Been looking for a pressure cooker since Target did a recall on their Bellini cooker. Same cooker goes for $99 + delivery on Kogan.
$37 delivered to Sydney.
Been looking for a pressure cooker since Target did a recall on their Bellini cooker. Same cooker goes for $99 + delivery on Kogan.
$37 delivered to Sydney.
Bought one as a "Christmas" present. Wonder if this is the first price error through Amazon? :)
2nd. The first one was the Logitech speakers for $28.
Missed that one! Geez a lot happens on Ozbargain in a few hours…
my speakers say preparing to ship ……
@garage sale:
Aren't you supposed to be getting a keyboard and a mouse? Funny thing will be if it came in the box of the speakers.
3rd. WiFi mesh system as well.
@garage sale: I've had a few items through Amazon US say preparing to ship and even dispatched, but then receiving a notice that the order was cancelled by the seller due to a price error. Fingers crossed we get our goods!
but question is whether u will get speakers or wireless keyboard combo..i am also eager to find out..
@garage sale:
Are you sure you are getting the Speaker instead of $20 key board?
My status is still "Ordered".
My postage to regional qld is $19 so not as epic but still a good deal.
Updated title to reflect this.
thks grabbed one ….. it says stainless steel inside ….. most of these cookers are non stick and stainless is more durable ….. the philips comes with stainless and non stick bowl but it was $248 at the bing lee sale, so this heller seems like a good intro cooker for those unsure.
exactly the reasons I decided to pull the trigger, nice intro cooker at this price.
I purchased this a month ago for about $100 from ebay. It's a fantastic cooker.
Bris delivery $9.45
$9.45 delivery to Templestowe
US$ ?
Good wedding present
Ty, ordered two for xmas pressies.
how much was postage for 2 ? they did combined or just doubled it ?
$9.45 for both
Would never buy an electric pressure cooker or one this small but a good price nonetheless.
the electric ones aren’t designed to last a lifetime unlike the stove top ones but they do have advantages for people without great stoves or who don’t want to watch the stove temperature., also for apartmt dwellers ….. can use a rice cooker slow cooker or,pressure cooker so saves space.
Not just durability, electric ones don't reach the same high pressure as stove top.
And you can only fill a pressure cooker to 2/3, so a 6L one is effectively 4L which isn't that big.
But for this price it's cheap.
And you will struggle fitting a lamb shank in this, I can only just fit a larger one in my 9L
Bought one simply for the sake of it… fkn ozbargain.
Will use it or just give as a present though :)
…ditto, lol
Always wanted a pressure cooker and this post justifies it. Thanks OP.
Looks like the shipping was cheaper from Amazon US, I guess they still don't have a warehouse here? Or still no delivery service/contractor installed yet?
Good deal anyway.
Yeah to be expected though, think they'll need time. Once they work out their distribution a bit we'll start seeing better deals. This is from another seller though but yeah, noticed this too.
9.45 postage to Newcastle. Sold
No longer available
Still showing available for myself.
edit - it's gone
Good find, but it didn't last long, I am getting a error
There was a problem with some of the items in your order (see below for more information):
Heller 6L Pressure Cooker (HPC1000)
We're sorry. This item is no longer available from the seller you selected. We'll move it to the Saved Items section of your Shopping Cart. From there, you can click the item to return to its product information page and try another seller.
Thanks OP - my 1st Amazon AU purchase done and dusted!
Yeah me too….looks like sold out
Gone! 'We're sorry. The item Heller 6L Pressure Cooker (HPC1000) is no longer available from the seller you selected. '
All gone. Tried to buy, no longer available.
Wait…. what is the Target recall about?! I have one of them…
EDIT - not good……
Different product though isn't it…
Yep thats the one.
Looks different in the pictures
This is Heller - that is Bellini
Even the lid is different
That link is in response to OP's comment that the Target one has been recalled. Nothing to do with the Amazon one !
Oh I see - was thinking they we're meaning these had been recalled - was about to cancel my order ;)
Great news!
What are the defects?
Lid can become loose under pressure.
That lid had one job
I have one of these, have used it at least 8 times, feels very solid and doesn't feel like it's going to ever lose pressure. Bring the only one that uses it I might hang on to it,antone else with any experience?
Probably dont have the receipt either, are they going to refund me full retail? Pretty sure I picked it up on sale
Just missed it. Out of stock
Harvey Norman must be buying these to sell…
I wonder where they got the bottles from for the blenders lmao
Back in stock
Back to stock now.
