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2 for 1 Whole Body Sessions of Cryotherapy for $90 @ Cryo (Sydney)


Grab yourself or a friend TWO Cryotherapy Sessions for the price of one and save yourself $90.00!
Simply go to our website and use the promo code: 2for1Cryo

Cryotherapy is a non-invasive, fast and effective hyper-cooling treatment that is suitable for anyone seeking muscle recovery and repair, injury treatment, weight loss or skin rejuvenation.
At our new stylish Cryotherapy Sydney clinic, we offer you a premium and unique service that will leave you feeling energised and refreshed.

During a session in our state-of-the-art Cryotherapy chamber your body will be briefly enveloped in a fine nitrogen mist and safely cooled to approximately −140°c for up to 3 minutes.
The natural response to the cold is an increase in blood flow to the internal organs and a flooding of the red blood cells with oxygen, nutrients and enzymes.
On leaving the Cryosauna, your temperature rapidly returns to normal releasing the enriched blood back into the skin and muscle tissues for immediate and lasting results.

Regularly used by elite athletes and endorsed by renowned motivational speaker, Anthony Robbins, Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) helps:

  • Boost metabolism to help you lose weight faster
  • Increase endorphins for elevated physical and mental well-being
  • Flush toxins from the skin and muscle tissue
  • Relieve and soothe joint pain and inflammation
  • Improve muscle repair and recovery.

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closed Comments

  • edit: Neil beat me to it lol

    • -1

      One session free :D

    • Just have a cold shower which saves your electricity bills.
      If not cold enough, grab a bag of ice to have a icy bath. $3 a session

  • any bargains?

    • -1

      One session free :D

      • Actually rep, the better way to put it is BOGOF.

        • You're right! Apologies :)

      • What does this do that an ice bath won't?

        • -5

          Hi there,

          Please find some reasons below :)

          1. Cryotherapy is Dry

          Whole Body Cryotherapy treatment is completely dry. Your skin reacts and your body goes to work without absorbing or retaining any external fluid. There is no contact with moisture and no absorption. Unlike an ice bath that can waterlog the skin, cause redness, irritation, damage, sensitivity or even stabbing or burning pain, the liquid nitrogen mist and refrigerated air will actually stimulate skin cells and nourish the skin, leaving it healthy and revitalised.

          1. Cryotherapy is Fast

          The time spent in a Cryotherapy Chamber is carefully calculated by a professional technician. The temperature is exact, and the time is exact, never exceeding three minutes, to ensure the effects and body’s systems are in peak condition at all times.

          There is a lot of debate about how long an ice bath should go for. Some say no longer than 8-10 minutes, other say up to 20 minutes. Not only are the guidelines loose, every bath and every body will be different, depending on the setting (outdoors or in) the level of submersion (lower legs, whole leg, chest), the actual temperature (although this will flux with body heat and time passing) and what the bath itself is comprised of – enamel, plastic, tin. You also need to factor in warm up time as well, which again, will vary for every person. You will need to spend some time experimenting within your personal comfort zone to find the most effective temperature and exposure time.

          Adding stress at this point will only cause more muscle stiffness and pain the next day, so a measured dose of time and an understanding of the impact is essential. Not only is three minutes significantly faster it’s also completely painless. In that three minutes, you also ensure complete coverage.

          An ice bath trumps an icepack because it covers a larger area, effecting and relieving a bigger network of muscles. Therefore Whole Body Cryotherapy is even more effective, able to safely expose the entire body for the correct measure of time.

          1. Cryotherapy is Safe

          An ice bath is almost impossible to control as there is no way to judge what the exact temperature is, and what the right temperature for your body mass and exercise routine should be, Without having ways to monitor the effect the endured cold is having on your inner system, what your body’s responses are or if you are inflicting damage through persistent cold on one area, you could be over exposing yourself and putting your body in a dangerous situation. As the cold has penetrated the skin, it is not a simple warm up process, and will take the body a long time to reheat. Cold can tense and stiffen muscles so you will also need to be sure you dry off correctly and completely and fully warm up about 30 to 60 minutes later to avoid any risks.

        • +5

          @cameronfancourt: I wasn't going to vote, each to their own, but that's such an absolute load of bollocks you've earned a negative.

          1. Skin doesn't become "waterlogged". The wrinkles on fingers and toes you get if you soak for too long are not harmful rather it's believed it's "as intended" to improve grip. If you're still unsure that this isn't true, professional swimmers practice for six or more hours every day in an environment a hell of a lot more "toxic"* than the water used in ice baths.

          2. A "professional technician" isn't someone who's done a degree in applied physics/medicine. If it's not someone who saw an ad online for the equipment and thought they could make a quick buck it's someone who answered an ad and was told what buttons to press. Given the claims made here I'd be extremely wary of trusting someone trained by the same people.

          3. An ice bath isn't even remotely impossible to control rather the exact opposite hence why they're used in manufacturing, research, food and beverage production, surgery and other medical treatments. They are extremely safe to use and only minimal common sense is required to avoid minor injury or excessive pain.

          4. That is in direct contrast to the use of liquid nitrogen by amateurs, especially ones clueless or dishonest about the dangers. It is NOT safe.

          Apart from the risks of frostbite and disfigurement, permanent damage to organs and death by extreme exposure it displaces oxygen and as it's the main component of our atmosphere you can very easily lose consciousness and die with no warning as has happened many times. Use of nitrogen has been recognised not only as one of the best methods for painless euthanasia but probably the most humane method of execution. It's for these reasons that all credible organisations have an outright ban on transporting liquid nitrogen in elevators and it's use in non-ventilated environments.

