Great smart smoke detector. Similar to Nest Smoke detector.
Xiaomi Gateway is required
You will need to use GearBest mobile app to get price (31.93 AU)
Great smart smoke detector. Similar to Nest Smoke detector.
Xiaomi Gateway is required
You will need to use GearBest mobile app to get price (31.93 AU)
To get the smart features you will need the GW
so it detects fire alarms? or smoke?
From the specs:
"Remote Alert / Progressive Sound / Photoelectric Smoke Sensor"
So this send me a text message when my house is burning down?
Or when your toast is ready.
Depends, if the fire burns the gateway or cut the power first, you won't get it.
Perhaps worth having a good relationship with your neighbors as they can be a cheap alternative not only to call you but also call the emergency services
I haven't checked all states, just picked the first 2 from Google results, but smoke alarms need to comply with standard AS-3786. I couldn't see mention of this on GearBest's website. And before anyone asks, it matters if there's a fire and your insurance company refuses to pay, or if it's a rental property.
Is a smoke detector a requirement for insurance?
Anyway you could just use it in conjunction with a $10 smoke detector from Bunnings.
Don't believe it is, but it is becoming law that they are required in every room.
Not sure how long before the law comes in.
From the 1st Jan 2017 the latest QLD law requires all new or 'substantially renovated' homes to have the following Smoke Detectors fitted:
1. Photoelectric
2. Interconnected
3. Mains Powered with 9V Battery Backup OR 10 Year Battery Powered
4. In every Bedroom, in hallways that connect bedrooms and on each level of the home
Believe me, I've just gone through it all and it's becoming a joke because of course different brands don't communicate with each other and you can't seem to mix wired & wireless interconnection methods either. Amazingly there is no standard for wired/wireless interconnect comms signals! Unbelievable. In other words unless you have easy access to your roof space and existing mains wiring then your only current option is to pay massive amounts to roll out identical 10-year Battery versions with Wireless Interconnect and replace every single one of your existing detectors… even if they were only installed on the 31st December 2016… at least that's my interpretation of the new laws.
Believe me, I've just gone through it all and it's becoming a joke because of course different brands don't communicate with each other and you can't seem to mix wired & wireless interconnection methods either. Amazingly there is no standard for wired/wireless interconnect comms signals! Unbelievable. In other words unless you have easy access to your roof space and existing mains wiring then your only current option is to pay massive amounts to roll out identical 10-year Battery versions with Wireless Interconnect and replace every single one of your existing detectors… even if they were only installed on the 31st December 2016… at least that's my interpretation of the new laws.
It's a complete load of rubbish, the new laws will do nothing but increase the costs of rentals and the prices of houses and apartments. This has all come about because of a few irresponsible families, once again the majority suffer because of a select few. Maybe people should be educated that if you stack gas bottles under your house and use these bottles for some unsafe activity that there is a chance the house will catch on fire. But let's not educate, let's legislate which is all our governments are good for. Can't risk the people being able to think for themselves.
Yeah, I plan on adding to my existing au detectors
Not just AS-3786, but AS-3786:2014 to be specific!
Think I'll stick with a local smoke detector that works, rather than this txt-sending junk.
Why junk?
Don't think Honeywell would want their name on your so called Junk!
Doesn't seem to comply with Australian standards. At least from my googling. Non-compliance no big deal usually, but for a life saving and mandatory device ??
Doesn't seem to comply with Australian standards. At least from my googling. Non-compliance no big deal usually, but for a life saving and mandatory device ??
So you think the Australia Standards are the world's best? LOL. Would you rather be safe or compliant with out dated Australian Standards? The Nest was illegal to use in Australia for many years. Australians Standards also made it illegal to use the much safer ISOFIX child seats until a few years ago.
The battery Nest smoke alarm is non complaint for use in Queensland under the new laws unless you fit it as a secondary unit as it doesn't have sealed batteries with a life of ten years.
So you think the Australia Standards are the world's best? LOL. Would you rather be safe or compliant with out dated Australian Standards?
Tell that to your insurance after the fire and let us know how it goes ;)
Tell that to your insurance after the fire and let us know how it goes ;)
What does it have to do with insurance? Smoke alarms are not there to save your home, they are there to enable you to get out.
Clearly you would rather be compliant and dead then non compliant and alive so it's a moot point.
@Maverick-au: agree with your comment about child safety seats. I believe our standards have slipped substantially - it's now more commercial than research based. The reason isofix wasn't legal was because AS didn't test the system themselves (funding) and put their own rubber stamp on it. European and UK child safety seat laws require rear facing seats for much older children than in AU and because AS hadn't come up with this recommendation on their own, manufacturers don't provide rear facing seats for older children.
Australian standards
Is bull.
Items that are approved by the FCC or/and carry the ec mark can't be sold in Australia unless the importer pay a bucket load of money the cartels.
< Clearly you would rather be compliant and dead then non compliant and alive so it's a moot point.
You're well known on another site for trolling, so I won't bother with you anymore. Have a nice day :)
@redcreek200: if you have this and a $10 bunnings unit you will be compliant. Not much the insurance company will have to object to (w/r to smoke alarms at least).
yeah … if you are home smoke detector tor goes off …. get out of the house …… if at work ….. by the time you get home your house is burned down or neighbours called the brigade already ……
get an sms …… you are more likely to answer an sms on your phone in the middle of the night than wake up to a smoke detector siren and get out of the house ……. hmmmm …..
Bundle it with a $10 compliant detector, done. Also, download Mi app to receive push notification, not old school TXT. Surely the wifi is still on before it detects the fire.
Surely the wifi is still on before it detects the fire.
There's no "surely" here. All depends where the fire started and it's level.
Buy this plus a bunch of home minis to put in every room and integrate into home assistant. If smoke detected set volume to max and broadcast siren to every home mini.
So you don't know where the hell the smoke is being detected? There are a few integrated detectors that let you chose from prerecorded announcements, such as "dining room", "bedroom 1" etc. but I've not seen them for sale in Australia.
ok google where is the fire and how fast is it spreading ……
@banana365: if you really wanted that, that can also be done via home assistant and multiple detectors.
not if your wireless modem is the cause of the fire ……
how good a price is this?
Are you sure about the GW being required?