Google Wifi Home Mesh Wi-Fi System (3-Pack)
Looks like this deal started today. I went in there to pick up my 2nd set only to find it's on sale. Good bit of gear IMO.
Google Wifi Home Mesh Wi-Fi System (3-Pack)
Looks like this deal started today. I went in there to pick up my 2nd set only to find it's on sale. Good bit of gear IMO.
You can trust Google.
No source more relaible than a shitty photoshopped image you made and spam everywhere?
Can you read?
@cheepwun: Oh, you mean the blog post by "Tyler Durden" posted on that insecure website you linked to?
Nah, I value my braincells too much.
thats ok just get Xiaomi stuff .. specially the ones that need the cloud account to work.. def no spying there either.. :P
I know which one I'd pick haha
They all about same
Oh! Didn't realise it was cheaper at OW. Happy for mods to remove if required
edit i'm pretty sure it was 499 yesterday which was why i was surprised it scanned at 399 today.
Not sure whether to go for this or the Netgear Orbi! I've just about had it with my shitty telstra modem/router
I purchased this about a month ago and have been very happy with the improvement seen! Would recommend, you'll forget about the price tag quite quickly!
I'm in the same boat. Just easier to have something that works haha
Hi friend! I've been looking at getting either a WiFi mesh system or a power line adapter, I used to use a wireless extender but found out it cuts the speed of my net between the two points, and I can't find anything on the net that tells me if the WiFi mesh system does this. Would you recommend the WiFi mesh system between two houses on the same lot of land and does it cut the speed? Thank you if you do answer! I have family that live together and the back house Internet is horrendous
The Orbi gets a signal upstairs in my long townhouse where a repeater and extender got nothing… Single storey would spread further, but depends on what the houses are made of too.
Orbi >>>>> Daylight >>>>>>> Google. Dedicated backhaul wifi channel makes for much faster transfer speeds.
Obligatory Harvery Norman price match + $1 item and Amex $100 rebate comment :)
Damaging wifi from my Favourite CIA NSA buddy.…
Those poor rats!
BTW you are joking right?
I'm as serious as diabetes in Australia.
You sound fun - reading random reports on wifi effects on rats… I heard that tin foil hats protect the rats entirely.
I'm sorry. Decades of research on microwaves means nothing. You're correct. I think I am an expert for highlighting studies showing wifi harm. Clearly an expert.
On the internet,no less. Not credible if found on an electronic network called The Internet. I am an expert too. I should stop that.
@cheepwun: Biased research means nothing. So you have PHD? Masters? You write articles? In the lab? Whats your credentials. How many articles have you been involed in? How many have you co-authored or reviewed?
I don't study wifi. I report on studies which find a correlation between exposure and bio damage. A few studies of many.
You must have a Phd in…? I can make some rude guesses. I wasn't aware only those that pass your standards are allowed to comment on 2.4 Ghz research. I'll make sure I won't think twice before posting again.
There is discomfort in bursting bubbles. Fun to watch.
be gone with you. one of the smartest cities in the world, and one of the smartest research centeres for health in the world disagree with you. lol.
Almost as reassuring as the decades of smoking and asbestos debates between the research realities and the industry-funded research from paid-off scientists. And countless other examples going on now.
You are simply choosing the path of least resistance. The path of least discomfort. And rudely responding to others who bring up research not in line with your views.
My very learned Phd master, I'll never stop as long as I have the health to present opposing views to the status quo which are being squashed by a multibillion-dollar industry. I'll never 'be gone'. But thank you for the kind suggestion. Please continue enjoying 24/7 wifi. Good health to you.
@cheepwun: I value opposing views, when they have not been accepted yet, and there is literally no way of escaping it, I tend to ignore it.
@cheepwun: None of the studies quoted in the article you posted actually reference any increased risk of cancer due to exposure to wifi. They actually state the opposite. One of the cohort studies found 257 cases of cancer out of 440,000 people. This is generally referred to as low significance, and likely no correlation between them. I'm now calling into question that website.
Another quote "We found that with extremely high proportions of the population having used mobile phones across some 20-plus years (from about 9% in 1993 to about 90% today), age-adjusted brain cancer rates have flatlined over nearly 30 years."
Nothing in that article suggest any correlation to cancer with mobile or wifi usage. My guess is the website has an agenda, and has posted studies they know their user base will never actually read (generally as most of them were behind paywalls). Misunderstand the titles and then just agree with them by default.
You said it, not me. You are ignoring it 'cause it's not mainstream thinking. Welcome to the world of money and vested interests.
You can severely reduce your exposure.
@cheepwun: literally every copy paste fear mongering spam post you have made has been negged to death. What is actually wrong with you?
Can't count? This isn't a popularity contest. I don't seek mass acceptance. You do. Which is why you are so convinced of your views being correct and so hostile to opposing views that cause discomfort to your world-view. I am the small opposing voice bringing light to mass ignorance.
Seems you can't simply ignore me. What is wrong with you?
@cheepwun: You didn't even read your own studies, the only ignorant one is you. You are not a light, you are a nothing.
Seems you are the only one that didn't read. Since I am nothing, you must be talking to yourself then…
Quite rudely.
@cheepwun: That didn't even make sense.
I responded directly to your reports a few comments up. The research your links provided in no way supported the article itself. It in fact said the opposite. You are deluded.
@ONEMariachi: @cheepwun - why have you specifically not responded to this comment? The comment with reasoned arguments. The comment containing facts. The comment with breakdown of the content sources that you provided?
You post the same spam-esque articles on almost every wifi related deal on this site. The least you can do is stop cherry picking your responses and address the substantial responses like this one from @ONEMariachi.
If you don’t address the real responses then your “public announcements” are no better than donning a sandwich board that states ‘the end is nigh’.
Yes, it is a joke. The reports aren't about normal levels and distances and not trusted.
Oh man just checked out and the person posts the same content on every deal that involves wifi/bluetooth/technology in general. Just copy pastes the one link he has. And you know it's legit as it says "peer reviewed" in the title LOL.
Don't you love people who read an article on the internet, and is suddenly an expert.
@cheepwun: So can you just skip to acceptance? Just accept you are a troll who doesn't really know anything and just trolling for no point at all?
Nice interpretation.
You are the same, just pushing one point of view.
I get that you don't like it. But stop pushing the same agenda on every post with electronics in it.
@cheepwun: I know enough to know you shouldn't post that crap here. Keep it to your own blog or corner of the internet.
The other point of view (that it's harmless and causes no discomfort to your beliefs) can be found everywhere. Time to burst the bubble. Now or later, it will be burst.
Keep all your conspiracy crap to one comment thread, hey? Otherwise it makes you look even more stupid.
No need to price match at office works as it's their normal price ( been that for a little while I think)…
I remember searching at static ice this morning and OW was on $497. I think it was at this level couple weeks ago around Black Friday. Went up to full price after that and dropped again today.
I think you're right… even if you google "Google WiFi Mesh Router 3 Pack Officeworks" it shows it as $497 in the results as it's obviously cached.
And staticice says $497 as well and reckons it was updated today.
JB Hifi changed their pricing last night (according to a notification I set in pricehipster) so maybe Officeworks came in to work this morning and price matched on their site.
No, it's been $399 every time I've gone into OW stores. Definitely not a response to JB.
Ah, maybe that was it..
Unfortunately the price seems to have reverted to $499 at the large retailers (JB Hifi, Officeworks, TGG)
Is this gonna spy on me? Srs