Don't have a grinder or anything like that. Just looking for some cheaper decaf. (in Melbourne)
Best Place to Buy Decaf?

I really like the Oxfam decaf, but many wouldn't consider it cheap.
You dont indicate if you want Pods, Ground coffee or instant.
If its ground one of the best is Bonta Caffe Italiano Decaffeinato
I dont know where in melb it retails, in Sydney its even harder to find, so I buy it in bulk from the supplier. They dont supply direct. In my case Its an arrangement I made 10 years ago.
If you want to find a retail outlet in Melb call the supplier. (Vacuum sealed 250g packets)
BonFoods 03 9495 8200
Its a great decaf, friends who drink regular coffee are surprised how good it tastes. Its Italian and that means its got to be good coffee.
I’m not sure why Rocky got the neg? Seems like a reasonable suggestion.
I get decaf Coles, FYI it tastes slightly better than dirt but it’s cheap and does the job.
None of the decaf I’ve found in instant tastes very good. Maybe decaf bags might be worth a shot.
Actually yeah the Robert Timms decaf bags are great. I keep a stash at work.
Thanks for being more specific jjjaar, I forgot the brand, those are the ones I’ve used before. :)
Have a plus-vote.
Decaf beans? Decaf instant?
GASP the Aldi decaf isn't bad…… Shocked, myself. But it is good.
It's a shame ALDI doesn't post the prices of its Everyday range on-line. I always forget to check prices for those "random" things when I'm there.
I don't know if Allprices is up to date ( for $3.69?), especially now that they're focusing on
Thanks for the tip!
It sounds about right for the price.
I was shocked at its taste for the price! and at less than $4, give it a go and if its not your cup of tea (hehehe) its not a $10 jar wasted.
I must agree. After trying various brands of decaf over the years, I find Aldi's to be quite good. I've stopped looking for better.
Question from a borderline coffee (and so caffeine) addict: What's the purpose of decaf?
It's about as useful as vegan cheese.
I try not to have any caffeine on weekends or even past 2 pm weekdays. Then, it only takes 1 or 2 cups of regular to keep me alert at work.
Same with me, but then I don't drink coffee on weekdays (OJ wakes me up enough on weekends and (feels) healthier).
limiting caffeine intake, while still enjoying the 'taste' of coffee.
See, that'd seem to be the obvious reason, but personally at least, caffeine is to coffee as alcohol is to wine or scotch - they both taste good, but only really as a delivery mechanism. (No, I don't understand people who drink non-alcoholic wines either, and if non-alcoholic scotch exists, I don't need to know.)
If you want a hit, just use caffeine tablets why waste money on the coffee
You see the argument goes both ways…😀
Occasionally, The Reject Shop.