Looking to buy a new PS3 , can't believe how much they cost compared to other countries $299 in US! thanks
cheapest Sony PS3

Big ticket items like PS3's don't fluctuate with exchange rates. The manufactuer (Sony) will set a RRP and charge a set cost below that. Then they'll make allowances for bundles giving discounts to the shops if they're sold in bundles. If the reseller desides to sell any lower than the RRP set by Sony it will be coming out of their own profits. Same goes with Xbox and Apple products. Usually with consoles, prices will only go down dramatically when there is a version upgrade that usually involves the use of newer and cheaper manufacturing parts.
buy a tv and get a ps3 in the promotion
Sony tvs are even more overpriced. in the uk i could get a 40inch sony tv with a ps3 for less than $900, seems like the ps3 come down in price everywhere but Australia. they halved the price of the ridiculous priced PSP GO so think its about time they reduced the price of the ps3.
They halved the price of the GO because it wasn't selling. The PS3 on the other hand is still selling like hot cakes (well at least compared to the GO) hence no incentive to lower the price.
Are you asking where to get a cheap PS3?
If so, you could read through this long thread: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1541759&p…If you're talking about how we get shafted for prices, yes.. yes we do. =/
But if the price differences are really extreme and you don't mind waiting then you could go through something like priceusa.com.au though I've never tried it myself.
I'm sure big companies are cashing out on the exchange rate, while many are still working with the older rate it may be another couple of months until some competition arises. My suggestion is to wait until mid-January. Or better yet wait until 2012.
Either that or Sony's charging us a premium. In Brazil PS3's apparently cost $1000US. I'm not sure how it all works to take what I said with two grains of salt :) better yet, 50 (: yummi salt.