David Jones 25% off 2 toys came in handy tonight, as mentioned in original deal, add the hot wheels car to apply the discount!
Bought one of these for our 3 year old daughters Christmas present for $119.25 and my 1 year old gets a $2 Hot Wheels car… every one wins!
Cheapest the scooter is elsewhere is $145-$159, so great deal if you're looking for one.
Only available as click and collect.
Also don't forget about cash rewards! 7% so it will bring the total down a bit more. :)
My experience with these type of scooters with my kids (received one as a present) is not positive. The simple physics of having two wheels turn and therefore travel at different velocities makes these inherently less stable. I trashed ours rather than let a kid take it off our rubbish pile and hurt themselves. There's a reason people have made scooters the way they have for hundreds of years.
I think DJs return policy is OK. My advice is keep the car and return the scooter.