This was posted 7 years 3 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] "Farm Fresh" Cage Eggs 700gms for Half $1.50 Coles Campbelltown



Best before 1/12/17

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1


    • Edited Thanks.

    • Nicholas


    • +3

      Expired, this is a new deal.

      • I think TA is saying how this will start the onslaught off "cages egg are cruel, farmers are bad, vote liberal" comments

        Lol maybe I am stereotyping too much, but you get my point.

  • +2

    Expiring in a fortnight.

  • +2

    yes its nsw wide offer

  • +12

    Not again

    Cage eggs are cruel.

    • -3

      But mutilating a sheep's arse so you can have woolen clothes is not?

    • Fully agree and these posts are hardly deals when they’re almost always at this price anyway.

  • +3

    Here we go again…

  • +14

    Here we go eggain…

  • -1

    Hopefully they are being sold off cheep* because the demand for caged is dwindling.

    • Why was that comment begged?

      • +2

        the bad pun

      • +2

        Why was that comment begged?

        It was begging to be negged.

        • Autocorrect

        • +1

          @tightwad: Autocerregged

        • +1


          Ho ho ho!

  • +2

    At Belconnen, ACT too

  • +4

    Cage eggs are best eggs.

    • +2

      Phone is fine?

  • +12

    Cage eggs are one more disgrace of our unethical food industry

  • Chickens only lay eggs for 18months until they are slaughtered or in this case boiled alive!…

    • +7
      • +3

        Lmao that is so bad and I am shocked but I have to +1 for giving me my first real laugh of the day

        Also @JAKEBAB linking a sensationalist journal article. Please, we all know how they bend the truth just to keep society in their pockets. The media feeds off people's emotions and reactions to things like this to create an article like this.

        • Video proof… so (profanity) sensationalist -_-. Just because you want to live in denial doesn't mean the rest of us do.

        • +1

          @JAKEBAB: tbh I didn't even bother clicking on it because I know it's not a reliable source, hence any text, photos, videos or otherwise can be purely for the benefit of installing fear (which equals opinions and conformity) onto average Australians.

        • @JAKEBAB: Except ABC and SBS are news channels. It's in their nature. Maybe you should link the Sydney Morning Herald while you are at it.

          Then again, everyone's opinion is biased. If you want to see the treatment you really have to go look for yourself. Or talk directly to a farmer.

          Personally. I just take people's word for it so I buy eggs from my mate's chickens he has, I see them being happy so that's enough for me. I can't see free range chickens being happy so I'm not convinced.

          Also, if you want to play the sensationalist game - one of about 10 random articles that came up about how free range these "free range" eggs really are.

        • +2


          I don't know how you can argue with video but ok.

          Getting eggs from your friends chickens is pretty much the best you can do so I commend you for that.

        • @JAKEBAB: I don't know it just always seems a bit convenient how every second day "hidden cameras" have unveiled "never before seen footage/shocking footage" about a particular ethical issue.

          Yeah that's what I figure, he only charges $4 for a dozen of like XXL eggs. It's on carton swap, so we just reuse his cartons :)

  • +1


  • +5

    I'm settling in with my popcorn to see how this plays out.
    I know I won't be disappointed :)

    • +2

      Put the refresh key in the loop :)

    • +2

      you really shouldnt egg them on…

      • +1

        That was indeed a cracking pun.

        • +1

          I'd even go as far to call it eggsquisite

        • @cpho: Did you just use the same clucking word in your pun twice in a row??

        • @pennypincher98: well.. i mean, the deal is about eggs. I think it's suitable to get overeggxited about these things

        • @cpho: and now you just used it chikkin three times!! Unacceptable…

  • +7

    While I wish there were more bright people and less kfc, macca, etc fans, I buy caged egg for only 1 reason. You go buy free range eggs, just to later find out those eggs were far from it. You pay more for the name, yet what it says on the packaging is not what you get in the packaging, and if I can't trust companies being honest but rely on whistleblowers when and if they will say something… well I'm not buying free range till I can be sure they are in fact free range. When we as a society just whinge instead of actually act, this and many other things will just continue. You know the old adage; talk the talk, walk the walk.

    • Exactly

    • -1

      You realise that regulation cannot work since the victims will not be heard.

      Why not just boycott rather than be complicit?

      • +2

        Not so long, about 2000 years ago the Romans said; give people bread and circuses, they'll be happy, nowadays it is replaced with beer and cricket.

        The meaning is; "Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace, as an offered "palliative". Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.

        It is easy to say boycott, yet this and many other things are still around. Once upon a time I thought like you, but for that to happen something really bad needs to happen. Humanity doesn't have that level of consciousness to think and see the larger picture. Those few who do, can't do much.

        You do like to sit in your car and drive off, don't you. I'll ask you just 1 question. How many times were you the only person in the car? Yet, so many times I see 1 person, 1 car, and how much waste so that we can have convenience. Sure you might argue that you need the car for work, or something else, but if humans were wiser, this world would be a lot better than it is now. The problem they are short sighted. If you didn't, watch "the girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes' and see what has been achieved. She herself said; bugger all. Yet, you'd think with all this information and knowledge we would start to be a better society.

        I am guessing if we are still around in 2000 years we'll have space jam and hunt Thanators while having a beer.

