Whole House Surge and Overvoltage Protection Device and Realtime Power Reading in One Device


Has anyone seen a device that does overvoltage protection (due to lightning current) as well as real-time power measurement for the whole house?

I'd like to install one to protect my appliances and at the same time measure the power usage


Ps: I've done quick google and found nothing under a combined device (unless my google search skill has gone down the hill)


  • overvoltage protection (due to lightning current)

    DO you live on top of a mountain? Get real lol

    real-time power measurement for the whole house

    Get your provider to install a digital meter or the one with a display.

    • Yea, wait until your precious electronics got fried by the lightning…

    • smuggler 6 min ago

      overvoltage protection (due to lightning current)

      DO you live on top of a mountain? Get real lol

      It happens. We had lightning strike at our place about 6 months after we moved in.

      we live on acreage 'near' top of small hill. not a lot of other targets.

      TV, VCR, STB, modem, alarm and 3 month old solar system inverter. Oh and damage to guttering where it must have arced across from the antenna J pole (looked like a big spot weld).

      All covered by insurance….

      • +1

        It's good that your insurance cover the appliances

    • Why are you so rude? There are such things as central surge protectors already. Not saying that it will stop lightning, but it's better than nothing, particularly if you have had issues before.

    • Quoting SMH:
      According to the bureau, about 6000 lighting strikes take place every minute worldwide, each carrying up to 30,000 amps of current (a kettle uses about 10). Each year in Australia, more than 100 unfortunates are injured by strikes, with five to 10 people going out with a bang permanently. Your exact chances of being struck by lightning here are impossible to quantify (although the US weather service has had a stab at it, putting the lifetime risk at 6250-1) but, suffice to say, they are reassuringly low. But forget the idea lightning never strikes twice in the same spot. It does.

      Yes the probability is low, but if it does happen, at least you are protected :)

  • +1

    There is no such device.

    I'm not even sure there is a commercially available DIN rail Usage Meter.
    I am aware of this project at my Local Hackerspace, but it's on limited release and it's a double module on its own. Adding Surge Protection to one unit would take up a whole lot of extra slots.
    I think a combined unit would be too big to be produced commerically and fit on to remaining Rail capacity of existing homes. Better to have 2 modules that take up less space and might be able to be squeezed in.

    • Thanks for the link and confirming that there is no such device, at least it's confirming that my google search skill is not as rusty as I would have think:)

  • +1

    Just chuck a copper pole at your backyard as a lightning rod grounding it.

    • As I have double storey house, I suspect it should be higher than the house?

      I wonder whether the council allows that…

      • +1

        that will have to be professionally installed on your roof then wire down to earth.

        the conductor/wire will be visible for retro-fitting on existing house as there is nowhere to hide them

        not sure how much would that cost though

        it like TV antenna where ppl install high up their roof, no problem with council

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