This was posted 7 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New Balance 50% off Code

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Get 50% off all non clearance items on the web online, with free shipping. Multiple use on the code and valid to the 28/12/2017


share the code to anyone.

Not valid on Cricket or sandals or any clearance items.

Related Stores

New Balance
New Balance

closed Comments

  • +3

    Yay. These are the normal prices now.
    edit: yeah getting "This promo code does not exist."

      • +10

        Please don't jump to conclusions. This "Big blue banner" wasn't there when these comments were made. Thanks for your concern.

      • +2

        seriously mate - you have problems. Posted it when it was not said tomorrow. Thanks for the negs.

        • -6

          Can say the same in regards to you.
          Posted when it said tomorrow. Thanks for the negs.

          Seriously, if you and the others getting involved take what ultimately is just an internet random to heart so readily, I fear for mankind!

          NFG :)

        • +4

          @086: I love how you thought you were being smart putting down whoever that was then turns out you're the idiot! Haha… effin gold.

  • +2

    I'm getting a "This promo code does not exist." error when applying this coupon to my cart?

    • Same here, do we have to register first?

    • +6

      Not sure if its coz the deal is listed as starting tomorrow?

      • Ah probably, it didn't state it in the OP when I tried, thanks.

      • Awesome, thanks!

  • +4

    Starts tomorrow, same code

  • Bummer.. right after I used secure parking $50 code last week.. could have saved another $25.

    • +1

      Can you use the secure parking $50off with this? I though you can't stack the two?

      • No, but the price would have been $25 cheaper if I had waited for this deal. Didn't think there would be another one for a while.

  • +1

    Good deal on good shoes. Just bought some at half price over black friday…week

  • +7

    New Balance - the new eneloops.

    • Exactly! But I use my shoes more than the batteries lol

    • +2

      Nah new balance is the new Bonds, price need to be 50% off else it's not a deal.

  • Would this code work on a Liverpool Jersey?

    • It has for their previous 40% and 50% off deals - which are becoming extremely regular.

  • +2

    Goes to show the profit margins on shoes, with all large sports brands discounting 40-50% within the last month.

    • -2

      Even at 50% off they would still be making a killer profit. All these shoes are made from synthetic materials or cheap leather in Vietnam/China, probably cost less than $5 a pair to make.

      • Clearly you don't understand how business work. Retail Price consists of production cost + r and d + patent cost + employee wages + advertising + tax + investors + blah blah.

        • of course it does.. but even after taking all that into account there is still plenty of profit.. NB is not like Nike and Adidas with the hyped shoes and new innovations. They are a lower tier more traditional brand.

        • +6


          I find the quality control on NB shoes are way better than Nike or Adidas though.

        • Well, unless a shoes has a new and innovative functional feature, there are not patents on shoes (which are very, very few considering the big picture although not for lack of trying by the companies). They are protected by design rights, not patents.

          Source: IP lawyer with specialisation in patents

        • -5


          I like how people come up with crap without googling ;)
          fix your source;

          Source: User specialisating in googling;…

        • +6


          Mate, I am an IP lawyer(doing a lot of pro bono work for artists, inventors, disabled inventors etc. as otherwise there is no access to legal services for them) (for the last 11 years) and deal with this on a daily basis.

          Plus, if you read properly I did not say shoes cannot qualify for any patents. I said it is very rare as what is needed is novelty and innventiveness or innovation. Please note there are also two different types of patents in Australia (not worldwide)so speaking of patents as if there was only one is very misleading as different standards apply.

          If you look at the website you mentioned there are exactly three patents for shoes (not counting the sole which is different) five years apart. If you take this proportion and look at the total number of patents granted every year you will find that this is miniscule.

          The majority of shoes are protected by design rights as that is what distinguishes one shoe from another (look, form, closing mechanism etc.).

          Plus: if I was you I would be careful with googling - lots of it is superficial information. Or would you trust google if you ever went to court for anything??? I can just see the judge smiling when you say "but your honour, I googled it and hence it must be true. You are wrong on this point."

          At least use an official site if you must use the internet for authority:

          P.S.:Negging this reply does not change the facts and law. Sorry. And it is not hard to figure out where the immediate neg comes from, right b……..a

        • @nubzy:

          I always regarded NB as a premium brand, they have a long history. Adidas are nowhere near as big now as they used to be. Nike is big sure.

        • @SamR:

          Looking at the revenue development both Adidas and Nike have never been bigger than now.
          Of course, part of it is that they bought other companies such as Reebok for example.

  • +1

    Kathmandu sales tactic.

  • The new ebay

  • Can i use the code for clearance section tomorrow?

    Thank you

    • 50% off all non clearance items

  • For anyone who has purchased in the past, approximately how much would Sydney metro delivery be for running shoes, when the purchase is under $100?

    • It sometimes works that if you add items to cart, login (so they know your email), go to the checkout page but then leave (click to another site, close the browser, do nothing) they'll send you a free shipping code. It's not guaranteed, there's been some sales where it didn't work, but it's more often than not that it does.

    • +1

      seems to be under $10 for the shipping.

      • Ok I just purchased and did not have to pay shipping, I guess it based the free shipping on the pre-coupon total. Nice!

        • It's free shipping at the moment - regardless of spend total.

  • Dont forget the 5% cashreward

    • cashreward not working.

      • +2

        Correct. We made the decision to remove New Balance from Cashrewards as they've made it clear this code is not commissionable. No point leaving them live only to be smashed with tickets for declined transactions later down the track. Best to be proactive. Thanks.

  • +2

    Code is live now and working, happy shopping.

    Free shipping on the site now.

    • +3

      Not working for 247 classic or 247 sport.
      They are not in "Mens clearance" they are in "Mens shoes".

      Not Applied Coupon Number: NEWBAL17

      If you want to have a sale then have a sale.
      When it only works for some tricky stuff then we lose interest.

      • Works for me on the classics, the sports are on clearance.

  • has anyone used the code in store before? i've had past experiences where i've been able to do it with the bupa code in the past but not sure about this one.
    fingers crossed they have a 50% off storewide i saw some kicks that were fireeeee yesterday.

  • Bought some, thanks for the heads up OP.

    Free shipping was a nice bonus.

  • Bought The Ricardo Seco x New Balance 574 + Snapshot tee, those are lit!
    Cheers for the code OP!

  • Got 50% off already discounted shoes.. NB 880V7 .. thanks

  • Scored some new running shoes and a couple of t-shirts. thanks OP.

  • Thanks bought a few new shoes for my little one.

  • Thanks for the code. Just grabbed myself some runners.

    Just got a new treadmill so good timing :-)

  • +2

    Bring back the 50 off all items including clearance. Then I will rejoice.

    • If it includes clearance, I have a pair that I will immediately pounce.. the current clearance price is not worth for it but the 50% off is a super deal :D

  • Worked for me with this shoes that are on sale. $200 retail down to $70 after applying the code Thanks OP!

  • I have never bought new balance before, are they true to size?

    • Best to try them on instore or purchase TTS, one up and one down then returning the others as they vary quite a bit

  • -1

    Any good prices?

  • Tks OP, got my shoe a sneaker.

  • +1

    I swear…

    The shoes I want were removed from the website on the site wide sale.

    Now they have been put into the clearance section with a minimal discount.

    Dodgy farks..I'm removing my positive vote.

    • +1

      And the minimal discount will not allow the 50% code :( same here ..

      • Exactly.

  • code is not working

  • code works just fine. Thanks OP

  • bought, thanks OP

  • Not a deal.

    New Balance always 50% off.

    The Special is when it’s full price.

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