This was posted 7 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS4, Xbox One, PC Game) - $62 - 17 November 2017 Only @ JB Hi-Fi


Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS4, Xbox One, PC Game) - $62 - One Day Only @JB Hifi

Cheaper at Harvey Norman $59

Mod: HN deal posted before edit was made on this post from JB Hi-fi to Harvey Norman. To avoid duplicates, this has been reverted to the original store.

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +16

    Oh the comments should be fun on this one. INSERT DUMPSTER FIRE

    • +25

      Ready and waiting for it to start here with the most downvoted comment in Reddit history!

      People.. don't buy this game. No matter how much you love Star Wars.. Screw EA for what they're doing.

      • +2

        Agreed there .. no way indeed ..
        Only one way they will listen..
        Any other pretend words from EA is just a hollow gesture.

      • What did they do? Currently playing Battlefield 1 and the game is great.

        • +9

          Basically you pay $80 for a game and you can't even play any of the heroes without either investing more money into it or playing a ridiculous amount of time. On top of that, if you DO play it to build credits to unlock say, Vader, if you play more than about 3 hours, you stop earning credits until you give it a break.. and if you keep hitting that wall of playing too long in one session, the time before you can earn credits once again is increased.. even up to 24 hours from what reports have said.
          Do you own research as always, I'm simply parroting what others have said as I have zero intention of purchasing this.

        • +2


          WTF, really?
          You're paying them money for them to control how you play your game? LoL. I'm pissed off in Battlefield 1 because I can't unlocked all the weapons due to having to do other shit. But I can cope with that. But this is stupid. I guess this year COD World War 2 is what I'll be playing then.

        • @deal junkie: Cheers DJ!

        • "Basically you pay $80"

          it literally says $59 in the post LOL…. or $49 for PC

          what do you consider 'ridiculous amount of time'. they said 40 hours before they reduced hero cost by 75% so unless you think 4-6 hours is ridiculous, your statement is wrong

          the credit calculations did not take into accomplishments and bonus weekends where they offer double credits, etc.

        • @winger07: $80 is the full price, and "ridiculous" is the ~4500 hours that you would have to invest in the game to unlock everything before they backtracked.

  • +17

    Price should read $62 + 4500 hours. :)

    • +2

      4500 Dollars*****

    • +3

      Who wants to play as Vader in a SW title anyways……

  • +18


    • +1

      how can you not buy this game but make an educated purchase on it instead?

      • +2

        It would only stand to reason that you would research and understand the product before making any kind of transaction. Sure, the base price is marked at $62, but given the current spectrum of additional costs, can you truly afford the the game in say, 3-5 months? If this game is purely purchased for its multiplayer aspect, do you have the financial resources (not skill) to keep yourself competitive enough to play?

        I'm sure, regardless of the scale of any particular item, the greater the financial cost associated with the product, the more you would seek to understand the benefits that drive that price and whether it is economically feasible to you.

        • +1

          i was kidding

          i think if you are a fan of the franchise play it for the fun and immersion. The graphics and gameplay look great at the moment but could be lackluster after a while

          Space battles looks great

          Lootboxes system isnt new, Battlefield1 had them too although not as pay-to-win

          I'm actually in the process of refunding my preorder at the moment, maybe looking back at it when this game price drops to 20s or 30s

  • +1

    $62 at BigW as well.

    • is bigw's price launch friday price only too or this price for next few days?

      • Usually the latter.

        When COD World War 2 was released they had it for $62 for a couple of weeks.

        • Cheers, reason I ask is because there is that 10% off friend and family event on this weekend and you can grab a cashrewards 5% off wish gift card.

  • +6

    Dont buy it. Graphics and sounds are great sure, but thats it. Gameplay is built around and relies on the lootbox system. Might as well play a star wars themed slot machine.

  • nopenopenope

  • +18

    As a player with a sense of pride and accomplishment EA can have my raised middle finger and not my cash.

  • +7


      • OK will do thanks.

        • @deal junkie:

          Y don't u hit the red button.

  • +6

    Sadly this is not the game you are looking for.

  • +8

    It hurts not to buy such a beautiful Star Wars game especially with SW season approaching but nuh uh, (profanity) EA's filthy money grabbing.

  • +2

    As everyone else has said do not buy.

  • +4

    Good try EA :P

  • +4

    I was going to buy this game, but after reading Reddit + reviews I flat out refuse. Vote with your wallet and we will ALL be better in the long run for it.

  • +1

    How about getting it just for the single player campaign? After that, just flog it on eBay.

    • +1

      EA still get your money. But if that's what you want to do, then nobody can tell you how to live your life - if you get enjoyment out of it, please buy it,so long as everyone understands the loot box issue, then they can make an informed decision :)

      • +5

        Apparently the SP campaign is very short and ends abruptly. Pass.

  • +3

    Support the rebel movement! Do not buy into this Imperial bull of Loot crates and Pay to Win. Go play the original Battlefront II to get your fix

    • Link is 79 for me.

      • +1

        Says 59 for me. Weird.

      • 59 for me.

        • +1

          Now it's 59. Might have been cache

  • +8

    Can we neg this deal as it is essentially a defective product?

    • I doubt the admins would let us do that tbh.

    • +2

      Not really - Technically it is cheaper than elsewhere so cant neg. Best bet is don't vote and don't buy. Let it fade into the background.

      • OTOH, the 62 bucks isn't the full price of the game. The full price is something like $2100 or 4500 hours of grinding.

    • TBH, I almost think it is appropriate to neg it, as a bit of a public service announcement.

      I don't think most people would expect to pay for a retail game only to be hit with having to pay to play (if the 4500 hours is true, the community will be dead before anyone unlocks Darth Vader).

    • See comment above. Cheaper @ Harvey Norman.…

  • +3

    Boycott EA!!

  • I'll be playing this instead

  • +2

    Don't purchase this game. It is a full priced game which has pay to win multiplayer. Heroes have cards which add bonuses to them. You get the cards from in game purchase for extra money or by collecting insane amount of rate crafting materials. The rate crafting materials reside mostly in paid gambling style mystery loot crates. The cards are OP as hell, anyone who purchased those trait cards can destroy players who have been playing the game regularly without purchasing in game stuff.

    • I just realised my phone's swipe keyboard likes to insert rate instead of rare :\

  • +2

    I preordered this and kinda really want to play it but the reviews made it such a turn off

    In the process of refunding at the moment…….. maybe will buy it again when it drops to 20s range :)
    back to DOTA2, SC2 and WoW instead for now heh

      • i wont neg it, i preordered for $53 on ozgameshop with my $10 discount voucher


  • +2

    59 at Harvey Norman, cheaper than this.

  • +1

    How did they fk this up? Literally reskin battlefield as starwars and you'll have a hit, or remaster battlefront two! How can you mess up this formula twice in a row EA!? One of my favourite games of all time and my favourite series of all time, yet I'll still give this a miss because this is a turning point for gaming, if this game sells it basically says that we are ok with free to play mechanics in a full priced AAA game. Ridiculous.

    • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • +1

    Moderator in title OP.

  • Why delete the deal. People not liking the company or the game does not mean you shouldn't post (apart from that it's cheaper at Harvey

  • +2

    Not worth buying, just get Asassins creed origins or Woldenstien .

  • +1

    i hate EA ever since they destroyed sim city .. basically sold us an unplayable version of the game.

      • +1

        You must be a neg junkie.

  • Poor OP, he must feel bad.

  • +1

    Dont worry OP, you should leave the deal here in order to let more people know that they should not buy this game.

  • +2

    game will be $15 next week.
    I'll be playing original star wars battlefront 2 this weekend. finally crack open that humble bundle from 1.5 years ago.
    May this greed tactic for video games be thrown into a sarlacc pit.
    RIP bobba fett.

  • $62 is a bit expensive for a free trial.

  • greed is good remember

  • +2

    Don't buy.
    More info on Reddit at…

    If you absolutely must, wait a month or two and it will be half price or similar

  • +2

    got the game for free from PAX, and that's still too much

  • +2

    Would it be a valid excuse to neg as you can get it cheaper at Harvey Norman?

    • more valid to call EA out on their bullshit but yeah

  • Cheaper at Harvey Norman.

  • Interesting to see how cheap this crap will go quickly

  • I keep reading conflicting articles.
    Does PC have coop? Some say it's online only with no splitscreen, some say coop isn't available at all on PC

  • +1

    Now our negs are invalid.
    WTF is going on here?

  • Anyone know if this is for the physical copy or a download code?

    • +1


      • cheers bud that was umm very helpful ;)

        • +1

          You're pretty much paying for a virtual eftpos machine.

        • @BrainSand:

          Haha ah well played the beta and it was mad fun. So gonna give it a crack.

          Btw rang them up and it's a physical copy for consoles. All good.

        • @dins: Don't honestly, it will be 20 bucks in a month or two. Do not give them your money, look up what they have done to the game! Please. their shady practices have to stop

        • @BrainSand:

          I tried champ but the dark side of the force was just too strong.

  • +1

    are we aiming to break the record for most neg deal on ozbargain?

    • This is probably no where near.

  • So much potential… aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnd they've butchered it. (profanity) EA.p

  • EA money scammer

  • Please dont buy this! Safe gaming!!!!

  • Just went to JBhifi and canceled my online pick-up order. eat this EA

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