This was posted 7 years 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Rainbow Six Siege - Free Weekend & 50% Off: Starter Edition $10, Standard $30, Gold Year 2 $50, Complete $65 @ Ubisoft


Now you too can pretend you're Barnaby Joyce breaking into Johnny Depp's Miami condo. Just you, Matthias, Sco Mo and Dr Duts taking on the two fluff-balls, the ex and the drunk. Someones gonna get shot in the face.

The game is free to play this weekend.

Starter - $10
Standard - $30
Gold Year 2 - $50
Complete - $65

Giftable via Steam just over here

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closed Comments

  • +5

    This is a fantastic game. I recently got back into it after a while. The community is HUGE!

    It takes a bit of time to get into because it is highly strategic. Learn from your deaths by seeing the creative ways you get killed! Lol

  • +2

    So what’s the recommended version in regards to Gold or Complete? I was happy to grind when I had it on Xbox, but moving to PC I’d rather just get into it!

    • As I understand it, most people recommend new players (myself included to get the gold year 2 edition.

    • If you're choosing between those two and $15 isn't much, Complete 100% of the time.
      To not have to grind to have enough Renown (in game currency) to buy them will save a huge amount of time this late in the game.
      I have had this since not ling after release, and purchased the season pass for both years to have the bonuses, well worth my time.

      • Ahhh right right, thanks a lot for the reply mate. Hmmm, I’ll think about it and see if I should buy the game or not haha.


        • Thanks for the suggestions, went the complete version in the end! Downloading 32gb of goodness now.

      • Is it true to the old school rainbow six games where 1-2 shots and you're dead type realism?

        • One shot head kills it is.
          Pretty brutal on damage, it's awesome.

        • @snuke: Oh man im real tempted, but ive been burned too many times recently to trust the gaming industry with p2w and microtansactions, idk.

          I remember R6 OG and rogue spear and loved the 'realism' for its time of being precise.

        • @thedude23:

          Only pay items are cosmetic. Absolutely no pay to win in siege.

        • From all the videos I've seen this is alot more like twitch/CS style combat compared to the Pre R6 Vegas style combat where you plan and clear rooms methodically?

          I really miss the old R6 style with planning and action go codes etc. SWAT 4 was great too.

        • @thedude23:

          Not P2W, I have all Operators unlocked, and I would still use the original ones more than the newer ones overall. The game Meta changes every time new Operators are released, it's quite amazing to see how two new operators can massively effect how a game is now payed, plus changes to existing operators via patches. Counters to the changes that new Operators bring, can always be handled by original operators though.
          Paid content is otherwise just cosmetic.

  • Great deal!

  • +2

    Is there still a community on all consoles/platforms for this? Used to love this game back when I lived in the UK but assumed servers would be dead here

    • +2

      Not sure about consoles, but on PC the community is growing rather than shrinking. Plenty of Australian players.

    • Xbox is pretty busy - no problem finding casual games at any time. Ranked games are only during the evenings and weekends.

    • It's a strong game on all platforms.

    • Player base is really strong on each platform. PS4 apparently has most.

  • This is the only game that gets me to go back time and time again. Highly recommended!

  • A very good game, have been playing it a lot!!

  • So what does the $10 version get you ?

    • The FULL game with access to two random characters and two characters of your choosing
      BUT: unlocking any new characters from there is a MASSIVE grind or you pay micro-transactions for them.

      Buy the full game and you can unlock a bunch of characters quickly and easily enough.
      Buy season passes and you get access to the characters associated with those seasons.

      • +1

        So it's pay to win ?
        Or are the starter characters just fine ?

        • It's pay or grind to fun.

          You can win with a standard character just fine.

          If you pay the standard price for the standard game you get a well designed grind/pay to unlock characters.

        • Definitely not pay to win, it's pay to choose in terms of you have more character selection. Once you work out the game mechanics if you're a better player than everyone else you will win your 1v1s whether you have 2 characters or all the characters. Having more characters just gives you more options for play style.

          I think the payment options is really fair, they have a good belief that the game is good enough that people will play the starter and be happy to pay more to unlock stuff. If they don't like it then they haven't invested much too.

          I went starter and paid to unlock S1 and S2 operators. Definitely do not buy the starter if you plan to unlock through gameplay, it will take thousands of hours.

        • Starter characters are completely fine. You can pay to have more of them, but it's far from pay to win.
          Pay to not grind is more what it's like.

        • +1

          Starting characters are fine.

          But unless you have the time to play alot, the starter edition is too much of a grind to unlock main characters. It is the full game though.

          Best to go the standard version, don't worry about the DLC packs, there are heaps of characters to keep you busy if you don't wanna buy complete.

          Edit- see comment below EB standard $20

        • @ozbjunkie:

          I really enjoyed the game but it just seemed like a mini game to me with no where near enough depth to warrant a AAA price point .
          I guess at $20 I will give it a go for a quick change of pace from time to time .

        • @troyww:

          If you get a team and use mics, learn the callouts and maps, it is very deep. See how you could feel it lacks depth, but there's so much to master and actually no 2 rounds are ever the same.

          Each to their own though.

        • @troyww:

          I can see what you're getting at, and from a Battlefield player like myself, with a insane amount of content they usually offer, it looks that way.
          However, it's hugely technical, there are real consequences to your actions, no respawning handles that, as does the quick time to death. One shot head kills are brutal, and it's fantastic. There is a reason it has such a large player base 2 years after release with lots of game breaking bugs along the way.


      The reddit community seems pretty unanimous on this issue.…

      • I wouldn't call that unanimous by reading through the comments. It's a bit like PUBG - not everyone is necessarily trying to get a purple mini skirt.

