Lots of Tiny Black Baby Spiders under Dusty Fan

Hi all,

I have arachnophobia.

I was having a shower until under my fan I noticed lots of tiny black spiders coming out of the fan. Like about 30-50. So I rushed out of the shower and called my brother to come help me get rid of them.

So my brother sprayed bug/spider spray and they all fell to the ground.., in the shower, everywhere. While I was having a panic attack my brother got the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed most of them up (I'm pretty sure most of the insects were dead) and I’m not sure if this was a good idea, but it got rid of majority of them.

Then the fan fell off, the fan was full of dust and even MORE spiders came out. I was extremely scared, even though they may not be poisonous.

I don’t know what to do now 😬😬 please help, the fan lid fell off the actual fan. I’m just leaving the door of the bathroom shut, and not going near the vacuum.



  • +10

    Burn it to the ground, it's the only way to be sure.




    So tried and true method, can't go wrong.

    • +1

      Burn down the whole neighbourhood to be safe, they'll appreciate your proactive approach.

  • +1

    I'm pretty arachnophobic too, but they have to be a certain size before I lose it completely. I can generally deal with the little ones but the huntsmans make me feel physically ill. My preference is they go outside, rather than killing them, so my man normally deals with them. Seriously, I check the ceiling when I go into a room to make sure they aren't lurking.

    If you are concerned about the vaccum then spray some bug spray down it as well it should kill anything left in there, but the vaccum itself should've finished them off. I know this is hard but you are going to have to go back into the bathroom, spray can in hand, and douse the fan lid and the fan with spray. Then you will need to get the vaccum and clean up all the bodies. Look around the walls and ceiling to make sure that you don't have any escapees. You will then have to put the clean up the fan and reassemble it. Otherwise you will need to ring your brother again and that is going to cost you either food or alcohol.

    Best of luck, your sister in fear.

  • Go to bunnings, kit up with one of these https://www.bunnings.com.au/uni-pro-medium-disposable-hooded…
    and buy spray, and clean the bathroom / vacuum yourself.

    Or call an exterminator to spray for spiders, and buy a new vacuum?

  • +5

    Keeping the door shut will definitely keep the tiny spiders trapped in the bathroom.

  • +1

    perhaps you should just shower with your brother.

    • +2

      This. So much this.

      • +3

        And post pics or it didn't happen.

  • First prize is get the professionals in. Assuming your fan goes up into your roof void, you want someone to treat a bit around there too (most pesties wouldn’t go crawling around, they’d spray or use a blower just from the entry point to your roof).

    If you want to go the DIY route, a decent bifenthrin based spray would do the job and have a better residual effect than most aerosols https://www.bunnings.com.au/brunnings-3l-indoor-outdoor-surf….

    For professional grade common treatment is with Temprid 75 which you may be able to pick up off eBay, but obviously you need to be extremely careful since it’s intended for professional use.

    I doubt sprayed spiders sucked up into a vacuum cleaner would give you any further grief. Just change or wash the filter and wash everything you can if you’re concerned.

  • Thanks for your help everyone, I kept the spiders locked in the bathroom for about an hour. Vacuumed all of them up and now there’s only ones in the shower left.

    • Your entire roof must be infested with them. It's probably heaving with millions of black spiders. It is very likely that they will start pouring out from your bedroom light, power points, light switches etc when you are asleep to exact revenge upon you for killing their family members.

      • Nah, it was probably only that one time. I’ve been living in my house for about 4 and half years now and this is the only spider infestation I’ve come across. Nothing major.

        Hopefully it doesn’t happy again, I usually keep everything relatively clean.

        • The recent heat has made all the bugs go bonkers.

          Also maybe turn fan on and spray some bug spray below it so it sucks through the fan

  • +1

    I just get my wife to kill them for me.

  • Mortein? Or one of those supermarket brands has the 'bomb' sprays. You pull the plug and leave the room and it shoots out a spray over time. Maybe pull the pin and chuck it (place nicely upright) in the roof space :) or in the shower and turn on the fan like what @bdl said

  • Just spray some fly spray or surface spray into the space they came from. In any case, most of the baby spiders will eat each other as they grow up. They have lots of babies because most of them don't survive. It's scary when it happens unexpectedly but really it's no big deal.

  • i once stepped out of the shower, dried off a bit and stood in front of mirror with towel around my waist when i felt something like water on my back, but moving up. slowly turned and saw in the mirror a big black spider walking up my shoulder blade. had to stay still and wait for it to walk up on to my shoulder before i could even try to flick it off

    so yea be careful about spiders hiding in your towel

  • -1

    Spiders ≠ Insects

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