This was posted 7 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 or $4 PC/Xbox One Strategy Guides (Free C&C) + Delivery @ EB Games


$1 Each Online or in stores
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Strategy Guide…
Watch Dogs 2 Strategy Guide…
Dishonored 2 Strategy Guide…
Mafia III Strategy Guide
Halo 5: Guardians Strategy Guide…
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Guide…

$4 Each
Titanfall 2 Collector's Edition Strategy Guide…
Watch Dogs 2 Collector's Edition Strategy Guide…
Dishonored 2 Collector's Edition Strategy Guide…
Mafia III Collector's Edition Strategy Guide…
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Collector's Edition Strategy Guide…

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Collector’s Edition Guide in stores only…

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • -5

    Almost tempted to Broden and sell on eBay.

    • Lemme know how postage and fees works out for you.

      • -2

        Pick up from store.

        If you meant postage on eBay, buyer pays for that.

        And regarding eBay fees, I have a promo for no FVFs.

        • +1

          But that doesn't help for PayPal fees, and buyers rarely buy strategy guides, especially when postage for heavy books makes it look extremely unattractive. I know, I've tried. Unless they are highly collectable and rare it's a complete waste of time.

        • -2


          I've sold a number of guides on eBay, last one was Prince of Persia and GTAIV.

          Both sold within a week of listing and I still made money on them even though I bought them a few years ago for $8 each.

          doesn't help for PayPal fees

          Fees are ultimately paid by the buyer and are incorporated into the price.

          Unless they are highly collectable and rare it's a complete waste of time.

          Nope, here is an Uncharted Prima guide selling for $77.95 + $7.99 shipping, with 4 people watching and one sold in August:

          And that's just the first one I quickly searched for.

        • @Scab:
          You do realise you linked to a collectors edition, that you aren't buying at EB for $1….

          If making money is $5, with the risk of dealing with bad buyers, pass.

          The value isn't there with guides.

        • @scuderiarmani:

          You do realise you linked to a collectors edition

          It was the first one I quickly found in response to your comment "Unless they are highly collectable and rare", which a CE isn't.

          If making money is $5, with the risk of dealing with bad buyers, pass.

          You would make more than $5 and there's little risk with these things, it's not like the guide is going to be faulty like electrical stuff.

          And as I said, I was almost tempted but I couldn't be bothered, but to say they don't sell is not correct.

        • @Scab:

          When you could have posted these around $5-10 it was ok.

          Today I got (profanity) over as my item was 126 grams, 1 gram over for an extra $1. With many others near that too also costing more.

          Cheap items are a waste of time now.

        • +1


          When you could have posted these around $5-10 it was ok.

          You can, and maybe for even cheaper.

          Some will fit in an envelope, up to 125g is only $2 and up to 250g is only $3 (even cheaper for pensioner stamps).

          You don't get tracking but you're only risking a few dollars.

          Or for $8.25 you can use your own packaging and get tracking for up to 500g.

          Or for $8.50 a prepaid satchel up to 500g with tracking.

          But as I stated earlier, ultimately it is the buyer who pays for postage.

        • @Scab:

          What strategy guide weighs 125gms?

          I got stung with a CD at 126gms…

          Most books are well over 500gms. Hardcover much more.

        • @scuderiarmani:

          These aren't hardcover and my Prince of Persia one was under 125g.

          And you also have envelopes up to 500 grams.

          I got stung with a CD at 126gms

          Just weighed a CD in a hard plastic jewel case, came to 86g.

          Most books are well over 500gms.

          A lot of strategy guides aren't, especially standard Prima ones.

        • @Scab:

          The CD has its outer packaging too, that counts ontop.

          And if the CD has a heavier pamphlet, that will easily go over on it's own without packaging.

        • @scuderiarmani:

          You're really dragging this out.

          And if the CD has a heavier pamphlet,

          Still wouldn't be over, but if it was there's 250g and 500g letters.

        • @Scab:

          Point stands, a CD with an extra $1 postage starts looking less attractive. Multiply it by a book and it's worse.

        • @scuderiarmani:

          Point stands

          Your earlier point was:

          When you could have posted these around $5-10 it was ok.

          They can be easily posted for that.

        • @Scab:except collectors edition guides that can be almost 3kg….

        • @scuderiarmani:

          That's different to what you said earlier, and they don't weigh anywhere near 3KG.

        • @Scab:

          Skyrim. I posted it a week or so ago. 2.5kg or so.

          Id imagined Zeldas recent one will easily be too.

        • @scuderiarmani:

          2.5kg or so

          Not a chance, I weighed a 50 mm thick book I have with hard covers and it was just over a kilo.

          And anyway, I thought you said we weren't talking about CEs and just standard guides?

