Splashtop Personal for iPhone
4.5 star rating from 263 reviews
Over 35 Million Users — #1 Remote Desktop App for iPhone & iPod! Splashtop is the easiest and fastest way to access your Mac or Windows PC from your iPhone & iPod!
Use Splashtop to access your computer on the local network with best-in-class video streaming performance. View and edit Microsoft Office and PDF files. Browse the web using IE, Chrome, and Firefox with full Flash and Java support. Play 3D PC and Mac games. Access your entire media library and documents. Put your PC or Mac in your pocket!
To access your computer from across the Internet, subscribe to Anywhere Access Pack via In-App Purchase.
The Ovulator: fertility and period tracker
5 star rating
As a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Edwards has been listening to and evaluating patients for twenty years regarding fertility issues in their pursuit of pregnancy. The goal of this app is to make the the user more aware of her fertility window, which is approximately four days.
I bought this years ago. It works okay so long as you have a bit of bandwidth and processing power to spare. I've never tried Teamviewer or any other alternatives.