        For the casual gamer and for LAN the starter edition looks fine.

  • +13

    PSA: Do not buy the starter edition, you will grind and grind and grind and grind for everything.

    And EB Games has standard for $19:

  • The Oceaniac Community is great for this game, and the population seems to have indicated that during the start there were less people than there are now (which is extremely rare for a game's population trajectory). I personally loved this game, it's great. Don't get the Starter Edition though. Get the Standard, Complete or Gold Editions.

  • No PSN needed for free weekend BTW

  • As per above, don't buy the starter edition!

    Assuming they've not changed it, you can't actually upgrade from the starter to the full version without buying it again and losing all your progress.

  • Can you just add the cd key to Steam to make the EB Copy digital?

    • No. All retail copies are redeemed on uPlay.

  • +11

    Hey guys, ThyJebusBeDone here. I am owner of R6 ANZ, the biggest community for Siege in ANZ. Over the last 18 months, my team and I have built a community Discord from the ground up. Our notable achievements have been;

    • Our Twitch channel has been Twitch partnered
    • We have been officially stream partnered with Ubisoft Australia and we exclusively streamed the online phase of the APAC Pro League using our very own community shoutcasters
    • Our Discord has reached almost 1700 members and has been Partnered
    • A few success stories; a few people who dedicated their free time to shoutcasting community matches are now being flown to studio/LAN events by ESL and Ubisoft to shoutcast live. Even one of our casters from New Zealand was flown over after catching the eye of ESL and Ubi during his shoutcasts in his free time. Another one of our younger members was hired by ESL to co-observe matches at both APAC LAN and PAX this year
    • In terms of myself, I went from some guy playing Siege to working for ESL in an official capacity. I was league operations manager during the APAC Pro League LAN finals and have been running the online cups for the better part of the year.
    • We do get a lot of revenue from our Twitch channel and all money goes back into the community via; tournaments, lanyards, promotional items (flyers at PAX for example) and giveaways on stream.

    This is all started when a few friends and myself took up the small project in our spare time to bring together the ANZ community. We have come a long, long way.

    Our Discord:
    Our Twitch:
    Our website:

    Drop by :) You wont regret it.

    • +3

      For those that are downvoting, it's not a shameless plug. R6 ANZ works closely with ESL and Ubisoft to bring you more events here in ANZ :) The above plug is for your benefit, not mine :)

      • +1

        You do good work Jebus. You don't know me but I know you :)

        The community appreciates it.

  • Highly recommend this game been playing it since close beta (or open beta) and purchased all dlc with no regret..all most no regret expect when they took 1 season of content out for patching the game but still have quite a lot of bugs but it's still worth it with all the time I put in it. If you only start now you may need some more time to pick up the game and keep in mind this is not COD

  • +1

    Great game thanks OP

  • White noise coming soon too!

  • +2

    Heads up its a 35gb download

  • Is there a cheap way to get the first year operators? I know the second year pass is one sale for $26. Is there any discount on r6 Credits?

    • You can only get S1 in the game with 2400 R6 credits, or it's 10% off if you buy S2 first, so 2160 from memory.

  • I am not trying to be tight but I have so many games on the go at the moment that, although I would like to play this beyond the free weekend, I am not sure I want to throw more than $10 down on it at this point. Been briefly reading about operators, year 2 content, credits etc but as a new player I am finding this a bit confusing. Presuming there is enough casual fun here for $10 and then there would still be options later on to build on the starter edition if I find myself still playing it in a few weeks time and want to expand my experience? I assume it would be more costly that way if I buy stuff down the track but possibly cheaper if I just don't find the time to go much further with it. Just worries me all the comments (not just here) that say don't buy the started edition! Does it impact being able to join and find games if you only have the starter edition and a minimal number of operators?

    • The reason people say don't buy starter is that all basic characters cost more in game currency to unlock.

      No difference in servers, maps etc.

      EB games $20 standard will be better than $10 starter if you end up playing for any length of time.

    • I played about 50 hours on the starter edition before paying for anything extra. Like I said up there it's a good business model so to speak, if you play the game enough then paying more down the road isn't that much of an issue.

      Currently there's three groups of characters: base, Year 1 and Year 2. In starter the base players cost 12500 and in standard they're between 500-1000. Y1 and Y2 operators cost 25000 whether you get the starter or standard edition.

      And ball-parking it to get 12500 renown will take 10hrs, so realistically you can pretty much unlock all the base players in standard in the time it will take to unlock one character in starter.

      It will take 10-20hrs to learn all the mechanics of the game and the characters, having only two characters at the start will make no difference to your experience. If anything it will force you to focus on learning those characters strengths and weaknesses.

  • +2

    Its $19 for pc on Eb-games

    • Yes it was indeed mentioned 9 hours ago in this thread as well

      • Oh yeah I didn't see… my bad XD

  • DO NOT buy the starter edition; the grind is relentless and there's no way to upgrade to the standard edition! Just jump on the standard one!

  • +2

    i bought standard game for 18$ at eb games 2 months ago, ive got all base game operators, and now enough renown(ingame currency) for one dlc operator. I think ill just wait until feb 2018 for the year 3 pass,
    which gives 600R6 credit (real money -> to ingame currency to buy one yr 1 or yr 2 operator)
    5% extra renown gain (not much… but its something )

    i feel by having a goal to strive for (buying dlc coperators) ill keep playing for longer. i think i would feel bored if i had all dlc operators straight away.

    if you play even a tiny bit you'll earn uplay points, 20 uplay points can get you a 20% discount on the ubi store. so 20% off for the year 3 pass.

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