PayPal Security Challenges

For the past week something happened to my mobile paypal mobile/and account as every time I log in it now requires a security challenge with images, I find this frustrating and hard at times Is there a way to disable this feature? as I never even requested it in the first place,i had ease for the past serval years doing paypal transactions like normally what has paypal come to.

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  • +2

    try not to launder money on your main account

  • +1

    Did you start using VPN recently?

    • I havnt.

  • +2

    what has paypal come to

    A place where security is taken more seriously?

  • I had to do it a few times for LinkedIn when I got a new phone. I think I was failing it (was asking me to chose the squares with street signs…wasn't sure if the pole counted?) which is why I had to do it so maybe times! Annoying…eventually I passed and haven't had to do it since.

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