Conversion done using amazon currency converter
Region B so will work fine here in Aus
Conversion done using amazon currency converter
Region B so will work fine here in Aus
Shhhhiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeetttttttt !!!
Or you could get a Netflix free trial and binge through it.
I was a loyal fan of buying the blurays until they started releasing them in 2 parts and still charging the same price as complete seasons pre-split.
Season 6 link I posted is a full set
Yeah, sorry, I meant locally. I shouldn't have to import a series I've already been buying because the companies are greedy asf. Not even sure if I'd buy it at that price anyway… season 6 was pretty bad. The Donna… ugh.
I havent watched the show yet lol, but I agree with you 100%. And I seen they are doing it with S07 too. I import a lot of stuff from UK, just cannot justify the local prices.
I thought this deal would be more popular haha
Can Watch just 4 months of Netflix for that
What a horrible show after S1.