Woolworths - Items with Best Resale Value/Potential

Food aside. What sort of items would best to buy at Woolworths which could then be easily flipped on EBAY for eg?

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  • +1

    pod style coffee machines which goes on sale very often


    why would the buyers buy from you if they can easily find it at Woolworths at cheaper price?

  • +3

    Just sell whatever gift card or store discount you have…

  • I can't think for any particular item.
    One way is to get a heavily discounted item in bulk. Could be a lot of effort for little reward though.

  • +3

    Basically it is from clearance items.

    each store has different clearance items and sometimes you score big(ish) time when they basically give the product away.

    Like 10 years ago albury woolworths cleared out their 2gb usb sticks for $4 each. I bought all 15 of them and sold them for ~$20 or so each. certainly not huge money but it was basically free money for very little effort.

    HP printer cartridges. you wait for a HP cashback and at the same time woolworths is clearing the HP cartridges.

    so the cash back basically pays for the cartridges and then it's profit from ebay.

  • Seems to be some good discounts available via https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/341563 but not exactly sure what to spend the voucher on as even one big shop might not use a full voucher.

    I think they can be used for alcohol? Maybe it's time to stock up

  • baby formula, suprised no one has mentioned this

  • -1

    Why would woolworths be selling things at a price low enough to on-sell it on ebay…? They're a multi billion dollar business, not a charity, I'm pretty sure they'd be getting what they can for it

    • The OP probably wants to take advantage of the "Spend $x, get Google Home Mini/Points" Woolworths Rewards promos going around…

  • Seriously, no one's said batteries yet?

  • haha. funny as i saw them on sale today. But the resale/postage would have to be a pain in the ass

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