Nope gone again
Back again.. weird..
I got one- God knows why- expecting a can't supply email soon.
We're contacting you about order #250-2066451-24974**. We recently discovered an error that caused the following item(s) to be displayed at an incorrect price:
Heller 6L Pressure Cooker (HPC1000)
Despite our best efforts, with over millions of items available on our website, unfortunately pricing errors can occur. In this instance we have cancelled the orders made at the incorrect price. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience.
To help make up for the inconvenience, we've applied a $20 Gift Card to your account. This amount will be applied to your next eligible order automatically without entering a claim code."
They call me Nostradamus.
Yay.. got one.. Thanks OP. Good that I can use my US account to login and get this without bumming around and transferring it back to AU etc.
Yeah I noticed that, the accounts a separate order wise too. But you can still log in to both regions with your payment stuff intact and addresses etc.
No…Too late to party again
It was back again just maybe 30 secs ago and now gone
Currently unavailable.
Someone found a bargain on AmazonAU good work OP!
Just got Order Confirmation from Amazon
Damn missed this , good buy for sure
Great for making a broth from the bones of your enemies, thanks OP
Yeah back in stock again lol.
Out of stock again.
Any similar deals???
Gerry will be pissing and shitting in his pants very soon
Yes, well he is getting old.
He'll be back selling vacuums door to door in 2018
Picked up a 9L from Aldi for 40 bucks recently, much better deal if you can find one, was discounted from 59
Does it have a stainless steel pot?
No, like most it's non stick, only downside. You can buy them separately from Amazon as some people have done on here with the Bellini
Just got an email.
Pricing error.
$20 Amazon credit applied to account.
Just received this email from Amazon:
We recently discovered an error that caused the following item(s) to be displayed at an incorrect price:
Heller 6L Pressure Cooker (HPC1000)
Despite our best efforts, with over millions of items available on our website, unfortunately pricing errors can occur. In this instance we have cancelled the orders made at the incorrect price. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience.
To help make up for the inconvenience, we've applied a $20 Gift Card to your account. This amount will be applied to your next eligible order automatically without entering a claim code.
Pricing error, order cancelled and a $20 gift card for the inconvenience. Great start :)
$20 free dollars from Amazon for a price error. Better than the $10 that TGG gives you.
Pricing Error for me too.. :( Wifey wont be happy - Oh well..
Amazon cancelled my order for the "Heller 6L Pressure Cooker (HPC1000)"that was listed on OzBargain Tuesday due to pricing error. Offered as compensation a $20 Gift Card to my account. Have not as yet checked my credit card to see if they have refunded me for the purchase price.
Has anybody else who ordered this item received a similar email and what are your thoughts, must have been a few I suspect. I for one am not a happy chappie.
I for one am not a happy chappie.
Why not? Obvious pricing error is obvious
You agree to Amazon's Conditions of Sale when you make a purchase on its website.
It states specifically the following:
Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our catalogue may be mispriced. If we have made a mistake and a product's correct price is higher than the price on the website, we may either contact you before shipping to request whether you want to buy the product at the correct price or cancel your order. If a product's correct price is lower than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount and send you the product.
Mistakes happen, and they've given you compensation as a gesture of goodwill.
what are your thoughts
Take the voucher and move on :)
Millions of items …. well lets exclude Kindle books and that number should be more manageable then.
Got the same message, no cooker but $20 credit voucher.
It's not actually amazon that sets the price and owns the stock, it was Billy Guyatts, Amazon do the market place and logistics for shipping.
Considering that Kogan and other sell these cookers for $99, they should have sucked up the error (Billy Guyatts) and honoured the deal ….. it's not like they sold 1000 of them, and it shows that their online presence in Amazon isn't mature.
Starting to make Ebay look good…. got a multicooker from Bing Lee with the 20% off and Philips have $50 cash back …. the heller was going to be a present.
Any other openings day ‘special prices’ cancelled - personally I’m pretty happy with the $20 credit, pressure cooker was an impulse buy and now I can pit the voucher towards something less in price and feel like a bigger saving :)
I thought we were the only people in Australia that managed to get a good deal out of Amazon Australia but now we can join the army of the dissatisfied. I do love a good whinge in the morning.
Interesting that its also $90+ on the sellers own website. Seems like a really good deal, found some reviews and they sound positive. $36.99 shipped to metro SA.