        • @Scab:

          No one cares for standard guides, unless a few dollars is appealing to you.

          Not a chance huh? Proof enough for you?

          Dimensions 210 x 276 x 46mm | 2,542g


        • @scuderiarmani:

          No one cares for standard guides

          Nonsense, I've sold a few and there's a number listed on eBay.

  • +5

    How do these things exist? For people that have no internet?

    • Good for eyes

    • +5

      It's good having a printed copy next to you while playing some games.

      And they're far more professional and structured than most online guides/info.

      • But it's so much easier jumping onto Youtube and watching a walkthrough lol

    • UC4 guide includes an online version:

      Free mobile-friendly eGuide! Includes a code to access the eGuide, a web-access version of the complete guide optimized for a second-screen experience

      • +1

        Just about all guides now these days have an online version.

    • I collect Zelda strategy guides. They're nice to hold and look at

      • Just like women lol

  • awesome shelf pieces, bought one of each :)

  • bought 4,

    Uncharted 4 is also available…


    • Thanks and added into the post.

  • Whilst none here appeal to me, I really did enjoy having the Final Fantasy ones back in the day.

    • Have you clicked the "find in store" then typed your postcodes (such as 2000) to look for the nearest stores?

      • I did got the 4 i ordered from burwood store

        • Placed an order for the uc4 limited edition one at Burwood. Says 1/1 available so hoping they don't sell out as would love it to go with my collectors edition of the game haha.

          Did it say 1/1 when you ordered too?

      • +2

        I think you may have misread me - I said none of the ones listed appeal to me (ie. none interest me this time) but was also replying to previous posts where people commented as to why guides exist/who buys them.

    • $9.74 shipping :-/

  • watchdog 2 - what are the differences between the two guides?

    • +2

      Content is usually the same - maybe with a few extra pages with artwork in the collectors otherwise collectors editions usually also have a hardcover so its more durable and usually looks nicer. I didn't look at these two specifically but this is usually how it is.

    • +1

      The $1 one is a soft-cover and the $4 is a hard-cover with extra pages dedicated to the art of the game. Also comes with a little collectable, in this case a set of pin badges.

  • I have a silly question, why i can not select pc platform?

    • +4

      For game guides? It's a book..

  • Also Fallout history book and adult colouring book for $4

    • "A hardcover book that takes you through the early days of Fallout and its inception right through to the upcoming Super Mutant that is Fallout 4 and everything in-between exclusively at EB Games!"

      sounds old…

      • +1

        Yep, released before Fallout 4 to promote the game - late 2015 or so.

        The book pretty much served as an ad for the game.

        • I'll skip. I did grab the other collectors edition ones and finally the Watch Dogs 2 $23 figurine, and Ever Oasis pre-owned so a nice package to save a little bit on postage when none of this crap is on ebay unfortunately =(

  • Only the Mafia 3 one is available at my local zzz

  • Do people really buy game guides? I mean…You're on the internet…

    • For collecting mostly

      • Collecting dust?

        • People collect all sorts of things that you would find weird. Stamps, coins, games that are never played, mugs, snow globes, the list goes on. I don't know why humans are drawn to collecting things they'll never use and why we choose the objects we choose, but you'd have to agree it is a universal phenomena.

        • +1

          @Quantumcat: My Steam library agrees.

        • It's called a library you illiterate lower class filth /s

    • Don't normally but at this price, yes! For $4, it's nicer having a book beside you if you need it and some include some rather awesome artwork to admire from the game, or concept art. I've only got two - one from last time around for Uncharted 4 and, this time, Titanfall 2 (which I should go back and complete).


    Also on sale. Got one because I'm a fallout fan.

    Edit didn't see the post above. Dupe.

    • Yep and take note this came out before fallout 4

  • +3

    Raises hand I used to buy game guides on the regular, the last one I purchased was when GTA V came out on the Xbox360/ps3. I'm tempted to get the Super Mario Odyssey one. Prior to the age of youtube walkthroughs, I would buy a guide for a game to compliment it. I used to like the ones that also included interviews with the game developers as well as artwork, behind the scenes tidbits etc. I did go through a phase where I purchased game guides for games I didn't own (in most cases I was planning to buy the game so figured I'd get the guide while it was cheaper). Also back in the day my local EB guys were legends, they'd give me old/discontinued guides that EB were otherwise just going to throw out. They knew it was going to a good home :D. I used to hoard all of them, but I went through a clean out a few years back and binned the majority - except for some of the classic games. Game guides were good as they often included a few tips that today's youtube video hosts tend to skip over or completely forget.

    • cool

  • Got Mafia III and Watch Dogs 2, plus 20 Years of Tomb Raider for $9 at my local.


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