          1. It cannot flush toxins from the skin as human skin simply doesn't work like that. That's what is called a misleading and deceptive claim.

          At least one person, the "professional technician" herself, has already died from this treatment.

          If you want to waste your money on this then good on you but find someone to do it who actually understands how extremely dangerous it potentially is.

          • It's not really but we'll just pretend for the sake of people for whom science is just a word
  • +18

    Wow, can somebody say "snake oil"?

    "Endorsed by renowned motivational speaker, Anthony Robbins." Really? Why would his endorsement hold any weight?

    If you pay $90 for this crap, I have a slightly used harbour bridge I can sell you.

    • +1

      I have slightly used undies I sell for $1 each or buy 10 get 1 free.

  • +5

    2 for 1 Whole Body Sessions of Cryotherapy for $90

    Isn't this what Walt Disney did?

  • +13

    I have my own form of cryotherapy, everyday before I go to work I weep in the shower for 20 minutes.

    • And how long after work?

      • +6

        About an hour, but I change it up by weeping in the bath every now and then.

        • I go full retard by peeing in the bath.

        • @Scab: that's not FULL retard. Unless your chasing a snickers around the bath, you can do better.

  • make it $90 for 10 session and i will buy.
    or if you provide selection of "friend" i can choose so we can go together in this bath thingie, i would pay $90 for 1 session.

  • +5

    “There’s more and more evidence coming out that the inflammation that cold reduces is actually imperative for the recovery and healing process,” says Joseph Costello, an exercise physiologist at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. “The human body is more intelligent than an ice pack.”


    they may cause frostbite, burns, eye damage or even asphyxiation. In a statement to Scientific American the agency added, “The FDA has not approved or cleared any whole-body cryotherapy devices, and we do not have the necessary evidence to substantiate any medical claims being made for these devices.”


    • +3

      Yep. It's pseudoscience at best and potentially harmful at worst.

      Another case of something that might have a small benefit for elite sportspeople being adopted by Sunday-league cloggers thinking it's going to make them perform better. You just have to go to any sports field on a weekend to see idiots chugging down sugar and salt-filled sports drinks or to any suburban gym to see people ingesting buckets of "supplement" power in the vain effort to improve their performance.

      Mod edit: Removed personal attack

      • +1

        This exactly. And it would likely need to be tailored to your recovery regime.

        Now, If I was CR7 this would be a bargain.

  • helps:
    Boost metabolism to help you lose weight faster (where's the evidence of this???)
    Increase endorphins for elevated physical and mental well-being (ie, placebo effect)
    Flush toxins from the skin and muscle tissue (that's what the liver is for)
    Relieve and soothe joint pain and inflammation (90 bucks vs ice pack…)
    Improve muscle repair and recovery (90 bucks vs cold shower…)

    and 90 bucks for 3 minutes?

    One paragraph you're talking about how ice baths guidelines for time is all over the place due to multiple factors; then you talk about this cryo thing with an' expert/technician' for the same time, blablabla…you're not even going to talk about the 'multiple factors'?


  • +3

    Cryotherapy is a non-invasive, fast and effective hyper-cooling treatment that is suitable for anyone seeking muscle recovery and repair, injury treatment, weight loss or skin rejuvenation.

    They're being very careful how they phrase that. They're saying it's "fast and effective" at cooling you, and that it's "suitable" for people with a range of medical conditions; not that it treats any of those conditions.

  • the time is exact, never exceeding three minutes

    Gimme a break guv'nor, three minutes for $90? At full price?

    Who are you trying to fool…?

  • -3

    I think this would be good for elite athletes when they need to heal an injury fairly quickly.
    If your livelihood depends on being active soon after an injury (think competition tennis, golf etc), this would be perfect.
    $90 would be nothing to be able to do heal quickly and rejoin the competition.
    I think it's a good idea.

    I also think that people who haven't been exposed to ideas such as this, sadly make derogatory comments about it 😏.

    And no, Scab, your undies are not in the same category 😊

    • +2

      Yeah those stupid scientists and medical researchers don't know anything let's listen to those who think crystals will cure cancer instead as they clearly know so much more and unlike those moronic university educated people have actually had their ideas tested to see if they're real and not just made up rubbish.

      Now if you'll excuse me I need to take daily dose of the super healthy and not at all harmful radium water…

    • Ok, there are different opinions in this thread about the treatment. Please stick to discussing the pros and cons without resorting to personal insults or belittling others with a different opinion - act respectfully.

  • +2

    Do not purchase! I went there an hour ago and an inexplicable power surge caused technical difficulties that cryogenically froze my entire body. They avoided adverse publicity by dumping my body in Nicaragua where a University revived me in 3416. Interest on my savings made me the world's 17th richest man so I promptly bought a Hyundai SmartClock Series III - a compact, sporty time machine. Encountering a wormhole in the space-time continuum caused major long-term memory leakage but at least I'm not late for my next modelling assignment. More importan than anything else, though, is I can assure all OzBargain members with absolute certainty that if they want guaranteed serious wealth they must invest as much as possible on … forgive me I can't remember.

  • +3

    Wow, this is the biggest pile of (ironically) steaming horse sh*t that anyone has attempted to promote on OzB for quite some time… Maybe even years?!? You guys above have done a pretty thorough job of rapidly and rationally denouncing it for the absolute rubbish/ruse that it is, so there's no need for me to add any details on that front.

    To all OzBers I will just say avoid, avoid, avoid, essentially based on what has already been posted above (the 'service' being touted is clearly a complete load of tripe).

    To the OP, I will just say avoid, avoid, avoid posting anything on here ever again, essentially based on what has already been posted above (the 'service' you are touting is a complete load of tripe).

    • +1

      Well said.

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