ofo, a bike share company similar to oBike, is offering free rides in December. Normal rates for ofo are $1 for 30 minutes with a cap of $5. NO DEPOSIT need.
ofo have a 24 hours phone number both riders/non-riders can call to complain about bikes (e.g. hey there is a bike up in the tree.)
Twitter Link for the non-FBers.
OK, comment checklist:
☐ I see so many of these bikes near me. No one ever rides them or they are broken.
☐ Throwing bikes into the Yarra River (or other body of water).
☐ Problems with people in society (related to above).
☑ These block the footpath.
☐ Something, something council.
☐ How do they make money?
☑ These companies are selling data. (related to above).
☐ Someone linking to article about what happens with bikes in China.