        BTW, people should've stopped long time ago to look at regulation and start looking at common sense. But, humanity as whole does bugger all. Some think that no more bags in Coles and Woolworths is a great thing. Sure if you think that the ship is going to sink 1 second later, go for it. There are many holes a lot bigger, yet humans just sit and watch the world go by. Do you realize that your parents left this world in a better state than what you are leaving it to your children, that is if you have children.

        Your world is kind of like this; Put a façade in public, act like everyone else, pretend to acknowledge their opinions and laugh at their jokes. You become socially acceptable and no ones the wiser.

        • It would be easier to boycott eggs than write these lofty tales. If you have a problem with cars carrying only one occupant then boycott that too.

        • +1


          For your information I don't have a car. Although in saying that if I was really dependant on a car, then I would have it, as my saying to an employer, sorry I don't want to come by car even though it is the only way to get to work… you know what the answer would be. And if I didn't have money to live on and told Centrelink, well I'm boycotting cars and that's why I lost my job, they'd be laughing at me.

          As I said, you put it in the way as if it is a simple thing, just boycott. Sure, in your virtual world it might work, but in real world where you have 99% of population who couldn't care less about your boycott, you are only kidding yourself. It can only work if the society as a whole starts doing it. Your lone wolf will still be a lone wolf. For the difference of you I understand how things work and not kidding myself. There are things that threaten your lifestyle personally, companies offshoring, less security in jobs, the government slowly introducing the US health care system, yet you tell me it is easier to boycott. Well, one day when you wake up, I'll just say; I told you so.

          Here's something for you to boycott. Many times, the government departments changed their names. Apart from flushing down the toilet yours and every other Australians' money, it had no real purpose. They could at least fix that pothole on the road if they didn't know what else to do. The government flushed millions down the toilet, your money too, don't forget. So I advise you to stop paying tax, till they get the picture, you know, no money in the government pockets, they'll have to comply. Or why not boycott police till they go and charge the government for stealing your money and throwing it away. let's see how that's going to work out. let me know if you succeed.

          You look at simplicity as if 1 person can change the world. unfortunately in most cases you can't do much even in your own workplace, let alone on a global scale.

          A few years ago there was a whole affair about the Job Seeker Providers rorting the system. So what did happen? You know the answer and yet most people at one time or another would have to go through a JSP.

          Your world is simplistic and can never work in real world situations because as I said you need the society to change and as I said how it was 2000 years ago in the Roman Empire, so it is now. Yet you would expect with all this knowledge and technology that we have, humanity would turn around and make a better world.

          And the icing on the cake. Those above who abuse all this know very well they don't have to worry because this is how the world works and a few voices will do bugger all to change it. unfortunately what they don't see is, it can only go for a time before it collapses as those ordinary people are the foundation who hold those above. Yet when that foundation falls, so too will they. Humanity is just in 1 small ship, everyone is on it, and no one is gonna go to Mars. People want to go there, yet there's so much crap here to clean.

          You want cheap clothing and recently people were fuming over I think Big W not paying workers proper wage. Well, you can't have a cake and eat it. You want cheap prices and the company to pay the workers. Something has to give in.

          Cage eggs are here to stay just like so many other things that humans choose to ignore. If I lived in the country I'd make sure to get eggs and other food from farmers I can trust they do the right thing, but here where you rely on multitude of people to do the right thing, well… you simply can't, so you do what you can.

          If things were so easy as you think, we wouldn't be having this conversation as we wouldn't have cage eggs. But as it is we do have them and that tells me your boycott didn't work.

        • @bargainparker:

          You're essentially saying you're smarter than the average person but are happy to be dumbed down and behave the way they do. So you're insulting the intelligence of everyone while joining them. Which is fine if it didn't affect others, but it does.

          I could give a thousand quotes from people past and present with different ideas on the matter but maybe this one from MLK Jr sums it up best: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

        • @thevofa:

          You mean evil wins when good people do nothing? As I said you are oversimplifying it. I understand how the world works. you can choose to boycott or whatever you think might work. But the reality is the world won't change whatever I do, and that is understanding of how things are. Fools die for ideals and even when sometimes those ideals happen, they don't last. The humanity hasn't changed regardless if it's since Adam and Eve or the beginning of time, whichever you prefer to believe in.

          Dumbed down… if you mean that I understand the issues affecting this world and choose to do nothing about it… well, you are right. I chose it because I've seen how seldom it works. For the simplicity sake, many times you can't make it work in a workplace where you only have a dozen people, yet you think I can choose to do something about something and for that to have effect.

          I could give you number of examples where it was even a global issue, yet it was today's news, tomorrow's past. Forgotten even before known. Unfortunately your way of doing things is doing things yourself, not as a society. That means you can not succeed. You are only kidding yourself.

          At the end of the day, I'll have to agree to disagree with you as this could go on forever, literary. For me the facts talk much louder than your beliefs in "I can do something".

          But in saying all that, here, I'll give you a chance to prove me wrong. You have the internet. That means you can reach everyone in Australia and you can use any site you wish to, and there are plenty. Start a petition to boycott all cage eggs, never to be bought from any shops. Let me know the results.

  • -7

    just another bad egg.

  • -1

    Not again.

    Cage eggs are cruel.

  • -2

    Cage eggs are not a bargain at any price.

  • Chickens can’t drive and cage eggs taste awful. In 2017 the ruling class exists and is supported within capitalism (profits from all forms of battery type farming) Above all else one can think and one can choose- cluck

    • +1

      Nah cage eggs taste fine. It has no added taint of moral arrogance

  • +2

    I came here just for the Cage vs Free Farm eggs debate :O

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