Cheapest I've seen Titanfall 2 so far!
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[PC] Titanfall 2 - $9.96 w/Facebook 5% off @ Cdkeys

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Sorry, lousy player here… Is there a super easy mode? Is the single player story any good?
Bought too many games lately.. still have a backlog of games to play.Single player is excellent, really worth getting just for that alone.
Honestly one of my favourite games. I sucked at the start but once I got used to the controls it was super fun! Haven't played multiplayer yet though.
I think Titanfall is the best Fps for someone who doesn't live on them. Bots atleast give you satisfaction of achieving something, not to mention when you hop in a Titan.
Infinitely better than playing a Cod game.
I'm so bummed a lot of people skipped over this game.
Next to Quake 3, this is probably the most objectively balls to the wall fun shooter I've played online.
On the positive side though, at least EA didn't make alot more than they could from this.
This game is absolutely fantastic and this comes from a guy that plays pretty much single player only games. Absolutely brilliant and worth every cent. I have it on PS4 and for the price I'll buy it again on PC. Brilliant/10 definitely get it, its a crime this game has so little players and a generally quiet player base.
What other games do you like brah?
Like MP games?
$10 for a AAA game seems like a good deal to me.
The AAA tag doesn't mean anything these days. If anything AAA means greedy game publishers release half finished games loaded with bugs and charge us for day 1 DLC
Just started playing it. Walking around in a titan is super cool especially when it locks on and fires on multiple targets.
I'm getting some black square graphic issue is anyone else experiencing it?
Multiplayer is great fun - I've clocked around 53 hours (most of that in the MP modes) and it's been some of the most fun I've had playing an FPS for a while.
Can be hard to find a game sometimes but usually there's plenty of games going in the evening.Well worth $10!
Key not working An error has occurred while trying to process your request.
Issue was related to Origin site, key was ok
Bought it not too long ago. There are still people playing multiplayer and I found it fairly easy to get a couple of games. Singleplayer is great, much better than the joke of a singleplayer in the first game.