Just got this from the mail, looks like a bargain as it does not have an expiry date on these tickets and cheaper than MyBus1 travel ten tickets!
MyBus2 Travel Ten for $13.40 - Sydney Only [Sold out]

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From jigocity's description: "The tickets do not expire, so you can save them for a rainy day, or give them to friends as Christmas presents!!"
How do they expect us to give ticketS to friendS as presentS when we can only buy one? :P
With only a 5% commission for newsagents, I wonder how JigoCity can offer it at 49% of the original price (51% off!)
Obviously a loss leader.
Sounds good, do they take Paypal?
Traveltens don't have expiry dates, unless they do a big rejig of the zone system like they did earlier in the year, so that bit is just advertising hype.
No paypal, credit card only.
Just ordered one…
Sold out, damn! You snooze you lose…
EDIT: Where in the description did it state a limit of 150 tickets? I looked at the page when the deal was still live, sent a link on to some friends, registered, then checked back and it was sold out.
so you go through the whole process of signing up to find out its sold out…even though it still says buy now on the front page…good way for them to get new members i guess :(
only 150 tickets? that's nowhere near enough considering how many people live in sydney
It's an advertising stunt that only cost them about $2000.
only 150 tickets? that's nowhere near enough consider how many scrooges here at ozbargain
Hey, I resemble that remark! :P
negative for me
You need to explain a neg vote sparky or you risk that it will go missing
sold out :(
another new website offering groupbuy…. omg
i got the coupon code and password. what do you do next??
Weird, i got their email but couldn't find any coupon or password, the deal page said
Guess have to wait and check the mail box.did you download the coupon?should be in your account after you paid.
Got the bus ticket in the mail today.
Should i worry about my credit card info being used by s/o else?
Hhhm, need to be careful with Jigocity. I signed up for their daily email and got hit with multiple emails from them all on the same day. I unsubscribed to their email list and received an unsubscribed confirmation from them, but I still get emails form them.
No matter how hard I try to unsubscribe, I still get their daily email!
If only I had seen this post when it was posted yesterday morning. I didn't get the email from Jigocity til 3.30pm yesterday afternoon. It was long sold out by then :(
Hey all, Sorry for the multiple emails. I know its been weird getting emails multiple times, but just letting you know that this was during the launch of Jigocity and we have already emailed everyone about this. We have now hooked it up and its all running fine.:).If you still getting email multiple times then do let us know we will fix it up for you.
It's for one travel ten only