• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Red Cross (Spend $50, Get 1,500 Points) [Targeted], Laithwaite (Spend $150, Get $30)


Login to your account and add offer, both offers appeared on my Explorer and Plat Charge (Spend $99, Get 2,000 Points).

Red Cross - Spend $50, Get 1,500 Points

Save offer to your eligible Card, spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at donations.redcross.org.au by 31/12/2017 to get 1500 Membership Rewards Bonus Points. Limited to first 5,000 Cards to save offer. Exclusions apply.

Offer Terms

Excludes purchases of raffle tickets.
Offer is limited to 1500 Membership Rewards Bonus Points per registered Card. Only spend on the Card number you register counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your eligible card at Red Cross Online at donations.redcross.org.au. Offer valid at Australian website only.
Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
You must be enrolled in the relevant loyalty program and have an active loyalty account to receive the points.
Supplementary Cards are not eligible for this offer.
Points are not redeemable for cash.
Points should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from offer end date.
Points will not be applied to your Card account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
Points may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Australian Red Cross
Australian Red Cross

closed Comments

  • Login to your account and add offer, both offers appeared on my Explorer and Plat Charge (2000 Points).

    Red Cross - Spend $100, Get 1,500 Points

    Save offer to your eligible Card, spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at donations.redcross.org.au by 31/12/2017 to get 1500 Membership Rewards Bonus Points.

    I think there's been some copy/paste issues here ($50 spend? or $100?). In any case, it's neither $50 nor $100 spend on my cards, but $99. The points bonus offered is not 1500, but rather 2000 (for my cards at least).

    • +3

      Mine is $50 and get 1500 Membership Rewards points

      • +1

        Mine also says $50

  • Mine says spend $99 and receive 2000 points. Plat edge.

    • I have same offer on Amex Gold.

    • Yep, can confirm my Platinum Edge has the same $99/2k points offer.

    • Can confirm this offer is also on my Explorer

  • -1

    Mine also has spend 350 at Qantas online and get 50 back.
    Edit: oops just realised that this has already been posted as a deal.

  • Thanks

  • Thanks Op.

  • +24

    Please do not save the Red Cross offer to your cards unless you intend to donate.

    • +3

      Saved the offer to both Plat Edge and Explorer, and made donations straight away. Feels pretty good. Just have to make sure I remember to include these in my tax return in July 2018!

  • Possibly max enrollments reached or targetted? Not showing up in the app or AmEx Connect for my Qantas Ultimate card.

    • +1

      Likely not for Qantas cards.

      • So, would that make it [Targeted]?

        • I would say so, nothing on my Amex Essentials either.

  • -1

    Mine is $50 for 1500. Is 3 cents per point a good price?

    • +5

      Don't forget the tax benefit of your donation.

      • +5

        Also that it is a good thing to do.

        • If it doesn't get bogged in administration costs…

  • Charity bonus promotions are my favourite amex promos. Redcross donations page is getting hammered!

    • +1

      The link from the AMEX portal is HTTP and not HTTPS. If you change it to HTTPS the donations page works fine.

      • Cheers, works

  • As a gay men, I refuse to support this discriminatory organisation.

    • Would you care to explain that? Is it to do with blood donations?

      • Yes. If you are gay you can't donate blood.

        • +8

          @alebox: They can sugar coat whatever they like. It is still discrimination.They think all gay men are ridlled with infections. I find it offensive. How come gay couple in monogamous relationship can't donate blood but if you are straight and had multiple sexual partners you can donate. If they don't want my blood they don't need my money.

    • +1

      I still hate the fact they exclude those who lived in the UK between X and Y dates you can't donate just in case you have a trace of mad cow disease. With the advances in science and testing etc seems stupid.

      But all that aside, perhaps my $50 donation will go towards helping them improve their systems further to better test for it so they can accept my blood.

  • I didn't save any of these offers, you guys go ahead.

  • +1

    Saved to 2 cards, donated $100 and 3000 points from Amex.

    Hopefully money gets put to good use.

  • tried donating to red cross but payment failed. anyone else had issues?

    • +3

      The website didn't work for me when I tried to donate through my Amex account. Just went to the Red Cross website and donated for the 2017 Christmas Appeal (and got the qualifying e-mail)

      • +1

        Same here - the links from the Amex site didn't work, so I just went through the Red Cross website and received the Amex email less than a minute after I donated.

  • For those intending to use the offer, the AmEx link directs you here, which they call the "Festive Appeal AMEX". Clicking the "i" button shows you a popup:

    Donations made through this offer with American Express are not tax deductible in Australia as donors receive material benefit, namely American Express Membership Rewards points.

    Just something to be aware of, they may put something on your donation receipt saying This is NOT tax deductible (or similar), so I'd recommend just donating from their home page.

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