area which might be similar thing with yours. I believe its avg of 36mb/ps at the 50mb level during peak hours…

      • +1

        Thanks, will get it now!

        • +1

          if you see it get worse and your not on contract then get them to change it back i say .. hahaha but i bet NBN has told them to add these things into T&C's which they never did before when we signed up originally …

        • +1

          Yes, the ACCC has now told all ISP to ass cover by putting down a minimum speed number that if not meet will mean big fines for them.

        • +1


          TPGs bad design screwed me.

        • +1


          I almost got caught by your mistake - there are three buttons along the top to select your tier:

          • Standard (nbn12)
          • Fast (nbn50)
          • Superfast (nbn100)

          It looks like you're on the Standard tier and you need to change it to the Fast tier and then the correct price will be shown.

        • +1


          I don't have an option for that. I could only select from those plans shown, and 2 others that included phone calls (not shown).


          When I select the nbn100 plan it comes up with that price.


          I'm getting the FTTB plans but I'm not complaining. It's possible that TPG installed FTTB over the last couple of years in this building. Adjacent buildings do have TPG FTTB and one of them was the first buildings to get it.

        • +1

          @c0balt: actually call them on the phone that doesn't look right, that 10mb is actually for the 12/1 plan, my bad i thought you saw it in t&c, the 50 is 36 at peak and the 100 should read 50 at peak … just give them a call you can ask a few questions before pulling the trigger.

        • +1


          TPGs bad design screwed me.

        • +1


          It's a really poorly designed page: https://imgur.com/a/oA8Mw

        • +1



          I see what you mean about the design now. That's some real BS how the speed tier buttons look like headings rather than buttons and are directly above the plans underneath. It would be helpful too if the selected speed tier was actually selected and not blank!

          Well I just got off the phone with TPG and they will change me to the $69 nbn50 plan after my 'new' nbn12 plan goes though. They will be crediting the account before changing from the nbn12 to the nbn50 plan, so I won't lose out any $$$, but I will be losing out a few days of faster internet :(

        • +1

          @c0balt: Yeah, the TPG website and phone support never inspire much confidence. If I didn't have such a good (legacy) mobile plan with them I'd leave in a moment.

        • @c0balt: damn.. glad you got it resolved… Stay on them though so they don't forget… Although that stupid site must have led to a fair few people doing the same so I'm guessing they won't "forget" lol..

    • It is the same line they already have, so it will be closer to 50 if you are already getting 30. I think they have to say that now, as the government is cracking down on advertising.

  • +2

    m != M
    b != B

  • +1

    thanks OP just upgraded to superfast for no extra cost! though i doubt the speed will be that much faster downloading

  • +1

    Just jumped on this one too, going from the $69 25/5 plan.
    The plan change confirmation email states "Contract - No Lock-in Contract" which is a very welcome surprise considering I was 6 months into an 18 month contract….

  • ADSL +2 and have had more problems with TPG and the slow internet (like dial up slow) and dropouts than the hairs on my head. Their customer service seem helpful but done nothing really.

  • +2

    Signed up last Wednesday but ring up for a free upgrade.
    Worked out as recontract same price but double the speed.

  • +1

    Buzz Telco is where it’s at. They’ve cleaned up their act and I’m averaging 93/38 with 9-11ms ping now. Unlimited 100/40 for $69/month or $49/month when on special. No contract.

  • TPG is hot garbage avoid at all costs. I had 100/40 plan and went through hell with them.

    • +1

      Hell to get set up? (Similar to the 9 month ordeal I had?)
      Hell to get fast speeds? What speeds are you getting now?
      Who are you with now or did you resolve your TPG issues as you said ‘went’ in the pastense?

      • I am now with Aussie broadband.
        Tpg would drop out, randomly slow down and throttle during peak times.
        the last straw was they began routing all my traffic to Adelaide when I'm from Vic.
        Using cmd tracert, I diagnosed the problem and contacted them about it. They admitted that they know this is happening, but REFUSED to fix it because to them it only has a "minor" impact on your internet performance. As a gamer I want the best ping I can get, and what I pay for.
        Swapped to Aussie broadband and both the product and customer service is far superior.
        If you would like to try Aussie I can refer you, if not just avoid TPG.

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