Need some advice on either getting my old original model ps4 repaired for roughly $150 which would come with a 3 month warranty or grabbing one of these deals like the PS4 Slim 500gb for $269. Would paying the premium of an extra $119 be more beneficial considering it's a newer model and with a 12 month warranty? What would you guys recommend, I also had the 2tb internal hdd in my old ps4 which I believe I could transfer over to the new model for the extra hard drive space. Is it even best to try play the waiting game and see if Amazon maybe offer a better deal than what is currently available.
Buy New PS4 or Repair Old One?

Lnenadb on 24/11/2017 - 23:15
Buy a new one
Get a new one - don’t expect Amazon to beat these deals right away. Besides, we have no idea what they’ll be stocking and selling from day 1.
Don't forget the new price comes with a PS4 controller that is easily worth $50-$60? Plus whatever free games that come with the bundle must be worth another $10-$20. I am unsure if the 500GB HDD within the slim PS4 is removable or not. If it is, it is worth something. After factoring all these in, it is a no-brainer to skip the repair.
Thanks for the advice guys definitely going out to grab one today.
Id buy new and maybe try and sell the old one for parts. Might get enough for a meat pie and coke at your local bakery.
Would depend really on how much $119 means to you. Myself id like the extra warranty.