Gerry also joined the party with Officeworks and JB Hi-Fi by reducing the price of Google Home to $128.
Remember AmEx Statement Credits if you have other things to buy from Harvey Norman that can make up to $400 (and you have an AmEx card).
Gerry also joined the party with Officeworks and JB Hi-Fi by reducing the price of Google Home to $128.
Remember AmEx Statement Credits if you have other things to buy from Harvey Norman that can make up to $400 (and you have an AmEx card).
Well it is mentioned in the description
Gerry also joined the party
You should invite to an Ozbargain meetup and give him a free shirt.
I think this will keep dropping like the chromecast.
Aren't there rumours about a new model coming out?
Yea a bigger more expensive one with better audio quality.
Not really rumors, the Google Max is just a larger version with better speakers
Amazon must have said Echo was coming to Australia. Yep, yep they did
There is no news of Amazon Echo Australia support yet?
Only Google fighting with amazon…
It was announced last week at the AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas that Alexa (the tech behind the Amazon Echo) is coming to Australian and New Zealand in early 2018.
I'm not sure the point of this model. The speaker is plenty loud enough on the Mini, and if you want good quality audio, this is not a great solution either. Better off with Mini plus Chromecast Audio if that is your needs.
I think it's better for bigger areas. I'm getting one for an open plan living area, the minis will go in the bedrooms.
The sound on these things is weird. Not sure whether the speakers needs "burning in", but out of the box it is bassy as hell. I had to go into equalizer settings and put bass on minimum and trebble on maximum, otherwise it was too gross to listen to. Even now, it is boomy. No sure what they were thinking. They use a lot of psychoaccoustics too. If you listen to a sound which goes progressively lower, e.g. a bass note, as it gets lower you can actually hear they are substituting with a higher sound.
I'm a bit puzzled - I have heard better sound come out of smaller speakers.
you can tweak bass and treble in the app, it's not a $500+ speaker but it's plenty good for the price
I did. Even then it's boomy.
I kinda agree actually, its nice when paired with a mini over chromecast because it doubles up on the treble which makes listening nicer. But yeah even then, the profile is a little V shaped.
Hence the case for chromecast audio or google home max (when it arrives) I guess.
Still I like that the system offers a full house listening experience for on average less than .$100 per room (assuming a mix of mini and normal).
That broadcast message feature is awesome for split story houses too
@ndftz: Yes, volume/body wise it is good. We use it for background music, for which it is fine.
Yeah, the broadcast feature is good.
@Make it so: I think background music is it's target right? I mean how many people sit in-front of their bluetooth speaker and just listen? :-)
Pretty much the default for sound for the masses these days, almost any lower end audio has massive muddy bass and no treble to speak of, with the occasional exception.
I'm aware of the tendency towards V-shape, especially for headphones. But the Google Home, without adjustments, is just one muddy drone. I thought my hearing was going down the drain.
Owning both, I agree the mini is great, but the Home is better at picking my voice up from greater distances, it's speaker is louder and much clearer, it also picks my voice up MUCH better when there is background noise. If you have a small quiet room, the Mini is fine, but if you have anything bigger then the Home is where it's at, the audio is much better for music - MUCH better when loud.
Is this the general consensus? The mini has trouble picking up what I say over running tap water. When I listen back to the recording I can see why it has so much problems doing so. But curious to try the home and see if it makes a difference.
Had friends over on the weekend, and was able to get it to work while there were conversations going on right next to it.
Do i need this if i have 2 minis i havent setup yet ?
If you plan on never setting them up, then perhaps yes you do need this.
I have 3 minis, 1 still inside the shrink wrap and I'm still thinking of getting this.
getting bit sick of these spy(Google) home ads on OZB all the time!
just post more deals for the old ozb staples: torches and eneloops :)
You're already being spied on, at least this is overtly obvious.
Any in my case, 5 minutes of listening to the conversations in our home and they will hang themselves.
Maybe you need a special on tinfoil
Im looking at getting Sonos wireless speakers, thinking of getting the Play 1 (around $230 each) OR the ONE ($300 each) which will eventually come with Amazon Alexa (when it comes to Aus). No point in getting the google home as it will not communicate with the sonos gear? Only upside if I buy 2 sonos play 1's and google home, I will have 3 speakers for the price of 2 Sonos ONE's, but 2 seperate "devices" ? Thoughts ?
Supposedly Google Home will support Sonos in the future. At moment the Sonos app and Home Assistant do a good job
Thanks asa79, I might just get 2 Play1's and a Google Home then! 3 speakers that way !
You wont regret the Sonos purchase. I have 2 play 1 and 1 play 3 and they are great. If only the playbar supported HDMI, hopefully next version
2 x Play1 put out good sound for say a normal size lounge room? I know size, aucostics etc vary greatly.
@dazzza: They are pretty good, and loud, If you pair them in stereo would be better for large area
I mainly use them in Bedroom and Play 3 in Kitchen dining, and that is really nice.
Especially with Sonos Room App
Cheers mate. Thats the plan then, 2x Play1 in stereo and instead of a Play3 which u have, I will add the Google Home for integration hopefully later on :) Just the play 3 is a bit cost prohibitive at present.
Why would I spend $128 to yell frustrated abuse at a small box, when I already have a phone? ;-)
Pay $128 to speaker to a box?
Because the small box is cheaper than your phone.
Because for $128 you don't have to yell anymore.
True true!
How does it work if i have my android phone within listening distance. does both the phone and google home pickup the request?
Yes, but the Home will complete the request.
Can confirm that Amex Statement credit works. I just got back from HN. I purchase a $400 giftcard which cost me $400 and used it right away to purchase 1 x google home and 2 x mini for $234 and by the time I got back to the office, Amex had already sent me an email saying that I had used the offer.
Picked up a Home Mini for $55 at JBH yesterday. Had a play with it last night, decided I would buy a Google Home when they finally go on sale… and boom.
That's my christmas sorted.
Deja vu: