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Win a Stick It To The Man Themed Nintendo Switch and Stick It To The Man (or 1 of 9 Stick It To The Man Games) from Zoink!



Closing Date 07/12/2017


Description 1 x Nintendo Switch + Stick It To The Man, 9x Stick It To The Man (any platform)
No. of Prizes 10

Entry Requirements

Open To International
Entry Limit One per person
Entry Methods Facebook, Twitter/X, Website
Prerequisites Like/Follow/Comment/Share

How to participate
So here’s how to enter the contest: show or tell us where you’ll be playing Stick It To The Man on your new fancy Switch! A good old couch? Your garden? The beach? Somewhere more unexpected? Tell us in the comment section below or through our social accounts!
We’ll choose 10 winners to claim the following prizes
1st prize
Stick It to The Man Switch and game
2nd – 10th prize
Stick It to The Man, digital game (you choose the platform!)

Can respond on the website or one of the social media accounts. (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter)

They don't seem to have an actual close date, just until they find a winner is what they say in the video.

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