I got this offer while re-contracting my internet with Telstra. $29 mobile plan 12months with 9gb unlimited text and talk.
I asked them if a friend of mine can get it he has Telstra prepaid they said no for him it will cost 39$ for some reason that I didn't understand.
Got $29 (BYO) Mobile Plan with 9GB on Telstra

revnout on 22/11/2017 - 03:39
"said no"
thanks for the cool story with sad ending broI guess you can use your internet account with telstra to get it the deal.
I got them to do me 10GB and $1000 of calls/text (not quite unlimited) plus the international call pack for $30 last christmas. Was very happy with that deal.
Dang, I'm on 8Gb with unlimited txts (but $1000 calls), for $40 a month. Looks like I need to fix that!
Thank you for sharing. Usually if you are a recontracting customer Telstra applies $10 discount on your recontracted broadband service. It could be that $10 discount can be applied to every service on the account. Therefore, as your friend may not have an existing broadband connection with Telstra that he was not offered the deal you received.